# = Plugin Handler
# Find plugins across various library managers.
# All plugins are expected to be within a library's designated
# loadpath(s) under a toplevel plugins/ subdirectory.
# By using this assigned space plugins are kept isolated from
# normal library scripts, which helps prevent inadvertent
# name clashes.
# For example, lets say we want to create a pluggable template
# system for our "luckyweb" project. Our lib/
# directory would have the usual luckyweb directory,
# but also now a plugins/luckyweb/ path in which the
# plugin templates would be stored.
# == How To Use
# Usage is very simple. Just supply a glob to the +Plugin.find+
# function.
# Plugin.find('syckle/*')
# A shortcut is provided with [].
# Plugin['syckle/*']
# == Alternate Plugin Location
# By default plugins/ is hardcoded into the system
# as a reliable convention. This is intentional. However,
# if you have specific need for serching for files outside
# that directory you can do so by supplying a :directory
# option to the #find command. Eg.
# Plugin.find('discover.rb', :directory=>'rdoc')
# == A Note on RubyGems
# A way has not yet been devised to isolate the actived version
# of a gem from the latest inactive version. Therefore some
# overlap can occur if an older version of a plugin-containing
# gem has been activated prior to calling Plugin.find(). Such an
# occurance will be rare (considering the use cases of plugins),
# so it is nothing to be overly concerned about. Moreover, it is
# a long-way from the offical Gems plugin policy which is to find
# all matching files from *all* versions using Gem.find_files().
# I quote Eric Hodel, "It's an encouragement to make your plugin
# files as light as possible, such as requiring an additional file
# or calling some very stable API." While an understandable
# encouragment, ultimately it is not a robust solution.
module Plugin
extend self
DIRECTORY = 'plugins'
# Find plugins, searching through standard $LOAD_PATH,
# Roll Libraries and RubyGems.
# Provide a +match+ file glob to find plugins.
# Plugins.find('syckle/*')
def find(match, options={})
plugins = []
plugins.concat find_roll(match, options)
plugins.concat find_loadpath(match, options)
plugins.concat find_gems(match, options)
# Shortcut for #find.
# Plugin['syckle/*']
alias_method :[], :find
# Search roll for current or latest libraries.
def find_roll(match, options={})
plugins = []
directory = options[:directory] || DIRECTORY
if defined?(::Roll)
::Roll::Library.ledger.each do |name, lib|
lib = lib.sort.first if Array===lib
lib.loadpath.each do |path|
find = File.join(lib.location, path, directory, match)
list = Dir.glob(find)
list = list.map{ |d| d.chomp('/') }
# Search standard $LOAD_PATH.
# Activated gem versions are in here too.
def find_loadpath(match, options={})
plugins = []
directory = options[:directory] || DIRECTORY
$LOAD_PATH.uniq.each do |path|
path = File.expand_path(path)
list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, directory, match))
#dirs = dirs.select{ |d| File.directory?(d) }
list = list.map{ |d| d.chomp('/') }
# Search latest gem versions.
# TODO: Is there anyway to skip active gems?
def find_gems(match, options={})
plugins = []
directory = options[:directory] || DIRECTORY
if defined?(::Gem)
::Gem.latest_load_paths do |path|
list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, directory, match))
list = list.map{ |d| d.chomp('/') }