module ExceptionNotificationServer class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :backtrace, Array serialize :data, Hash serialize :request, Hash serialize :session, Hash serialize :environment, Hash belongs_to :parent, class: ExceptionNotificationServer::Notification has_many :childrens, class: ExceptionNotificationServer::Notification, foreign_key: :parent_id scope :base_notifications, ->(status = nil) { status.present? ? where(parent: nil, status: status) : where(parent: nil) } STATUSES = [:new, :investigating, :fixed].freeze STATUSES.each do |status| scope "#{status}_notifications", -> { where(status: status) } end scope :application, ->(application = nil) { application.present? ? where(application: application) : all } scope :env, ->(env = nil) { env == 'all' ? all : where(env: env || Rails.env) } before_create do self.status = :new self.exception_hash = gen_exception_hash self.parent_id = Notification.where(exception_hash: exception_hash, status: [:new, :investigating]).first.try(:id) end def similar parent_id.nil? ? childrens : Notification.where(arel_table[:id].eq(parent_id).or(arel_table[:parent_id].eq(parent_id).and(arel_table[:id].eq(id).not))) end def similar_count(from = nil) return childrens.length + 1 if from.nil? childrens.count { |notification| notification.created_at >= from } + (created_at >= from ? 1 : 0) end def similar_count_sparkline(from = 1.month.ago.beginning_of_day) graph_data(from).values end def similar_count_flot(from = 3.month.ago.beginning_of_day) graph_data(from).to_a end def last_time [self, *childrens].sort_by(&:created_at).last.created_at end def update_recursive(updates) Notification.where(parent_id: base_id).update_all(updates) if base_id.present? end def update_recursive_all(updates) Notification.where(arel_table[:id].eq(base_id).or(arel_table[:parent_id].eq(base_id))).update_all(updates) if base_id.present? end # Those 4 fields can contain a lot of information (like 0.22mb), so we wanna decrease it by removing this info from children notification. # I think it is enough to have this info in base notification. def remove_data update_recursive(data: nil, request: nil, session: nil, environment: nil) end def destroy_recursive Notification.where(arel_table[:id].eq(base_id).or(arel_table[:parent_id].eq(base_id))).delete_all if base_id.present? end [:data, :request, :session, :environment].each do |name| define_method "get_#{name}" do send(name) || parent.try(name) end end protected def graph_data(from) result = from.to_datetime.step(, 1).map { |time| [time.beginning_of_day.to_i * 1000, 0] }.to_h childrens.each { |notification| result[notification.created_at.beginning_of_day.to_i * 1000] += 1 if notification.created_at >= from } result[created_at.beginning_of_day.to_i * 1000] += 1 if created_at >= from result end def arel_table self.class.arel_table end def gen_exception_hash Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{application}#{exception_class}#{exception_message}#{backtrace.to_s.gsub(rails_root, '')}") end def base_id parent_id || id end end end