2.3.1 2015-04-01 ---------------- * Add support for Amazon IN and BR 2.3.0 2014-12-05 ---------------- * Replace deprecated URI::escape with CGI::escape 2.2.5 2014-03-08 ---------------- * Replaced Digest::Digest deprecated call * Read AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY env variables when running test 2.2.4 2012-01-01 ---------------- * Parse with UTF-8 encoding, happy new year :) 2.2.3 2011-12-05 ---------------- * Add Amazon Spain API 2.2.2 2011-11-18 ---------------- * Add VERSION constant in Amazon::Ecs * Update dependent gems version in Gemfile * Add Gemfile as part of the gem content * Update amazon-ecs.gemspec 2.2.1 2011-10-25 ---------------- * Add Gemfile * Rake, run test task by default * Rename README to README.rdoc * Upate README, add search index information 2.2.0 2011-9-06 ---------------- * Upgrade to Product Advertising API version to 2011-08-01 * Fix IT service url and add support for CN URL * Add unit test for all service urls 2.1.1 2011-09-05 ---------------- * Fix wrong JP service url * Add Ecs.browser_node_lookup method 2.1.0 2011-08-18 ---------------- * Update service urls * Raise error when aws_secret_key is not found 2.0.0 2011-05-09 ---------------- * Replace Hpricot parser with Nokogiri * Element/Attribute retrieval to match XPath, name not automatically downcased as in Hpricot 1.2.2 2011-05-07 ---------------- * Add marshal_dump and marshal_load support 1.2.1 2011-02-23 ---------------- * Add support for Amazon Italy 1.2.0 2011-02-07 ---------------- * Remove test/ecs_signature_test.rb and test/test_helper.rb * Fix multibyte search on Ruby 1.9 returns HTTP Response: 403 Forbidden 1.1.0 2010-11-11 ---------------- * Add get_elements, get_element, and attributes instance methods in Amazon::Element * Deprecate Amazon::Element#search_and_convert 1.0.0 2010-11-09 ---------------- * Set default Amazon API version to 2010-10-01 0.5.7 2009-08-28 ---------------- * Added support for to sign request using openssl with fallback on ruby-hmac 0.5.6 2009-07-21 ---------------- * Update parameter value encoding to support special characters 0.5.5 2009-07-18 ---------------- * Sign request 0.5.4 2008-01-02 ---------------- * Add Response#error_code 0.5.3 2007-09-12 ---------------- * send_request to use default options. 0.5.2 2007-09-08 ---------------- * Fixed Amazon::Element.get_unescaped error when result returned for given element path is nil 0.5.1 2007-02-08 ---------------- * Fixed Amazon Japan and France URL error * Removed opts.delete(:search_index) from item_lookup, SearchIndex param is allowed when looking for a book with IdType other than the ASIN. * Check for defined? RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER to avoid exception for non-rails ruby app * Added check for LOGGER constant if RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER is not defined * Added Ecs.configure(&proc) method for easier configuration of default options * Added Element#search_and_convert method 0.5.0 2006-09-12 ---------------- Initial Release