module Sorcery module Model module Submodules # This submodule adds the ability to reset password via email confirmation. # When the user requests an email is sent to him with a url. # The url includes a token, which is also saved with the user's record in the db. # The token has configurable expiration. # When the user clicks the url in the email, providing the token has not yet expired, # he will be able to reset his password via a form. # # When using this submodule, supplying a mailer is mandatory. module ResetPassword def self.included(base) base.sorcery_config.class_eval do attr_accessor :reset_password_token_attribute_name, # reset password code attribute name. :reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name, # expires at attribute name. :reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name, # when was email sent, used for hammering # protection. :reset_password_mailer, # mailer class. Needed. :reset_password_email_method_name, # reset password email method on your # mailer class. :reset_password_expiration_period, # how many seconds before the reset request # expires. nil for never expires. :reset_password_time_between_emails # hammering protection, how long to wait # before allowing another email to be sent. end base.sorcery_config.instance_eval do @defaults.merge!(:@reset_password_token_attribute_name => :reset_password_token, :@reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name => :reset_password_token_expires_at, :@reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name => :reset_password_email_sent_at, :@reset_password_mailer => nil, :@reset_password_email_method_name => :reset_password_email, :@reset_password_expiration_period => nil, :@reset_password_time_between_emails => 5 * 60 ) reset! end base.extend(ClassMethods) base.sorcery_config.after_config << :validate_mailer_defined base.sorcery_config.after_config << :define_reset_password_mongoid_fields if defined?(Mongoid) and base.ancestors.include?(Mongoid::Document) base.send(:include, TemporaryToken) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) end module ClassMethods # Find user by token, also checks for expiration. # Returns the user if token found and is valid. def load_from_reset_password_token(token) token_attr_name = @sorcery_config.reset_password_token_attribute_name token_expiration_date_attr = @sorcery_config.reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name load_from_token(token, token_attr_name, token_expiration_date_attr) end protected # This submodule requires the developer to define his own mailer class to be used by it. def validate_mailer_defined msg = "To use reset_password submodule, you must define a mailer (config.reset_password_mailer = YourMailerClass)." raise ArgumentError, msg if @sorcery_config.reset_password_mailer == nil end def define_reset_password_mongoid_fields field sorcery_config.reset_password_token_attribute_name, :type => String field sorcery_config.reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name, :type => DateTime field sorcery_config.reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name, :type => DateTime end end module InstanceMethods # generates a reset code with expiration and sends an email to the user. def deliver_reset_password_instructions! config = sorcery_config # hammering protection return if config.reset_password_time_between_emails && self.send(config.reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name) && self.send(config.reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name) > config.reset_password_time_between_emails.ago.utc self.send(:"#{config.reset_password_token_attribute_name}=", generate_random_token) self.send(:"#{config.reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name}=", + config.reset_password_expiration_period) if config.reset_password_expiration_period self.send(:"#{config.reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name}=", self.class.transaction do!(:validate => false) generic_send_email(:reset_password_email_method_name, :reset_password_mailer) end end # Clears token and tries to update the new password for the user. def change_password!(new_password) clear_reset_password_token self.send(:"#{sorcery_config.password_attribute_name}=", new_password) save end protected # Clears the token. def clear_reset_password_token config = sorcery_config self.send(:"#{config.reset_password_token_attribute_name}=", nil) self.send(:"#{config.reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name}=", nil) if config.reset_password_expiration_period end end end end end end