require 'action_view' ## ## When I receive one. ## class Office::EmailMessage include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :raw, type: :string def the_mail raw ) end field :message_id, type: :string # MESSAGE-ID validates_uniqueness_of :message_id index({ message_id: 1 }, { unique: true, name: "id_idx" }) field :in_reply_to_id, type: :string field :object_key, type: :string ## aka 'filename', use with bucket name + prefix. I need this! # validates_presence_of :object_key field :object_path, type: :string ## A routable s3 url field :subject field :part_html field :part_txt def lead Lead.find_by email: from end field :from, type: :string field :froms, type: Array, default: [] field :to, type: :string field :tos, type: Array, default: [] field :cc, type: :string field :ccs, type: Array, default: [] def all_ccs; (tos||[]) + (ccs||[]) + (froms||[]); end field :bcc, type: :string field :bccs, type: Array, default: [] field :logs, type: Array, default: [] field :date, type: DateTime def received_at date end belongs_to :email_conversation, class_name: 'Office::EmailConversation' def conv email_conversation end has_many :email_attachments, class_name: 'Office::EmailAttachment', inverse_of: :email_message has_many :asset3ds, class_name: 'Gameui::Asset3d', inverse_of: :email_message has_many :attachments, class_name: 'Photo' def apply_filter filter case filter.kind when ::Office::EmailFilter::KIND_DESTROY_SCHS conv.add_tag ::WpTag::TRASH conv.remove_tag ::WpTag::INBOX lead.schs.each do |sch| sch.update_attributes({ state: ::Sch::STATE_TRASH }) end when ::Office::EmailFilter::KIND_ADD_TAG conv.add_tag filter.wp_term_id if ::WpTag::TRASH == ::WpTag.find( filter.wp_term_id ).slug conv.remove_tag ::WpTag::INBOX end when ::Office::EmailFilter::KIND_REMOVE_TAG conv.remove_tag filter.wp_term_id when ::Office::EmailFilter::KIND_AUTORESPOND_TMPL Ish::EmailContext.create({ email_template: filter.email_template, lead_id:, send_at: + 22.minutes, }) when ::Office::EmailFilter::KIND_AUTORESPOND_EACT ::Sch.create({ email_action: filter.email_action, state: ::Sch::STATE_ACTIVE, lead_id:, perform_at: + 22.minutes, }) else raise "unknown filter kind: #{filter.kind}" end end ## From: def self.strip_emoji(text) text = '' if text.blank? text = text.force_encoding('utf-8').encode clean = "" # symbols & pics regex = /[\u{1f300}-\u{1f5ff}]/ clean = text.gsub regex, "" # enclosed chars regex = /[\u{2500}-\u{2BEF}]/ # I changed this to exclude chinese char clean = clean.gsub regex, "" # emoticons regex = /[\u{1f600}-\u{1f64f}]/ clean = clean.gsub regex, "" #dingbats regex = /[\u{2702}-\u{27b0}]/ clean = clean.gsub regex, "" end ## For recursive parts of type `related`. ## Content dispositions: # "inline; creation-date=\"Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:39:42 GMT\"; filename=image005.png; modification-date=\"Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:47:53 GMT\"; size=14916", # ## Content Types: # "application/pdf; name=\"Securities Forward Agreement -- HaulHub Inc -- Victor Pudeyev -- 2021-10-26.docx.pdf\"" # "image/jpeg; name=TX_DL_2.jpg" # "image/png; name=image005.png" # "multipart/alternative; boundary=_000_BL0PR10MB2913C560ADE059F0AB3A6D11829A9BL0PR10MB2913namp_", # "text/html; charset=utf-8" # "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" # "text/calendar; charset=utf-8; method=REQUEST" def churn_subpart part if part.content_disposition&.include?('attachment') ## @TODO: attachments ! ; else if part.content_type.include?("multipart/related") || part.content_type.include?("multipart/alternative") do |subpart| churn_subpart( subpart ) end else # attachment ={ # content: part.decoded, # content_type: part.content_type, # email_message: self, # }) # if part.content_type.include?('text/html') self.part_html = part.decoded elsif part.content_type.include?("text/plain") self.part_txt = part.decoded elsif part.content_type.include?("text/calendar") ; elsif part.content_type.include?("application/pdf") ; elsif part.content_type.include?("image/jpeg") ; elsif part.content_type.include?("image/png") ; else self.logs.push "444 No action for a part with content_type #{part.content_type}" end end end end def body_sanitized ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize( part_html||'' ).squish end def preview_str body_sanitized[0..200] end end ::Msg = Office::EmailMessage