require 'spec_helper' describe ExvoGlobalize do I18n.load_path = ['spec/fixtures/locales/en.yml'] let(:i18n_example) { Factory(:i18n_example) } let(:i18n_nested_example) { Factory(:i18n_nested_example) } let(:i18n_title) { Factory(:i18n_title) } it "respects the default_locale setting" do I18n.default_locale.should eq(:en) end it "provides a valid translation for a given key" do i18n_example.value.should eq(I18n.t(:example)) end it "provides a valid translation for a scoped key" do i18n_nested_example.value.should eq(I18n.t(:example, :scope => [:nested])) end context "translation storage" do let(:hello_world) { 'Hello world' } let(:hello_earth) { 'Hello Earth' } let(:globalize_store_backend) { I18n.backend.backends.detect { |backend| backend.is_a?(I18n::Backend::GlobalizeStore) } } it "stores nested translations in the GlobalizeStore backend" do globalize_store_backend.store_translations(I18n.locale, { :hello => { :world => hello_world} }) I18n.translate('').should eql(hello_world) end it "stores flatten translation in the GlobalizeStore backend" do globalize_store_backend.store_flatten_translation(I18n.locale, '', hello_earth) I18n.translate(:earth, :scope => [:hello]).should eql(hello_earth) end end it "falls back to the YAML file if the translation is missing in the GlobalizeStore backend (db)" do I18n.translate('yaml.title').should eq('YAML Title') end it "prioritizes the translations from GlobalizeStore backend (db) over others" do i18n_title.value.should eq(I18n.translate(:title)) end it "lists available_translations from the Simple backend (YAML files)" do simple_backend = I18n.backend.backends.detect { |backend| backend.is_a?(I18n::Backend::Simple) } simple_backend.available_translations[:en][:title].should eq('YAML Title') end end