require 'thread' #require 'log4r' #include Log4r require 'iowa/SessionStats' module Iowa # Container for an inline generated resource. class Resource attr_accessor :body, :content_type, :headers def initialize(body,content_type=Capplication_data,headers=nil) @body = body @content_type = content_type @headers = headers end end # Custom exception which is thrown if a request does not have a request ID. class IgnoreRequest < Exception; end class NoAction < Exception; end # Custom exception which is thrown if a request asks for a page which has # expired from the cache. class PageExpired < Exception; end # Represents a session between the application and the user. class Session # Default delay between the presentation of the page expired message # (see this below) and the redirect to the top of the application. # Class variable which holds the class of a session. # Define an accessor to make the context object accessible to the # application's code. attr_accessor :context, :application, :currentPage, :requestCount, :pages, :resourceCount, :notes, :access_time, :lock @sessionClass = self def Session.cachedPages @cachedPages end def Session.cachedPages=(val) @cachedPages = val end def Session.cacheTTL @cacheTTL end def Session.cacheTTL=(val) @cacheTTL = val end # Constructor to return a new instance of @sessionClass. def Session.newSession(*args)*args) end def Session.inherited(subclass) @sessionClass = subclass end def self.PageCache @page_cache_class ? : nil end def self.PageCache=(args) @page_cache_class, @page_class_args = Util.get_cache(args,nil,Iowa.config[Csession],Cpagecache,true) end FCM = Iowa::Component.methods.inject({}) {|h,k| h[k] = true; h} unless const_defined?(:FCM) # Initialize the state of the session. def initialize @cachedPages ||= 10 @cacheTTL ||= nil @expiryDelay ||= 1 reset #@lock = @lock = @creation_time = #@statistics = end def statistics @statistics end # Handles the current request from the browser. Essentially all that # is happening is thread synchronizations along with some tests to make # sure that all the data necessary to handle the request exists. # Then the call to handleRequest gets passed on to the object representing # the current page. def handleRequest(context,dispatch_destination = nil) dispatch_destination = if dispatch_destination.is_a?(::String) @fragment = nil #@statistics.hit @access_time = mylog = Logger[Ciowa_log] if @lock.locked?"Session collision. Waiting.") end #mylog.debug("Handle Session for #{dispatch_destination.inspect}") # @lock.synchronize do @lock.lock # begin context.session = self requestPage = @currentPage @context = context unless !context.requestID || dispatch_destination #begin # If the request is for a resource, handle that. return handle_resource(context) if @resources.has_key?("#{context.requestID}.#{context.actionID}") # Bail out if that page is not in the cache. Remember that a request # runs on the current page; it's the response that generates a new page. raise PageExpired unless @pages.include?(context.requestID) requestPage = @pages[context.requestID] if @requestCount != context.requestID and !requestPage.replaceable? requestPage.handleBacktrack end @currentPage = requestPage.replaceable? ? requestPage : requestPage.dup # TODO: Make it a runtime option to reload modified or not. @application.reloadModified( context.phase = :handleRequest @currentPage.session = self @currentPage.handleRequest(context) nextPage = context.invokeAction if nextPage and nextPage.fragment @fragment = nextPage else @currentPage = nextPage if nextPage end @requestCount = #end else @currentPage = requestPage end handleResponse(context, dispatch_destination) rescue PageExpired => e expired(@pages.queue.last,context) rescue NoAction => e "Render last page seen because there is no action -- something is probably not right, here." #expired(@pages.queue.last,context) @currentPage = @pages[@pages.queue.last] @currentPage.session = self handleResponse(context) ensure @lock.unlock # end # end end # Specify a starting page name. def startingPageName; 'Main'; end # Return a component for the starting page; should use startingPageName. def startingPage Component.pageNamed(startingPageName,self) rescue Exception => e Logger[Ciowa_log].error "Starting page selection failed with #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" raise e end # Invokes the handleResponse() method on the object representing the page # and updates the page cache. def handleResponse(context, dispatch_destination = nil) context.phase = :handleResponse return if context.do_not_render @currentPage = Component.pageNamed(dispatch_destination.component,self,nil,nil,nil) if dispatch_destination and dispatch_destination.component @currentPage = startingPage unless @currentPage if !dispatch_destination.nil? and (ddm = dispatch_destination.method) and !FCM.has_key?(ddm) context.phase = :handleRequest verb_specific_method = "#{ddm}_#{context.request.request_method.upcase}" ddm = verb_specific_method if @currentPage.respond_to?(verb_specific_method) if @currentPage.respond_to?(ddm) @application.reloadModified( @currentPage = context.invokeAction(@currentPage,ddm,dispatch_destination.args) || @currentPage else @currentPage = startingPage end context.phase = :handleResponse end fp = @currentPage.fingerprint if fp and @application.rendered_content.has_key?(fp) rc = @application.rendered_content[fp] context.response_buffer << rc[0] context.response.content_type = rc[1] rc[2].each do |k,v| context.response.headers[k] = v end else context.requestID = @requestCount unless @currentPage.replaceable? or (@fragment and @fragment.replaceable?) unless @fragment @currentPage.handleResponse(context) else @fragment.handleResponse(context) end # The Session delays creating the pagecache until it is needed. # This is a performance boost for the most common case, which is # a page with some dynamic content, but no form elements or # dynamic urls that depend on a cached page for meaning. context[:allow_docroot_caching] = @currentPage.allow_docroot_caching? unless context[:skip_pagecache] initialize_pagecache if !@pages @pages[context.requestID] = @currentPage if @currentPage.cacheable? @pages[context.requestID].session = nil if @pages[context.requestID].respond_to?(:session) and @currentPage.cacheable? else @application.rendered_content[fp] = [context.response_buffer,context.response.content_type,context.response.headers] if fp end end rescue Exception => e Logger[Ciowa_log].error "Application#handleResponse exception: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" raise e end # If one passes into resource_url content of some sort plus an optional # content type (default is application/data if not specified), it will # return a URL that can be used to access that content. If, on the # other hand, one passes an arbitrary set of arguments and a block, # a url will be returned that, when accesed, will cause the block to # be executed. If the block returns an instance of Iowa::Resource, # the content in the resource will be returned as a result of calling # that URL, with the content type specified in the resource object. # Any other return value will have that value returned as the result # of calling the URL, with a content type of 'application/data'. # The resources are tied to the page that created them, so they are # available until the page expires. Once the page expires, the # resource is deleted as well. def resource_url(*args,&block) if block_given? resource = [block,args] else resource =[0], args[1], args[2]) end resourceID = "r_#{@requestCount}.#{@resourceCount}" @resources[resourceID] = resource @resources_by_component[@context.requestID] ||= [] @resources_by_component[@context.requestID].push resourceID @resourceCount = return "#{@context.sessionURL}.#{resourceID}#{@context.locationFlag}" end alias :resourceUrl :resource_url def handle_resource(context) r = @resources["#{context.requestID}.#{context.actionID}"] resource = r.kind_of?(Array) ? r[0].call(*r[1]) : r if resource.kind_of? Iowa::Resource context.response_buffer << resource.body context.response.content_type = resource.content_type if resource.headers resource.headers.each do |k,v| context.response.headers[k] = v end end else context.response << resource.to_s context.response.content_type = Capplication_data end end # Redirects the browser to the given URL. Second optional param is a true/false # flag to indicate whether the redirect should be presented as permanent (301) or # not (302). def redirect(url,permanent = false) context.response.headers[CLocation] = url context.response.status = permanent ? 301 : 302 end # Resets the session. Useful as part of logging someone out of an application. # Once the page cache is cleared, they can not backtrack. def reset @currentPage = nil @requestCount = 'a' @resourceCount = 'a' @resources = {} @resources_by_component = {} @notes = {C__keystack => []} unless Iowa.config[Csession][Cpagecache][Cclass] Iowa.config[Csession][Cpagecache][Cclass] = 'iowa/caches/LRUCache' Iowa.config[Csession][Cpagecache][Cmaxsize] = @cachedPages Iowa.config[Csession][Cpagecache][Cttl] = @cacheTTL end self.class.PageCache = nil unless self.class.PageCache end # Clears the page cache. Takes one optional argument. The # first optional argument specifies how many entries to leave in the # page cache; it defaults to 0. def clear_history(leave = 0) ps = @pages.size @pages.size = leave @pages.size = ps GC.start end def [](v) @notes[v] end def []=(k,v) @notes[k] = v end private def initialize_pagecache @pages = self.class.PageCache @pages.add_finalizer(@resources,@resources_by_component) do |key,obj,resources,resources_by_component| if resources_by_component.has_key? key resources_by_component[key].each do |res_id| resources.delete res_id end resources_by_component.delete key end end end # Returns an explanation that the page being requested has expired, then # issues a redirect to the head of the app. It'd be neat if there were # some easy way to configure the contents of this page for an app. def expired(most_recent_page,context) context.response << "<html><head><meta http-equiv=REFRESH content='#{@expiryDelay}; URL=#{context.sessionURL}.#{most_recent_page}.0#{context.locationFlag}'></head><body><b>That page has expired.<p>You are being forwarded to your <a href='#{context.sessionURL}.#{most_recent_page}.0#{context.locationFlag}'>current point</a> in the session. Please continue from there.</b></body></html>" end end end