require 'spec_helper' describe Mdm::Host do subject(:host) do end let(:architectures) do [ 'armbe', 'armle', 'cbea', 'cbea64', 'cmd', 'java', 'mips', 'mipsbe', 'mipsle', 'php', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 'ruby', 'sparc', 'tty', 'x64', 'x86', 'x86_64', '' ] end let(:states) do [ 'alive', 'down', 'unknown' ] end context 'associations' do it { should have_many(:creds).class_name('Mdm::Cred').through(:services) } it { should have_many(:exploit_attempts).class_name('Mdm::ExploitAttempt').dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:exploited_hosts).class_name('Mdm::ExploitedHost').dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:host_details).class_name('Mdm::HostDetail').dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:hosts_tags).class_name('Mdm::HostTag') } it { should have_many(:loots).class_name('Mdm::Loot').dependent(:destroy).order('loots.created_at DESC') } it { should have_many(:task_hosts).class_name('Mdm::TaskHost').dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:tasks).class_name('Mdm::Task').through(:task_hosts) } context 'module_details' do it { should have_many(:module_details).class_name('Mdm::Module::Detail').through(:module_refs) } context 'with Mdm::Vulns' do let!(:vulns) do FactoryGirl.create_list( :mdm_vuln, 2, :host => host ) end context 'with Mdm::Ref' do let(:name) do FactoryGirl.generate :mdm_ref_name end let!(:ref) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_ref, :name => name) end context 'with Mdm::VulnRefs' do let!(:vuln_refs) do vulns.collect { |vuln| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln_ref, :ref => ref, :vuln => vuln) } end context 'with Mdm::Module::Detail' do let!(:module_detail) do FactoryGirl.create( :mdm_module_detail ) end context 'with Mdm::Module::Ref with same name as Mdm::Ref' do let!(:module_ref) do FactoryGirl.create( :mdm_module_ref, :detail => module_detail, :name => name ) end it 'should list unique Mdm::Module::Detail' do host.module_details.should =~ [module_detail] end it 'should have duplicate Mdm::Module::Details if collected through chain' do vuln_refs = [] host.vulns.each do |vuln| # @todo vuln_refs += vuln.vulns_refs end refs = [] vuln_refs.each do |vuln_ref| refs << vuln_ref.ref end module_refs = [] refs.each do |ref| module_refs += ref.module_refs end module_details = [] module_refs.each do |module_ref| module_details << module_ref.detail end host.module_details.count.should < module_details.length module_details.uniq.count.should == host.module_details.count end end end end end end end it { should have_many(:module_refs).class_name('Mdm::Module::Ref').through(:refs) } it { should have_many(:notes).class_name('Mdm::Note').dependent(:delete_all).order('notes.created_at') } it { should have_many(:refs).class_name('Mdm::Ref').through(:vuln_refs) } it { should have_many(:services).class_name('Mdm::Service').dependent(:destroy).order('services.port, services.proto') } it { should have_many(:service_notes).through(:services) } it { should have_many(:sessions).class_name('Mdm::Session').dependent(:destroy).order('sessions.opened_at') } it { should have_many(:tags).class_name('Mdm::Tag').through(:hosts_tags) } it { should have_many(:vulns).class_name('Mdm::Vuln').dependent(:delete_all) } it { should have_many(:vuln_refs).class_name('Mdm::VulnRef') } it { should have_many(:web_sites).class_name('Mdm::WebSite').through(:services) } it { should belong_to(:workspace).class_name('Mdm::Workspace') } end context 'callbacks' do context 'before destroy' do context 'cleanup_tags' do context 'with tags' do let!(:tag) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_tag) end let!(:host) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host) end context 'with only this host' do before(:each) do FactoryGirl.create( :mdm_host_tag, :host => host, :tag => tag ) end it 'should destroy the tags' do expect { host.destroy }.to change(Mdm::Tag, :count).by(-1) end it 'should destroy the host tags' do expect { host.destroy }.to change(Mdm::HostTag, :count).by(-1) end end context 'with additional hosts' do let(:other_host) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host) end before(:each) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host_tag, :host => host, :tag => tag) FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host_tag, :host => other_host, :tag => tag) end it 'should not destroy the tag' do expect { host.destroy }.to_not change(Mdm::Tag, :count) end it 'should destroy the host tags' do expect { host.destroy }.to change(Mdm::HostTag, :count).by(-1) end it "should not destroy the other host's tags" do host.destroy other_host.hosts_tags.count.should == 1 end end end end end end context 'CONSTANTS' do context 'ARCHITECTURES' do subject(:architectures) do described_class::ARCHITECTURES end it 'should be an Array' do architectures.should be_an Array architectures.each do |architecture| architecture.should be_a String end end it 'should include both endians of ARM' do architectures.should include('armbe') architectures.should include('armle') end it 'should include 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Cell Broadband Engine Architecture' do architectures.should include('cbea') architectures.should include('cbea64') end it 'should include cmd for command shell' do architectures.should include('cmd') end it 'should include java for Java Virtual Machine' do architectures.should include('java') end it 'should include plain and endian-ware MIPS' do architectures.should include('mips') architectures.should include('mipsbe') architectures.should include('mipsle') end it 'should include php for PHP code' do architectures.should include('php') end it 'should include 32-bit and 64-bit PowerPC' do architectures.should include('ppc') architectures.should include('ppc64') end it 'should include ruby for Ruby code' do architectures.should include('ruby') end it 'should include sparc for Sparc' do architectures.should include('sparc') end it 'should include tty for Terminals' do architectures.should include('tty') end it 'should include 32-bit and 64-bit x86' do architectures.should include('x64') architectures.should include('x86') architectures.should include('x86_64') end end context 'SEARCH_FIELDS' do subject(:search_fields) do described_class::SEARCH_FIELDS end it 'should be an Array' do search_fields.should be_an Array search_fields.each { |search_field| search_field.should be_a String } end it 'should cast address to text' do search_fields.should include('address::text') end it { should include('comments') } it { should include('mac') } it { should include('name') } it { should include('os_flavor') } it { should include('os_name') } it { should include('os_sp') } it { should include('purpose') } end it 'should define STATES in any order' do described_class::STATES.should =~ states end end context 'database' do context 'columns' do it { should have_db_column(:address).of_type(:string).with_options(:null => false) } it { should have_db_column(:arch).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:comm).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:comments).of_type(:text) } it { should have_db_column(:info).of_type(:string).with_options(:limit => 2 ** 16) } it { should have_db_column(:mac).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:name).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:os_flavor).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:os_lang).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:os_name).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:os_sp).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:purpose).of_type(:text) } it { should have_db_column(:scope).of_type(:text) } it { should have_db_column(:state).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:virtual_host).of_type(:text) } it { should have_db_column(:workspace_id).of_type(:integer).with_options(:null => false) } context 'counter caches' do it { should have_db_column(:exploit_attempt_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } it { should have_db_column(:host_detail_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } it { should have_db_column(:note_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } it { should have_db_column(:service_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } it { should have_db_column(:vuln_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } end context 'timestamps' do it { should have_db_column(:created_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { should have_db_column(:updated_at).of_type(:datetime) } end end context 'indices' do it { should have_db_index([:workspace_id, :address]).unique(true) } it { should have_db_index(:name) } it { should have_db_index(:os_flavor) } it { should have_db_index(:os_name) } it { should have_db_index(:purpose) } it { should have_db_index(:state) } end end context 'factories' do context 'full_mdm_host' do subject(:full_mdm_host) do end it { should be_valid } end context 'mdm_host' do subject(:mdm_host) do end it { should be_valid } end end context 'validations' do context 'address' do it { should ensure_exclusion_of(:address).in_array(['']) } it { should validate_presence_of(:address) } # can't use validate_uniqueness_of(:address).scoped_to(:workspace_id) because it will attempt to set workspace_id # to `nil`, which will make the `:null => false` constraint on hosts.workspace_id to fail. it 'should validate uniqueness of address scoped to workspace_id' do address = '' workspace = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_workspace) FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_host, :address => address, :workspace => workspace) duplicate_host =, :address => address, :workspace => workspace) duplicate_host.should_not be_valid duplicate_host.errors[:address].should include('has already been taken') end end it { should ensure_inclusion_of(:arch).in_array(architectures).allow_blank } it { should ensure_inclusion_of(:state).in_array(states).allow_nil } it { should validate_presence_of(:workspace) } end context 'search scope' do subject(:full_mdm_host) do FactoryGirl.create(:full_mdm_host) end def search_for(str) end context 'searching for an empty string' do it 'should return any hosts in the database' do search_for('').should include(subject) end end context 'searching for an existing Host\'s name' do it 'should return the host' do search_for( include(subject) end end end end