module RabbitFeed class ConsumerConnection < RabbitFeed::Connection SUBSCRIPTION_OPTIONS = { consumer_tag: Socket.gethostname, # Use the host name of the server manual_ack: true, # Manually acknowledge messages once they've been processed block: false, # Don't block the thread whilst consuming from the queue, as this breaks during connection recovery }.freeze SEVEN_DAYS_IN_MS = 7.days * 1000 QUEUE_OPTIONS = { durable: true, # Persist across server restart no_declare: false, # Create the queue if it does not exist arguments: { 'x-ha-policy' => 'all', # Apply the queue on all mirrors 'x-expires' => SEVEN_DAYS_IN_MS, # Auto-delete the queue after a period of inactivity (in ms) }, }.freeze def initialize super channel.prefetch(1) @queue = channel.queue RabbitFeed.configuration.queue, queue_options {{ event: :queue_declared, queue: RabbitFeed.configuration.queue, options: queue_options }} bind_on_accepted_routes end def consume &block raise 'This connection already has a consumer subscribed' if connection_in_use? synchronized do begin {{ event: :subscribe_to_queue, queue: RabbitFeed.configuration.queue }} consumer = queue.subscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_OPTIONS) do |delivery_info, properties, payload| handle_message delivery_info, payload, &block end sleep # Sleep indefinitely, as the consumer runs in its own thread rescue SystemExit, Interrupt, SignalException {{ event: :unsubscribe_from_queue, queue: RabbitFeed.configuration.queue }} ensure (cancel_consumer consumer) if consumer.present? end end end def queue_depth @queue.message_count end def purge_queue @queue.purge end private attr_reader :queue def queue_options { auto_delete: RabbitFeed.configuration.auto_delete_queue, }.merge QUEUE_OPTIONS end def bind_on_accepted_routes if RabbitFeed::Consumer.event_routing.present? RabbitFeed::Consumer.event_routing.accepted_routes.each do |accepted_route| queue.bind(, { routing_key: accepted_route }) {{ event: :queue_bound, queue: RabbitFeed.configuration.queue, exchange:, routing_key: accepted_route }} end else queue.bind( {{ event: :queue_bound, queue: RabbitFeed.configuration.queue, exchange: }} end end def acknowledge delivery_info RabbitFeed.log.debug {{ event: :acknowledge, delivery_tag: delivery_info.delivery_tag }} end def handle_message delivery_info, payload, &block RabbitFeed.log.debug {{ event: :handling_message, delivery_tag: delivery_info.delivery_tag }} begin yield payload acknowledge delivery_info rescue => e handle_processing_exception delivery_info, e exit(1) if RabbitFeed.configuration.consumer_exit_after_fail end end def cancel_consumer consumer cancel_ok = consumer.cancel RabbitFeed.log.debug {{ event: :consumer_cancelled, status: cancel_ok, queue: RabbitFeed.configuration.queue }} end def negative_acknowledge delivery_info # Tell rabbit that we were unable to process the message # This will re-queue the message, false, true) RabbitFeed.log.debug {{ event: :negative_acknowledge, delivery_tag: delivery_info.delivery_tag }} end def handle_processing_exception delivery_info, exception negative_acknowledge delivery_info RabbitFeed.log.error {{ event: :processing_exception, delivery_tag: delivery_info.delivery_tag, message: exception.message, backtrace: exception.backtrace.join(',') }} RabbitFeed.exception_notify exception end end end