# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # Shows the font selection dialog and returns the font selected by user or invalid font (use {Wx::Font#is_ok} to test whether a font is valid) if the dialog was cancelled.
  # @param parent [Wx::Window]  The parent window for the font selection dialog.
  # @param fontInit [Wx::Font,Wx::FontInfo]  If given, this will be the font initially selected in the dialog.
  # @param caption [String]  If given, this will be used for the dialog caption.
  # @return [Wx::Font]
  def self.get_font_from_user(parent, fontInit, caption=('')) end
  # This class represents the font chooser dialog.
  # === 
  # Category:  Common Dialogs
  # @see wxFontDialog Overview
  # @see  Wx::FontData
  # @see  get_font_from_user 
  class FontDialog < Dialog
    # Returns the font data associated with the font dialog.
    # @return [Wx::FontData]
    def get_font_data; end
    alias_method :font_data, :get_font_data
    # @overload initialize()
    #   Default ctor.
    #   {Wx::FontDialog#create} must be called before the dialog can be shown.
    #   @return [Wx::FontDialog]
    # @overload initialize(parent)
    #   Constructor with parent window.
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    #   @return [Wx::FontDialog]
    # @overload initialize(parent, data)
    #   Constructor.
    #   Pass a parent window, and the font data object to be used to initialize the dialog controls.
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param data [Wx::FontData] 
    #   @return [Wx::FontDialog]
    def initialize(*args) end
    # @overload create(parent)
    #   Creates the dialog if the {Wx::FontDialog} object had been initialized using the default constructor.
    #   true on success and false if an error occurred.
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    #   @return [Boolean]
    # @overload create(parent, data)
    #   Creates the dialog if the {Wx::FontDialog} object had been initialized using the default constructor.
    #   true on success and false if an error occurred.
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param data [Wx::FontData] 
    #   @return [Boolean]
    def create(*args) end
    # Shows the dialog, returning {Wx::StandardID::ID_OK} if the user pressed Ok, and {Wx::StandardID::ID_CANCEL} otherwise.
    # If the user cancels the dialog (ShowModal returns {Wx::StandardID::ID_CANCEL}), no font will be created. If the user presses OK, a new {Wx::Font} will be created and stored in the font dialog's {Wx::FontData} structure.
    # @see Wx::FontDialog#get_font_data 
    # @return [Integer]
    def show_modal; end
  end # FontDialog
