module Compass::Core::SassExtensions::Functions::CrossBrowserSupport class CSS2FallbackValue < Sass::Script::Literal attr_accessor :value, :css2_value def children [value, css2_value] end def initialize(value, css2_value) self.value = value self.css2_value = css2_value end def inspect to_s end def to_s(options = self.options) value.to_s(options) end def supports?(aspect) aspect == "css2" end def has_aspect? true end def to_css2(options = self.options) css2_value end end # Check if any of the arguments passed require a vendor prefix. def prefixed(prefix, *args) assert_type prefix, :String aspect = prefix.value.sub(/^-/,"") needed = args.any?{|a| a.respond_to?(:supports?) && a.supports?(aspect)} end %w(webkit moz o ms svg css2).each do |prefix| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # Syntactic sugar to apply the given prefix # -moz($arg) is the same as calling prefix(-moz, $arg) def _#{prefix}(*args) prefix("#{prefix}", *args) end RUBY end def prefix(prefix, *objects) assert_type prefix, :String if prefix.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Base) prefix = prefix.value if prefix.is_a?(Sass::Script::String) prefix = prefix[1..-1] if prefix[0] == ?- if objects.size > 1 self.prefix(prefix,, :comma)) else object = objects.first if object.is_a?(Sass::Script::List){|e| self.prefix(prefix, e) }, object.separator) elsif object.respond_to?(:supports?) && object.supports?(prefix) && object.respond_to?(:"to_#{prefix}") object.options = options object.send(:"to_#{prefix}") else object end end end def css2_fallback(value, css2_value), css2_value) end # The known browsers. # # If prefix is given, limits the returned browsers to those using the specified prefix. def browsers(prefix = nil) browsers = if prefix assert_type prefix, :String Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.browsers_with_prefix(prefix.value) else Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.browsers end list({|b| identifier(b)}, :comma) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browsers, []) Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browsers, [:prefix]) # The known capabilities of browsers. def browser_capabilities list({|c| identifier(c)}, :comma) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_capabilities, []) # The versions for the given browser. def browser_versions(browser) assert_type browser, :String list(Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.versions(browser.value).map{|v| quoted_string(v)}, :comma) rescue ArgumentError => e raise end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_versions, [:browser]) # whether the browser uses a prefix for the given capability at the version # specified or a later version. Returns the prefix it requires, or null. def browser_requires_prefix(browser, version, capability, capability_options) assert_type browser, :String assert_type version, :String assert_type capability, :String p = Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.requires_prefix(browser.value, version.value, capability.value, unbox_capability_options_list(capability_options)) p ? identifier(p) : null() rescue ArgumentError => e raise end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_requires_prefix, [:browser, :version, :capability]) # the prefix for the given browser. def browser_prefix(browser, version = nil) assert_type browser, :String identifier(Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.prefix(browser.value)) rescue ArgumentError => e raise end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_prefix, [:browser]) Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_prefix, [:browser, :version]) # The prefixes used by the given browsers. def browser_prefixes(browsers) browsers = list(browsers, :comma) if browsers.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String) assert_type browsers, :List browser_strings = {|b| assert_type(b, :String); b.value } prefix_strings = Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.prefixes(browser_strings) list( {|p| identifier(p)}, :comma) rescue ArgumentError => e raise end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_prefixes, [:browsers]) # The percent of users that are omitted by setting the min_version of browser # as specified. def omitted_usage(browser, min_version, max_version = nil) assert_type browser, :String assert_type min_version, :String, :min_version assert_type(max_version, :String, :max_version) if max_version versions = [min_version.value] versions << max_version.value if max_version number(Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.omitted_usage(browser.value, *versions)) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:omitted_usage, [:browser, :min_version]) Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:omitted_usage, [:browser, :min_version, :max_version]) # The version before the version for the browser specified def previous_version(browser, version) assert_type browser, :String assert_type version, :String previous = Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.previous_version(browser.value, version.value) previous.nil? ? null() : quoted_string(previous) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:previous_version, [:browser, :version]) # The version before the version for the browser specified def next_version(browser, version) assert_type browser, :String assert_type version, :String next_version = Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.next_version(browser.value, version.value) next_version.nil? ? null() : quoted_string(next_version) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:next_version, [:browser, :version]) # The percent of users relying on a particular prefix def prefix_usage(prefix, capability, capability_options) assert_type prefix, :String assert_type capability, :String number(Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.prefixed_usage(prefix.value, capability.value, unbox_capability_options_list(capability_options))) rescue ArgumentError => e raise end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:prefix_usage, [:prefix, :capability]) # Compares two browser versions. Returning: # # * 0 if they are the same # * <0 if the first version is less than the second # * >0 if the first version is more than the second def compare_browser_versions(browser, version1, version2) assert_type browser, :String, :browser assert_type version1, :String, :version1 assert_type version2, :String, :version2 index1 = index2 = nil Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.versions(browser.value).each_with_index do |v, i| index1 = i if v == version1.value index2 = i if v == version2.value break if index1 && index2 end unless index1 raise"#{version1} is not a version for #{browser}") end unless index2 raise"#{version2} is not a version for #{browser}") end number(index1 <=> index2) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:compare_browser_versions, [:browser, :version1, :version2]) # Returns a map of browsers to the first version the capability became available # without a prefix. # # If a prefix is provided, only those browsers using that prefix will be returned # and the minimum version will be when it first became available as a prefix or # without a prefix. # # If a browser does not have the capability, it will not included in the map. def browser_ranges(capability, prefix = null(), include_unprefixed_versions = bool(true)) assert_type capability, :String assert_type(prefix, :String) unless prefix == null() mins = Compass::Core::CanIUse.instance.browser_ranges(capability.value, prefix.value, include_unprefixed_versions.to_bool){}) do |m, (h, range)| m[identifier(h)] = list({|version| quoted_string(version)}, :space) m end) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_minimums, [:capability]) Sass::Script::Functions.declare(:browser_minimums, [:capability, :prefix]) private def unbox_capability_options_list(capability_options_list) if capability_options_list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Map) [unbox_capability_options(capability_options_list)] elsif capability_options_list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List){|opts| unbox_capability_options(opts) } else assert_type capability_options_list, :List end end CAPABILITY_OPTION_KEYS = { "full-support" => :full_support, "partial-support" => :partial_support, "prefixed" => :prefixed, "spec-versions" => :spec_versions, } CAPABILITY_OPTION_UNBOXER = { :full_support => lambda {|v| v.to_bool }, :partial_support => lambda {|v| v.to_bool }, :prefixed => lambda {|v| v.to_bool }, :spec_versions => lambda {|versions| {|v| v.value } } } def unbox_capability_options(capability_options) assert_type capability_options, :Map result = {} capability_options.value.each do |k, v| assert_type k, :String key = CAPABILITY_OPTION_KEYS[k.value] unless key raise Sass::SyntaxError, "#{k} is not valid capability option" end result[key] = CAPABILITY_OPTION_UNBOXER[key].call(v) end result end end