# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'openssl' require 'hexapdf/dictionary' require 'hexapdf/error' module HexaPDF module Type # Represents a digital signature that is used to authenticate a user and the contents of the # document. # # == Signature Verification # # Verification of signatures is a complex topic and what counts as completely verified may # differ from use-case to use-case. Therefore HexaPDF provides as much diagnostic information as # possible so that the user can decide whether a signature is valid. # # By defining a custom signature handler one is able to also customize the signature # verification. # # See: PDF1.7 s12.8.1, PDF2.0 s12.8.1, HexaPDF::Type::AcroForm::SignatureField class Signature < Dictionary autoload :Handler, 'hexapdf/type/signature/handler' autoload :AdbeX509RsaSha1, 'hexapdf/type/signature/adbe_x509_rsa_sha1' autoload :AdbePkcs7Detached, 'hexapdf/type/signature/adbe_pkcs7_detached' autoload :VerificationResult, 'hexapdf/type/signature/verification_result' # Represents a transform parameters dictionary. # # The allowed fields depend on the transform method, so not all fields are available all the # time. # # See: PDF1.7 s12.8.2.2, s12.8.2.3, s12.8.2.4 class TransformParams < Dictionary define_type :TransformParams define_field :Type, type: Symbol, default: type # For DocMDP, also used by UR define_field :P, type: [Integer, Boolean] define_field :V, type: Symbol, allowed_values: [:'1.2', :'2.2'] # For UR define_field :Document, type: PDFArray define_field :Msg, type: String define_field :Annots, type: PDFArray, version: '1.5' define_field :Form, type: PDFArray, version: '1.5' define_field :Signature, type: PDFArray define_field :EF, type: PDFArray, version: '1.6' # For FieldMDP define_field :Action, type: Symbol, allowed_values: [:All, :Include, :Exclude] define_field :Fields, type: PDFArray private # All values allowed for the /Annots field FIELD_ANNOTS_ALLOWED_VALUES = [:Create, :Delete, :Modify, :Copy, :Import, :Online, :SummaryView] # All values allowed for the /Form field FIELD_FORM_ALLOWED_VALUES = [:Add, :Delete, :Fillin, :Import, :Export, :SubmitStandalone, :SpawnTemplate, :BarcodePlaintext, :Online] # All values allowed for the /EF field FIELD_EF_ALLOWED_VALUES = [:Create, :Delete, :Modify, :Import] def perform_validation #:nodoc: super # We need to perform the checks here since the values are arrays and not single elements if (annots = self[:Annots]) && !(annots = annots.value - FIELD_ANNOTS_ALLOWED_VALUES).empty? yield("Field /Annots contains invalid entries: #{annots.join(', ')}", true) value[:Annots].value -= annots end if (form = self[:Form]) && !(form = form.value - FIELD_FORM_ALLOWED_VALUES).empty? yield("Field /Form contains invalid entries: #{form.join(', ')}", true) value[:Form].value -= form end if (ef = self[:EF]) && !(ef = ef.value - FIELD_EF_ALLOWED_VALUES).empty? yield("Field /EF contains invalid entries: #{ef.join(', ')}", true) value[:EF].value -= ef end end end # Represents a signature reference dictionary. # # See: PDF1.7 s12.8.1, PDF2.0 s12.8.1, HexaPDF::Type::Signature class SignatureReference < Dictionary define_type :SigRef define_field :Type, type: Symbol, default: type define_field :TransformMethod, type: Symbol, required: true, allowed_values: [:DocMDP, :UR, :FieldMDP] define_field :TransformParams, type: Dictionary define_field :Data, type: ::Object define_field :DigestMethod, type: Symbol, version: '1.5', allowed_values: [:MD5, :SHA1, :SHA256, :SHA384, :SHA512, :RIPEMD160] private def perform_validation #:nodoc: super if self[:TransformMethod] == :FieldMDP && !key?(:Data) yield("Field /Data is required when /TransformMethod is /FieldMDP") end end end define_field :Type, type: Symbol, default: :Sig, allowed_values: [:Sig, :DocTimeStamp] define_field :Filter, type: Symbol define_field :SubFilter, type: Symbol define_field :Contents, type: PDFByteString define_field :Cert, type: [PDFArray, PDFByteString] define_field :ByteRange, type: PDFArray define_field :Reference, type: PDFArray define_field :Changes, type: PDFArray define_field :Name, type: String define_field :M, type: PDFDate define_field :Location, type: String define_field :Reason, type: String define_field :ContactInfo, type: String define_field :R, type: Integer define_field :V, type: Integer, default: 0, version: '1.5' define_field :Prop_Build, type: Dictionary, version: '1.5' define_field :Prop_AuthTime, type: Integer, version: '1.5' define_field :Prop_AuthType, type: Symbol, version: '1.5', allowed_values: [:PIN, :Password, :Fingerprint] # Returns the name of the person or authority that signed the document. def signer_name signature_handler.signer_name end # Returns the time of the signing. def signing_time signature_handler.signing_time end # Returns the reason for the signing. def signing_reason self[:Reason] end # Returns the location of the signing. def signing_location self[:Location] end # Returns the signature type based on the /SubFilter. def signature_type self[:SubFilter].to_s end # Returns the signature handler for this signature based on the /SubFilter entry. def signature_handler cache(:signature_handler) do handler_class = document.config.constantize('signature.sub_filter_map', self[:SubFilter]) do raise HexaPDF::Error, "No or unknown signature handler set: #{self[:SubFilter]}" end handler_class.new(self) end end # Returns the raw signature value. def contents self[:Contents] end # Returns the signed data as indicated by the /ByteRange entry as byte string. def signed_data unless document.revisions.parser raise HexaPDF::Error, "Can't load signed data without existing PDF file" end io = document.revisions.parser.io data = ''.b self[:ByteRange]&.each_slice(2) do |offset, length| io.pos = offset data << io.read(length) end data end # Returns a VerificationResult object with the verification information. def verify(default_paths: true, trusted_certs: [], allow_self_signed: false) store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new store.set_default_paths if default_paths store.purpose = OpenSSL::X509::PURPOSE_SMIME_SIGN trusted_certs.each {|cert| store.add_cert(cert) } signature_handler.verify(store, allow_self_signed: allow_self_signed) end end end end