%html{:lang => "#{current_page.hb_locale}"}
%meta{:charset => 'UTF-8'}
%meta{:name => 'robots', :content => 'noindex'}
%title= current_page.data.title || "#{product_name} Help"
- classes = ["apd-topic", "Aside"]
- id = current_page.hb_NavId
%body{:dir => "ltr", :class => classes, :id => id}
%a{:name => id}
= yield
This layout will be used for every aside portion of your help book. The key
difference is that the meta robots prevents this page from being indexed,
because it's not a free-standing page. Additionally, it's a good idea to
assign your group-definition index files to this layout, as well, since
they have no content and we don’t want them indexed.