= menu_builder With this gem/plugin you get a helper to define menus and also can control the current item of menu in controller. Easy like always should be! == Instalation Rail2 gem.config "menu_builder", :version => '0.2.1' Rails3 gem "menu_builder", '>=0.2.2' == Usage Just install the plugin and see the example below: == Example === Controller class DashboardController < ApplicationController menu_item :mydashboard ... end === View ==== ERB code <%= menu(:id=>"mainMenu", :class=>"menu") do |m| %> <%= m.account 'Account', account_path, :style => 'float: right' %> <%= m.users 'Users', users_path, :style => 'float: right' %> <%= m.mydashboard 'Dashboard', '/' %> <%= m.projects 'Projects', projects_path %> <% end %> ==== HTML Result
==== Blocks for content Also is possible to pass blocks instead of simple strings for content. In this way you can create menu item with icons. Like below: <%= menu do |m| %> <% m.account account_path do %> <%= image_tag "icon.jpg" /> Accounts <% end %> <%= m.users "Users", users_path %> <%= m.posts "Posts", posts_path %> <% end %> == CSS and HTML This plugin don't came with any kind of asset like image or css. The layout of menu depends of your css. You can use any kind of CSS technique you want, like below: You can read a full tutorial and see a working demo of above in this {link}[http://www.google.com/translate?langpair=pt|en&u=http://blog.areacriacoes.com.br//2009/1/23/bordas-arredondas-para-menus-em-abas] == Author Authors:: Daniel Lopes Blog:: {http://blog.areacriacoes.com.br}[http://blog.areacriacoes.com.br] Github:: {http://github.com/danielvlopes}[http://github.com/danielvlopes] Twitter:: {danielvlopes}[http://blog.areacriacoes.com.br] == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. * Send me a pull request :) == License MenuBuilder is released under the MIT License. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Lopes. See LICENSE for details.