# Change log ## master ## 1.5.1 (2024-04-05) - Add `anycable-rails-core.rb` to avoid adding `require: ["anycable-rails"]` to Gemfiles manually. ([@palkan][]) - Mount HTTP RPC independently of the current Action Cable adapter. ([@palkan][]) This makes it possible to use it in tests without manually adding the middleware. ## 1.5.0 (2024-04-01) - Allow specifying the _whispering_ stream via `#stream_from(..., whisper: true)`. ([@palkan][]) You can use specify the stream to use for _whispering_ (client-initiated broadcasts) by adding `whisper: true` to the `#stream_from` (or `#stream_for`) method call. NOTE: This feature is only supported when using AnyCable server and ignored otherwise. - Support passing objects to `ActionCable.server.broadcast`. ([@palkan][]) Make it possible to call `ActionCable.server.broadcast(user, data)` or `ActionCable.server.broadcast([user, :context], data)`. This is a companion functionality for `#signed_stream_name`. - Added `websocket_url` configuration option to specify the URL of AnyCable server. ([@palkan][]) It's used to configure `config.action_cable.url` if AnyCable is activated. No need to set up it manually. - Added `rails g anycable:bin` to create a binstub to run AnyCable server. ([@palkan][]) - Added signed streams helpers. ([@palkan][]) You can use `#signed_stream_name(streamable)` to generate a signed stream name. - Added JWT authentication helpers. ([@palkan][]) No more need in a separate `anycable-rails-jwt` gem. ## 1.4.5 - Restrict `anycable` gem version. ## 1.4.4 (2024-03-08) 🌷 - Minor fixes ## 1.4.3 (2023-12-13) - Fix console logging in Rails 7.1 when the app's logger has no broadcast support. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.4.2 (2023-10-15) - Print warning if the database pool size is less than RPC pool size. ([@palkan][]) - Add support for broadcast options (e.g., `exclude_socket`) and `broadcast ..., to_others: true`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `batch_broadcasts` option to automatically batch broadcasts for code wrapped in Rails executor. ([@palkan][]) - Fix broadcast logging in Rails 7.1. ([@iuri-gg][]) ## 1.4.1 (2023-09-27) - Fix compatibility with Rails 7.1. ([@palkan][]) - Upgrade `anycable:setup` generator to support v1.4 features. ([@palkan][]) Add `bin/anycable-go` to use `anycable-go` locally. Add `--rpc=http` to configure for using AnyCable with HTTP RPC. ## 1.4.0 (2023-07-07) - Add HTTP RPC integration. ([@palkan][]) Specify `http_rpc_mounth_path` in your `anycable.yml` to enable HTTP RPC. - Fix `anycable:download` command. ([@palkan][]) Detect MacOS arm64, create target bin path if it doesn't exist. ## 1.3.7 (2023-02-28) - Fix `anycable` gem dependency constraints. - Require Ruby 2.7+. ## 1.3.6 (2023-02-28) - Handle `nil` streams gracefully. ([@palkan][]) - Report exceptions via the `Rails.error.report` interface. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.3.5 (2023-01-04) - Make misconfiguration error more informative. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.3.4 (2022-06-28) - Add support and backport for Connection command callbacks. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.3.3 (2022-04-20) - Added `sid` (unique connection identifier) field to the `welcome` message if present. ([@palkan][]) - Fixed handling Ruby Logger incompatible loggers. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.3.2 (2022-03-04) - Allow Ruby 2.6. ## 1.3.1 (2022-02-28) - Fix Action Cable Channel patch to not change methods signatures. ([@palkan][]) Otherwise it could lead to conflicts with other patches. ## 1.3.0 (2022-02-21) - Introduce `AnyCable::Rails.extend_adapter!` to make any pubsub adapter AnyCable-compatible. ([@palkan][]) - Refactored Action Cable patching to preserve original functionality and avoid monkey-patching collisions. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.2.1 (2022-01-31) - Add a temporary fix to be compatible with `sentry-rails`. ([@palkan][]) See [#165](https://github.com/anycable/anycable-rails/issues/165). - Run embedded RPC server only if `any_cable` adapter is used for Action Cable. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.2.0 (2021-12-21) 🎄 - Drop Rails 5 support. - Drop Ruby 2.6 support. ## 1.1.4 (2021-11-11) - Added `Connection#state_attr_accessor`. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.1.3 (2021-10-11) - Relax Action Cable dependency. ([@palkan][]) Action Cable 5.1 is allowed (though not recommended). ## 1.1.2 (2021-06-23) - Bring back dependency on `anycable` (instead of `anycable-core`). ([@palkan][]) Make it easier to get started by adding just a single gem. ## 1.1.1 (2021-06-08) - Updated documentation links in the generator. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.1.0 🚸 (2021-06-01) - No changes since 1.1.0.rc1.1. ## 1.1.0.rc1.1 (2021-05-12) - Fixed config loading regression introduced in 1.1.0.rc1. ## 1.1.0.rc1 (2021-05-12) - Adding `anycable` or `grpc` gem as an explicit dependency is required. Now, `anycable-rails` depends on `anycable-core`, which doesn't include gRPC server implementation. You should either add `anycable` or `grpc` (>= 1.37) gem as an explicit dependency. - Add option to embed AnyCable RPC into a Rails server process. ([@palkan][]) Set `embedded: true` in the configuration to launch RPC along with `rails s` (only for Rails 6.1+). - **Ruby >= 2.6** is required. - **Rails >= 6.0** is required. ## 1.0.7 (2021-03-05) - Ruby 3 compatibility. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.0.6 (2021-02-25) - Keep an explicit list of instance vars to ignore in compatibility checks. ([@palkan][]) You can ignore custom vars by adding them to the list: `AnyCable::Compatibility::IGNORE_INSTANCE_VARS << :@my_var`. ## 1.0.5 (2021-02-24) - Fixed bug with compatibility false negatives in development. ([@palkan][]) See [#151](https://github.com/anycable/anycable-rails/issues/151). ## 1.0.4 (2020-10-02) - Relax Rails dependencies. ([@palkan][]) Only add `actioncable` and `globalid` as runtime dependencies, not the whole `rails`. ## 1.0.3 (2020-09-16) - Fixed bug with building a request object when session store is absent. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.0.2 (2020-09-08) - Added missing channel state support to `#unsubscribed` callbacks. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.0.1 (2020-07-07) - Fixed patching Action Cable testing classes. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.0.0 (2020-07-01) - Support `rescue_from` in connections (Rails 6.1). ([@palkan][]) - Make AnyCable patches compatible with Action Cable testing. ([@palkan][]) - Do not add localhost `redis_url` to `anycable.yml` when Docker development method is chosen in `anycable:setup`. ([@palkan][]) - Fix connection identifiers deserialization regression. ([@palkan][]) Using non-strings or non-GlobalId-encoded objects was broken. - Improve `anycable:setup` generator. ([@palkan][]) Update Docker snippet, do not enable persistent sessions automatically, fix setting `config.action_cable.url` in environment configuration. - Add `state_attr_accessor` for channels. ([@palkan][]) Just like `attr_accessor` but "persists" the state between RPC calls. - Add `Channel#stop_stream_from` support. ([@palkan][]) - Add `RemoteConnections` support. ([@palkan][]) - Add `AnyCable::Rails.enabled?` method which returns true if Action Cable uses AnyCable adapter. ([@palkan][]) - Add `anycable:download` generator to download `anycable-go` binary. ([@palkan][]) - **Ruby 2.5+ is required**. ([@palkan][]) - Support `disconnect` messages. ([@palkan][]) Added in Rails 6 (see [PR#34194](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/34194)). - Add ability to persist _dirty_ `request.session` between RPC calls. ([@palkan][]) This feature emulates the Action Cable behaviour where it's possible to use `request.session` as a shared Hash-like store. This could be used by some applications (e.g., [StimulusReflex](https://github.com/hopsoft/stimulus_reflex)-based). You must turn this feature on by setting `persistent_session_enabled: true` in the AnyCable configuration. - Add ability to use Rack middlewares when build a request for a connection. ([@bibendi][]) - Add set up generator to configure a Rails application by running `bin/rails g anycable:setup`. ([@bibendi][]) - Require a minimum version of Ruby when installing the gem. ([@bibendi][]) - Add ability to develop the gem with Docker. ([@bibendi][]) See [Changelog](https://github.com/anycable/anycable-rails/blob/0-6-stable/CHANGELOG.md) for versions <1.0.0. [@palkan]: https://github.com/palkan [@alekseyl]: https://github.com/alekseyl [@DmitryTsepelev]: https://github.com/DmitryTsepelev [@sponomarev]: https://github.com/sponomarev [@bibendi]: https://github.com/bibendi