require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' class CatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include DefinesConstants def setup super reset_config HoptoadNotifier.sender = define_constant('RAILS_ROOT', '/path/to/rails/root') end def ignore(exception_class) HoptoadNotifier.configuration.ignore << exception_class end def build_controller_class(&definition) returning do |klass| klass.__send__(:include, HoptoadNotifier::Catcher) klass.class_eval(&definition) if definition define_constant('HoptoadTestController', klass) end end def assert_sent_hash(hash, xpath) hash.each do |key, value| element_xpath = "#{xpath}/var[@key = '#{key}']" if value.respond_to?(:to_hash) assert_sent_hash value.to_hash, element_xpath else assert_sent_element value.to_s, element_xpath end end end def assert_sent_element(value, xpath) assert_valid_node last_sent_notice_document, xpath, value end def assert_sent_request_info_for(request) params = request.parameters.to_hash assert_sent_hash params, '/notice/request/params' assert_sent_element params['controller'], '/notice/request/component' assert_sent_element params['action'], '/notice/request/action' assert_sent_element url_from_request(request), '/notice/request/url' assert_sent_hash request.env, '/notice/request/cgi-data' end def url_from_request(request) url = "#{request.protocol}#{}" unless [80, 443].include?(request.port) url << ":#{request.port}" end url << request.request_uri url end def sender HoptoadNotifier.sender end def last_sent_notice_xml sender.collected.last end def last_sent_notice_document assert_not_nil xml = last_sent_notice_xml, "No xml was sent" Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml) end def process_action(opts = {}, &action) opts[:request] ||= opts[:response] ||= klass = build_controller_class do cattr_accessor :local define_method(:index, &action) def local_request? local end end if opts[:filters] klass.filter_parameter_logging *opts[:filters] end if opts[:user_agent] if opts[:request].respond_to?(:user_agent=) opts[:request].user_agent = opts[:user_agent] else opts[:request].env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = opts[:user_agent] end end if opts[:port] opts[:request].port = opts[:port] end klass.consider_all_requests_local = opts[:all_local] klass.local = opts[:local] controller = controller.stubs(:rescue_action_in_public_without_hoptoad) opts[:request].query_parameters = opts[:request].query_parameters.merge(opts[:params] || {}) opts[:request].session =[:session] || {}) controller.process(opts[:request], opts[:response]) controller end def process_action_with_manual_notification(args = {}) process_action(args) do notify_hoptoad(:error_message => 'fail') # Rails will raise a template error if we don't render something render :nothing => true end end def process_action_with_automatic_notification(args = {}) process_action(args) { raise "Hello" } end should "deliver notices from exceptions raised in public requests" do process_action_with_automatic_notification assert_caught_and_sent end should "not deliver notices from exceptions in local requests" do process_action_with_automatic_notification(:local => true) assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "not deliver notices from exceptions when all requests are local" do process_action_with_automatic_notification(:all_local => true) assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "not deliver notices from actions that don't raise" do controller = process_action { render :text => 'Hello' } assert_caught_and_not_sent assert_equal 'Hello', controller.response.body end should "not deliver ignored exceptions raised by actions" do ignore(RuntimeError) process_action_with_automatic_notification assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "deliver ignored exception raised manually" do ignore(RuntimeError) process_action_with_manual_notification assert_caught_and_sent end should "deliver manually sent notices in public requests" do process_action_with_manual_notification assert_caught_and_sent end should "not deliver manually sent notices in local requests" do process_action_with_manual_notification(:local => true) assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "not deliver manually sent notices when all requests are local" do process_action_with_manual_notification(:all_local => true) assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "continue with default behavior after delivering an exception" do controller = process_action_with_automatic_notification(:public => true) # TODO: can we test this without stubbing? assert_received(controller, :rescue_action_in_public_without_hoptoad) end should "not create actions from Hoptoad methods" do controller = assert_equal [], HoptoadNotifier::Catcher.instance_methods end should "ignore exceptions when user agent is being ignored by regular expression" do HoptoadNotifier.configuration.ignore_user_agent_only = [/Ignored/] process_action_with_automatic_notification(:user_agent => 'ShouldBeIgnored') assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "ignore exceptions when user agent is being ignored by string" do HoptoadNotifier.configuration.ignore_user_agent_only = ['IgnoredUserAgent'] process_action_with_automatic_notification(:user_agent => 'IgnoredUserAgent') assert_caught_and_not_sent end should "not ignore exceptions when user agent is not being ignored" do HoptoadNotifier.configuration.ignore_user_agent_only = ['IgnoredUserAgent'] process_action_with_automatic_notification(:user_agent => 'NonIgnoredAgent') assert_caught_and_sent end should "send session data for manual notifications" do data = { 'one' => 'two' } process_action_with_manual_notification(:session => data) assert_sent_hash data, "/notice/request/session" end should "send session data for automatic notification" do data = { 'one' => 'two' } process_action_with_automatic_notification(:session => data) assert_sent_hash data, "/notice/request/session" end should "send request data for manual notification" do params = { 'controller' => "hoptoad_test", 'action' => "index" } controller = process_action_with_manual_notification(:params => params) assert_sent_request_info_for controller.request end should "send request data for manual notification with non-standard port" do params = { 'controller' => "hoptoad_test", 'action' => "index" } controller = process_action_with_manual_notification(:params => params, :port => 81) assert_sent_request_info_for controller.request end should "send request data for automatic notification" do params = { 'controller' => "hoptoad_test", 'action' => "index" } controller = process_action_with_automatic_notification(:params => params) assert_sent_request_info_for controller.request end should "send request data for automatic notification with non-standard port" do params = { 'controller' => "hoptoad_test", 'action' => "index" } controller = process_action_with_automatic_notification(:params => params, :port => 81) assert_sent_request_info_for controller.request end should "use standard rails logging filters on params and env" do filtered_params = { "abc" => "123", "def" => "456", "ghi" => "[FILTERED]" } ENV['ghi'] = 'abc' filtered_env = { 'ghi' => '[FILTERED]' } filtered_cgi = { 'REQUEST_METHOD' => '[FILTERED]' } process_action_with_automatic_notification(:filters => [:ghi, :request_method], :params => { "abc" => "123", "def" => "456", "ghi" => "789" }) assert_sent_hash filtered_params, '/notice/request/params' assert_sent_hash filtered_cgi, '/notice/request/cgi-data' end context "for a local error with development lookup enabled" do setup do HoptoadNotifier.configuration.development_lookup = true HoptoadNotifier.stubs(:build_lookup_hash_for).returns({ :awesome => 2 }) @controller = process_action_with_automatic_notification(:local => true) @response = @controller.response end should "append custom CSS and JS to response body for a local error" do assert_match /text\/css/, @response.body assert_match /text\/javascript/, @response.body end should "contain host, API key and notice JSON" do assert_match, @response.body assert_match HoptoadNotifier.configuration.api_key.to_json, @response.body assert_match ({ :awesome => 2 }).to_json, @response.body end end context "for a local error with development lookup disabled" do setup do HoptoadNotifier.configuration.development_lookup = false @controller = process_action_with_automatic_notification(:local => true) @response = @controller.response end should "not append custom CSS and JS to response for a local error" do assert_no_match /text\/css/, @response.body assert_no_match /text\/javascript/, @response.body end end should "call session.to_hash if available" do hash_data = {:key => :value} session = ActionController::TestSession.stubs(:new).returns(session) session.stubs(:to_hash).returns(hash_data) process_action_with_automatic_notification assert_received(session, :to_hash) assert_received(session, :data) { |expect| expect.never } assert_caught_and_sent end should "call if session.to_hash is undefined" do hash_data = {:key => :value} session = ActionController::TestSession.stubs(:new).returns(session) session.stubs(:data).returns(hash_data) if session.respond_to?(:to_hash) class << session undef to_hash end end process_action_with_automatic_notification assert_received(session, :to_hash) { |expect| expect.never } assert_received(session, :data) { |expect| expect.at_least_once } assert_caught_and_sent end end