# Prevent JavaScript Abuse on Server Rendered Themes (`AssetSizeJavaScript`)
For server rendered pages, it is an anti-pattern to execute large JavaScript bundles on every navigation.
This doesn't mean they don't have a reason to exist. For instance, chat widgets are mini applications embedded inside web pages. Designing such an app with server rendered updates would be absurd. However, if only 10% of the users interact with the chat widget, the other 90% should not have to execute the entire bundle on every page load.
The natural solution to this problem is to implement the chat widget using the [Import on Interaction Pattern][ioip].
## Check Details
This rule disallows the use of theme JavaScript files and external scripts to have a compressed size greater than a configured `threshold_in_bytes`.
:-1: Examples of **incorrect** code for this check:
:+1: Example of **correct** code for this check:
## Check Options
The default configuration is the following.
enabled: false
threshold_in_bytes: 10000
### `threshold_in_bytes`
The `threshold_in_bytes` option (default: `10000`) determines the maximum allowed compressed size in bytes that a single JavaScript file can take.
This includes theme and remote scripts.
## When Not To Use It
When you can't do anything about it, it is preferable to disable this rule using the comment syntax:
{% # theme-check-disable AssetSizeJavaScript %}
{% # theme-check-enable AssetSizeJavaScript %}
This makes disabling the rule an explicit affair and shows that the code is smelly.
## Version
This check has been introduced in Theme Check 0.5.0.
## Resources
- [The Import On Interaction Pattern][ioip]
- [Rule Source][codesource]
- [Documentation Source][docsource]
[ioip]: https://addyosmani.com/blog/import-on-interaction/
[codesource]: /lib/theme_check/checks/asset_size_javascript.rb
[docsource]: /docs/checks/asset_size_javascript.md