# Spec Tests for the Launchd provider # require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:launchd) do let (:joblabel) { "com.foo.food" } let (:provider) { subject.class } let (:launchd_overrides) { '/var/db/launchd.db/com.apple.launchd/overrides.plist' } let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => joblabel, :provider => :launchd) } subject { resource.provider } describe "the type interface" do %w{ start stop enabled? enable disable status}.each do |method| it { should respond_to method.to_sym } end end describe 'the status of the services' do it "should call the external command 'launchctl list' once" do provider.expects(:launchctl).with(:list).returns(joblabel) provider.expects(:jobsearch).with(nil).returns({joblabel => "/Library/LaunchDaemons/#{joblabel}"}) provider.prefetch({}) end it "should return stopped if not listed in launchctl list output" do provider.expects(:launchctl).with(:list).returns('com.bar.is_running') provider.expects(:jobsearch).with(nil).returns({'com.bar.is_not_running' => "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bar.is_not_running"}) provider.prefetch({}).last.status.should eq :stopped end it "should return running if listed in launchctl list output" do provider.expects(:launchctl).with(:list).returns('com.bar.is_running') provider.expects(:jobsearch).with(nil).returns({'com.bar.is_running' => "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bar.is_running"}) provider.prefetch({}).last.status.should eq :running end after :each do provider.instance_variable_set(:@job_list, nil) end end describe "when checking whether the service is enabled on OS X 10.5" do it "should return true in if the job plist says disabled is false" do subject.expects(:has_macosx_plist_overrides?).returns(false) subject.expects(:plist_from_label).with(joblabel).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => false}]) subject.enabled?.should == :true end it "should return true in if the job plist has no disabled key" do subject.expects(:has_macosx_plist_overrides?).returns(false) subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {}]) subject.enabled?.should == :true end it "should return false in if the job plist says disabled is true" do subject.expects(:has_macosx_plist_overrides?).returns(false) subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => true}]) subject.enabled?.should == :false end end describe "when checking whether the service is enabled on OS X 10.6" do it "should return true if the job plist says disabled is true and the global overrides says disabled is false" do provider.expects(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6") subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {"Disabled" => true}]) provider.expects(:read_plist).returns({joblabel => {"Disabled" => false}}) FileTest.expects(:file?).with(launchd_overrides).returns(true) subject.enabled?.should == :true end it "should return false if the job plist says disabled is false and the global overrides says disabled is true" do provider.expects(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6") subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {"Disabled" => false}]) provider.expects(:read_plist).returns({joblabel => {"Disabled" => true}}) FileTest.expects(:file?).with(launchd_overrides).returns(true) subject.enabled?.should == :false end it "should return true if the job plist and the global overrides have no disabled keys" do provider.expects(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6") subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]) provider.expects(:read_plist).returns({}) FileTest.expects(:file?).with(launchd_overrides).returns(true) subject.enabled?.should == :true end end describe "when starting the service" do it "should call any explicit 'start' command" do resource[:start] = "/bin/false" subject.expects(:texecute).with(:start, ["/bin/false"], true) subject.start end it "should look for the relevant plist once" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]).once subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :true subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, joblabel]) subject.start end it "should execute 'launchctl load' once without writing to the plist if the job is enabled" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :true subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, joblabel]).once subject.start end it "should execute 'launchctl load' with writing to the plist once if the job is disabled" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns(:false) subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, "-w", joblabel]).once subject.start end it "should disable the job once if the job is disabled and should be disabled at boot" do resource[:enable] = false subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {"Disabled" => true}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :false subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, "-w", joblabel]) subject.expects(:disable).once subject.start end it "(#2773) should execute 'launchctl load -w' if the job is enabled but stopped" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns(:true) subject.expects(:status).returns(:stopped) subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, '-w', joblabel]) subject.start end it "(#16271) Should stop and start the service when a restart is called" do subject.expects(:stop) subject.expects(:start) subject.restart end end describe "when stopping the service" do it "should call any explicit 'stop' command" do resource[:stop] = "/bin/false" subject.expects(:texecute).with(:stop, ["/bin/false"], true) subject.stop end it "should look for the relevant plist once" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]).once subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :true subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, '-w', joblabel]) subject.stop end it "should execute 'launchctl unload' once without writing to the plist if the job is disabled" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :false subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, joblabel]).once subject.stop end it "should execute 'launchctl unload' with writing to the plist once if the job is enabled" do subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :true subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, '-w', joblabel]).once subject.stop end it "should enable the job once if the job is enabled and should be enabled at boot" do resource[:enable] = true subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {"Disabled" => false}]) subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :true subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, "-w", joblabel]) subject.expects(:enable).once subject.stop end end describe "when enabling the service" do it "should look for the relevant plist once" do ### Do we need this test? Differentiating it? resource[:enable] = true subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]).once subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :false subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, joblabel]) subject.stop end it "should check if the job is enabled once" do resource[:enable] = true subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]).once subject.expects(:enabled?).once subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, joblabel]) subject.stop end end describe "when disabling the service" do it "should look for the relevant plist once" do resource[:enable] = false subject.expects(:plist_from_label).returns([joblabel, {}]).once subject.expects(:enabled?).returns :true subject.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, '-w', joblabel]) subject.stop end end describe "when enabling the service on OS X 10.6" do it "should write to the global launchd overrides file once" do resource[:enable] = true provider.expects(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6") provider.expects(:read_plist).returns({}) Plist::Emit.expects(:save_plist).once subject.enable end end describe "when disabling the service on OS X 10.6" do it "should write to the global launchd overrides file once" do resource[:enable] = false provider.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6") provider.stubs(:read_plist).returns({}) Plist::Emit.expects(:save_plist).once subject.enable end end describe "when encountering malformed plists" do let(:plist_without_label) do { 'LimitLoadToSessionType' => 'Aqua' } end let(:busted_plist_path) { '/Library/LaunchAgents/org.busted.plist' } it "[17624] should warn that the plist in question is being skipped" do provider.expects(:launchd_paths).returns(['/Library/LaunchAgents']) provider.expects(:return_globbed_list_of_file_paths).with('/Library/LaunchAgents').returns([busted_plist_path]) provider.expects(:read_plist).with(busted_plist_path).returns(plist_without_label) Puppet.expects(:warning).with("The #{busted_plist_path} plist does not contain a 'label' key; Puppet is skipping it") provider.jobsearch end it "[15929] should skip plists that plutil cannot read" do provider.expects(:plutil).with('-convert', 'xml1', '-o', '/dev/stdout', busted_plist_path).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, 'boom') Puppet.expects(:warning).with("Cannot read file #{busted_plist_path}; " + "Puppet is skipping it. \n" + "Details: boom") provider.read_plist(busted_plist_path) end end end