=begin #The Plaid API #The Plaid REST API. Please see https://plaid.com/docs/api for more details. The version of the OpenAPI document: 2020-09-14_1.474.0 Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech OpenAPI Generator version: 6.3.0 =end require 'date' require 'time' module Plaid # Object representing metadata pertaining to the document. class CreditDocumentMetadata # The name of the document. attr_accessor :name # The type of document. `PAYSTUB`: A paystub. `BANK_STATEMENT`: A bank statement. `US_TAX_W2`: A W-2 wage and tax statement provided by a US employer reflecting wages earned by the employee. `US_MILITARY_ERAS`: An electronic Retirement Account Statement (eRAS) issued by the US military. `US_MILITARY_LES`: A Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) issued by the US military. `US_MILITARY_CLES`: A Civilian Leave and Earnings Statment (CLES) issued by the US military. `GIG`: Used to indicate that the income is related to gig work. Does not necessarily correspond to a specific document type. `PLAID_GENERATED_PAYSTUB_PDF`: Used to indicate that the PDF for the paystub was generated by Plaid. `NONE`: Used to indicate that there is no underlying document for the data. `UNKNOWN`: Document type could not be determined. attr_accessor :document_type # Signed URL to retrieve the underlying file. For Payroll Income, the file type will always be PDF, and the file may not be available, in which case the field will be `null`. If you would like Plaid to generate a PDF if the original is not available, contact your Account Manager. For Document Income, this field will not be `null`, and the file type will be the original file type uploaded by the user. For more details on available file types, see the [Document Income](https://www.plaid.com/docs/income/payroll-income) documentation. This download URL can only be used once and expires after two minutes. To generate a new download URL, call `/credit/payroll_income/get` again. attr_accessor :download_url # The processing status of the document. `PROCESSING_COMPLETE`: The document was successfully processed. `DOCUMENT_ERROR`: The document could not be processed. Possible causes include: The document was an unacceptable document type such as an offer letter or bank statement, the document image was cropped or blurry, or the document was corrupted. `UNKNOWN` or `null`: An internal error occurred. If this happens repeatedly, contact support or your Plaid account manager. attr_accessor :status # The number of pages of the uploaded document (if available). attr_accessor :page_count # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'name' => :'name', :'document_type' => :'document_type', :'download_url' => :'download_url', :'status' => :'status', :'page_count' => :'page_count' } end # Returns all the JSON keys this model knows about def self.acceptable_attributes attribute_map.values end # Attribute type mapping. def self.openapi_types { :'name' => :'String', :'document_type' => :'String', :'download_url' => :'String', :'status' => :'String', :'page_count' => :'Integer' } end # List of attributes with nullable: true def self.openapi_nullable Set.new([ :'document_type', :'download_url', :'status', :'page_count' ]) end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash)) fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `Plaid::CreditDocumentMetadata` initialize method" end # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym)) fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `Plaid::CreditDocumentMetadata`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect end h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'name') self.name = attributes[:'name'] end if attributes.key?(:'document_type') self.document_type = attributes[:'document_type'] end if attributes.key?(:'download_url') self.download_url = attributes[:'download_url'] end if attributes.key?(:'status') self.status = attributes[:'status'] end if attributes.key?(:'page_count') self.page_count = attributes[:'page_count'] end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new if @name.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "name", name cannot be nil.') end invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? return false if @name.nil? true end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && name == o.name && document_type == o.document_type && download_url == o.download_url && status == o.status && page_count == o.page_count end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Integer] Hash code def hash [name, document_type, download_url, status, page_count].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def self.build_from_hash(attributes) new.build_from_hash(attributes) end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) attributes = attributes.transform_keys(&:to_sym) self.class.openapi_types.each_pair do |key, type| if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? && self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(key) self.send("#{key}=", nil) elsif type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) end end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :Time Time.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :Boolean if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?.+?), (?.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model # models (e.g. Pet) or oneOf klass = Plaid.const_get(type) klass.respond_to?(:openapi_one_of) ? klass.build(value) : klass.build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) if value.nil? is_nullable = self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(attr) next if !is_nullable || (is_nullable && !instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attr}")) end hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end