namespace :haml do desc 'Convert html.erb to html.haml each file in app/views' task :erb2haml do erb_files = Dir.glob('app/views/**/*.erb').select { |f| File.file? f} haml_files = Dir.glob('app/views/**/*.haml').select { |f| File.file? f} if erb_files.empty? puts "No .erb files found. Task will now exit." exit end haml_files_w_out_ext = { |f| f.gsub(/\.haml\z/, '') } # Get a list of all those erb files that already seem to have .haml equivalents already_existing = { |f| short = f.gsub(/\.erb\z/, ''); haml_files_w_out_ext.include?(short) } puts '-'*80 if already_existing.any? puts "Some of your .html.erb files seem to already have .haml equivalents:" { |f| puts "\t#{f}" } # Ask the user whether he/she would like to overwrite them. begin puts "Would you like to overwrite these .haml files? (y/n)" should_overwrite = STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase[0] end until ['y', 'n'].include?(should_overwrite) puts '-'*80 # If we are not overwriting, remove each already_existing from our erb_files list if should_overwrite == 'n' erb_files = erb_files - already_existing if erb_files.empty? # It is possible no .erb files remain, after we remove already_existing puts "No .erb files remain. Task will now exit." return end else # Delete the current .haml already_existing.each { |f| File.delete(f.gsub(/\.erb\z/, '.haml')) } end end erb_files.each do |file| puts "Generating HAML for #{file}..." `html2haml #{file} #{file.gsub(/\.erb\z/, '.haml')}` end puts '-'*80 puts "HAML generated for the following files:" erb_files.each do |file| puts "\t#{file}" end puts '-'*80 begin puts 'Would you like to delete the original .erb files? (This is not recommended unless you are under version control.) (y/n)' should_delete = STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase[0] end until ['y', 'n'].include?(should_delete) if should_delete == 'y' puts "Deleting original .erb files." File.delete *erb_files else puts "Please remember to delete your .erb files once you have ensured they were translated correctly." end puts '-'*80 puts "Task complete!" end end