Feature: Specifying Actions
Specifying which actions to allow on my resource
Scenario: Only creating the index action
Given a configuration of:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
actions :index
index do
column do |post|
link_to "View", "/admin/posts/1"
And I am logged in
And a post with the title "Hello World" exists
When I am on the index page for posts
Then an "ActionController::RoutingError" exception should be raised when I follow "View"
Scenario: Specify a custom collection action with template
Given a configuration of:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
action_item(:import, only: :index) do
link_to('Import Posts', import_admin_posts_path)
collection_action :import
Given "app/views/admin/posts/import.html.arb" contains:
para "We are currently working on this feature..."
And I am logged in
When I am on the index page for posts
And I follow "Import"
Then I should see "We are currently working on this feature"
Scenario: Specify a custom member action with template
Given a configuration of:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
action_item(:review, only: :show) do
link_to('Review', review_admin_post_path)
member_action :review do
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
Given "app/views/admin/posts/review.html.erb" contains:
Review: <%= @post.title %>
And I am logged in
And a post with the title "Hello World" exists
When I am on the index page for posts
And I follow "View"
And I follow "Review"
Then I should see "Review: Hello World"
And I should see the page title "Review"
And I should see the Active Admin layout
Scenario: Specify a custom member action with template using arb
Given a configuration of:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
action_item(:review, only: :show) do
link_to('Review', review_admin_post_path)
member_action :review do
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
Given "app/views/admin/posts/review.html.arb" contains:
h1 "Review: #{post.title}"
And I am logged in
And a post with the title "Hello World" exists
When I am on the index page for posts
And I follow "View"
And I follow "Review"
Then I should see "Review: Hello World"
And I should see the page title "Review"
And I should see the Active Admin layout
Scenario: Specify a custom member action with multiple http methods
Given a configuration of:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
action_item(:get_check, only: :show) do
link_to('Get Check', check_admin_post_path)
action_item(:post_check, only: :show) do
link_to('Post Check', check_admin_post_path, method: :post)
member_action :check, method: [:get, :post] do
redirect_to admin_post_path(resource), notice: "Checked via #{request.method}"
And I am logged in
And a post with the title "Hello World" exists
When I am on the index page for posts
And I follow "View"
And I follow "Get Check"
Then I should see "Checked via GET"
When I follow "Post Check"
Then I should see "Checked via POST"