#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Executable to refresh a site within the tracking data repository # This is useful as site information may change over the time ## Usage: refresh [a site|all] require "wmap" require "optparse" # program helper def print_usage puts "Program to refresh the website entry in the local data repository. Usage: refresh --target [a site|all] --data_dir [path ]" end # program command line options options = {:data_dir => nil, :target => nil} parser = OptionParser.new do|opts| opts.banner = Wmap.banner opts.on('-d', '--data_dir data_dir', 'Web Mapper local cache data directory') do |data_dir| options[:data_dir] = data_dir; end opts.on('-t', '--target target', 'Web Mapper target') do |target| options[:target] = target; end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Displays Help') do print Wmap.banner,"\n" print_usage exit 0 end end parser.parse! # print program banner puts Wmap.banner print_usage unless options[:target] store=Wmap::SiteTracker.instance store.verbose = true # Preparing - check out the working logs directory if options[:data_dir] # Log to the instance running directory Log_dir = Pathname.new(options[:data_dir]).join('logs') store.data_dir = options[:data_dir] sites_file = options[:data_dir] + '/' + 'sites' #puts "sites_file: #{sites_file}" store.load_site_stores_from_file(sites_file) else # Log the command entry Log_dir=Pathname.new(Gem.loaded_specs['wmap'].full_gem_path).join('logs') end puts Wmap.banner print_usage # Log_dir=File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../logs/' Wmap.wlog("Execute the command: refresh #{ARGV[0]}","refresh",Log_dir+"wmap.log") #puts "Captured command argument" if options[:target] if options[:target]=="all" # magic token 'all' to refresh all sites in the store # puts "Refresh all sites: #{store.known_sites.keys}" store.refresh_all else # abort "Error: incorrect site syntax! It must be in http(s):://xxx.xxx/ format." unless Wmap::SiteTracker.instance.is_site?(ARGV[0]) store.refresh(options[:target]) end end # please if options[:data_dir] store.save!(sites_file) else store.save! end