# Flatspace ruby web app helpers Request helpers for flat space ruby apps running Sinatra. ### Installation ``` gem install flatspace ``` or add to your Gemfile. ### Usage ```ruby # Include as helper in your Sinatra app helpers Flatspace::Helpers::Request # Login redirect unless session[:u] is set login # Password is valid? password_valid? # HTTP Basic auth authentication protect! # Check HTTP Basic authorization authorized? # Colorize input green or red green('text') red('text') # Errors, use for request errors e e[:id] e.any? # Params p p[:i] p[:i] = 'val' # Flash f f[:i] f[:i] = 'val' # Session s s[:u] s[:u] = 'val' # Halt, stop and return h(val) # Go, redirect to path go(path) # Go with flash[:info] go(path, :i => 'message') # Go with flash[:error] go(path, :e => 'error') # Show erb view and use flash.now now(:view) now(:view, :i => 'message') now(:view, :f => 'error') ``` Created and maintained by [Fugroup Ltd.](https://www.fugroup.net) We are the creators of [CrowdfundHQ.](https://crowdfundhq.com) `@authors: Vidar`