module Setup # The Project class encapsulates information about the project/package # setup is handling. # # Setup.rb can use information about your project to provide additional # features. # # To inform Setup.rb of the project's name, version and load path # you can create a file in you project's root directory called `.index`. # This is a YAML file with minimum entries of: # # --- # name: foo # version: 1.0.0 # paths: # load: [lib] # # See [Indexer]( for more information about # this file and how to easily maintain it. # # If a `.index` file is not found Setup.rb will look for `.setup/name`, # `.setup/version` and `.setup/loadpath` files for this information. # # As of v5.1.0, Setup.rb no longer recognizes the VERSION file # class Project # Match used to determine the root dir of a project. ROOT_MARKER = '{.index,setup.rb,.setup,lib/}' # def initialize @dotindex_file = find('.index') @dotindex = YAML.load_file(@dotindex_file) if @dotindex_file @name = nil @version = nil @loadpath = ['lib'] if @dotindex @name = @dotindex['name'] @version = @dotindex['version'] @loadpath = (@dotindex['paths'] || {})['load'] else if file = find('.setup/name') @name = end if file = find('.setup/version') @version = end if file = find('.setup/loadpath') @loadpath = end end end attr :dotindex # The name of the package, used to install docs in system doc/ruby-{name}/ location. attr :name # Current version number of project. attr :version # attr :loadpath alias load_path loadpath # Locate project root. def rootdir @rootdir ||= ( root = Dir.glob(File.join(Dir.pwd, ROOT_MARKER), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).first if !root raise Error, "not a project directory" else Dir.pwd end ) end # Setup.rb uses `ext/**/extconf.rb` as convention for the location of # compiled scripts. def extconfs @extconfs ||= Dir['ext/**/extconf.rb'] end # def extensions @extensions ||= extconfs.collect{ |f| File.dirname(f) } end # def compiles? !extensions.empty? end # def yardopts Dir.glob(File.join(rootdir, '.yardopts')).first end # def document Dir.glob(File.join(rootdir, '.document')).first end # Find a file relative to project's root directory. def find(glob, flags=0) case flags when :casefold flags = File::FNM_CASEFOLD else flags = flags.to_i end Dir.glob(File.join(rootdir, glob), flags).first end end end