/*global window: true define: true*/ /*! * Aloha Editor * Author & Copyright (c) 2010 Gentics Software GmbH * aloha-sales@gentics.com * Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.com/license.html */ define([ 'aloha', 'jquery', 'aloha/plugin', 'ui/ui', 'ui/toggleButton', 'format/format-plugin', 'util/dom', 'PubSub', 'i18n!cite/nls/i18n', 'i18n!aloha/nls/i18n' ], function ( Aloha, jQuery, Plugin, Ui, ToggleButton, Format, domUtils, PubSub, i18n, i18nCore ){ 'use strict'; var $ = jQuery, ns = 'aloha-cite', uid = (new Date()).getTime(); // namespaced classnames var nsClasses = { quote : nsClass('quote'), blockquote : nsClass('blockquote'), 'panel-label' : nsClass('panel-label'), 'panel-field' : nsClass('panel-field'), 'panel-btns' : nsClass('panel-btns'), 'link-field' : nsClass('link-field'), 'note-field' : nsClass('note-field'), references : nsClass('references') }; /** * Simple templating * * @param {String} str - The string containing placeholder keys in curly * brackets * @param {Object} obj - Associative array of replacing placeholder keys * with corresponding values */ function supplant(str, obj) { return str.replace(/\{([a-z0-9\-\_]+)\}/ig, function (str, p1, offset, s) { var replacement = obj[p1] || str; return (typeof replacement === 'function') ? replacement() : replacement; }); } /** * Wrapper to call the supplant method on a given string, taking the * nsClasses object as the associative array containing the replacement * pairs * * @param {String} str * @return {String} */ function renderTemplate(str) { return (typeof str === 'string') ? supplant(str, nsClasses) : str; } /** * Generates a selector string with this plugins's namespace prefixed the * each classname. * * Usage: * nsSel('header,', 'main,', 'foooter ul') * will return * ".aloha-myplugin-header, .aloha-myplugin-main, .aloha-mypluzgin-footer ul" * * @return {string} */ function nsSel() { var strBldr = [], prx = ns; jQuery.each(arguments, function () { strBldr.push('.' + ('' === this ? prx : prx + '-' + this)); }); return jQuery.trim(strBldr.join(' ')); } /** * Generates a string with this plugins's namespace prefixed the each * classname. * * Usage: * nsClass('header', 'innerheaderdiv') * will return * "aloha-myplugin-header aloha-myplugin-innerheaderdiv" * * @return {string} */ function nsClass() { var strBldr = [], prx = ns; jQuery.each(arguments, function () { strBldr.push('' === this ? prx : prx + '-' + this); }); return jQuery.trim(strBldr.join(' ')); } /** * Coverts hexidecimal string #00ffcc into rgb array [0, 255, 127] * * @param {string} hex Hexidecimal string representing color. In the form * #ff3344 or #f34 or f34. * @return {Array.} RGB representation of hexidecimal color. */ function hex2rgb(hex) { hex = hex.replace('#', '').split(''); if (3 === hex.length) { hex[5] = hex[4] = hex[2]; hex[3] = hex[2] = hex[1]; hex[1] = hex[0]; } var rgb = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { rgb[i] = parseInt('0x' + hex[i * 2] + hex[i * 2 + 1], 16); } return rgb; } return Plugin.create('cite', { citations: [], referenceContainer: null, settings: null, sidebar: null, config: ['quote', 'blockquote'], init: function () { var that = this; // Harverst configuration options that may be defined outside of // the plugin. if (Aloha.settings && Aloha.settings.plugins && Aloha.settings.plugins.cite) { var referenceContainer = jQuery(Aloha.settings.plugins.cite.referenceContainer); if (referenceContainer.length) { that.referenceContainer = referenceContainer; } if (typeof Aloha.settings.plugins.cite !== 'undefined') { that.settings = Aloha.settings.plugins.cite; } if (typeof that.settings.sidebar === 'undefined') { that.settings.sidebar = {}; } if (typeof that.settings.sidebar.open === 'undefined') { that.settings.sidebar.open = true; } // be tolerant about the setting: 'false' and '0' (as strings) will be interpreted as false (boolean) if (typeof that.settings.sidebar.open === 'string') { that.settings.sidebar.open = that.settings.sidebar.open.toLowerCase(); if (that.settings.sidebar.open === 'false' || that.settings.sidebar.open === '0') { // disable button only if 'false' or '0' is specified that.settings.sidebar.open = false; } else { // otherwise the button will always be shown that.settings.sidebar.open = true; } } } this._quoteButton = Ui.adopt('quote', ToggleButton, { tooltip: i18n.t('cite.button.add.quote'), icon: nsClass('button', 'inline-button'), scope: 'Aloha.continuoustext', click: function() { that.addInlineQuote(); } }); // We brute-forcishly push our button settings into the // multiSplitButton. The multiSplitButton will pick it up // and render it. Format.multiSplitButton.pushItem({ name: 'blockquote', tooltip: i18n.t('cite.button.add.blockquote'), icon: nsClass('button', 'block-button'), click: function(){ that.addBlockQuote(); } }); var citePlugin = this; // Note that if the sidebar is not loaded, // aloha-sidebar-initialized will not fire and this listener will // not be called, which is what we would want if there are no // sidebars Aloha.ready(function (ev) { citePlugin.sidebar = Aloha.Sidebar.right.show(); // citePlugin.sidebar.settings.overlayPage = false; citePlugin.sidebar.addPanel({ id : nsClass('sidebar-panel'), title : 'Citation', content : '', expanded : true, activeOn : 'q, blockquote', // Executed once, when this panel object is instantialized onInit : function () { var that = this; var additionalReferenceContainer = ''; if (citePlugin.referenceContainer) { additionalReferenceContainer = ' ' + '
' + '
'; } var content = this.setContent(renderTemplate( '' + '' + additionalReferenceContainer )).content; content.find('input, textarea') .bind('keypress change', function () { citePlugin.addCiteDetails( that.content.attr('data-cite-id'), that.content.find(nsSel('link-field input')).val(), that.content.find(nsSel('note-field textarea')).val() ); }); }, /** * Invoked during aloha-selection-changed, if activeOn * function returns true for the current selection. Will * populate panel fields with the details of the selected * citation if they are already available. If no citation * exists for the selected quotation, then one will be * created for it first. */ onActivate: function (effective) { var activeUid = effective.attr('data-cite-id'); if (!activeUid) { activeUid = ++uid; var classes = [nsClass('wrapper')].join(' '); effective.addClass(classes); effective.attr('data-cite-id', activeUid); } var index = that.getIndexOfCitation(activeUid); if (-1 === index) { index = that.citations.push({ uid : activeUid, link : null, notes : null }) - 1; } this.content.attr('data-cite-id', activeUid); this.content.find(nsSel('link-field input')) .val(effective.attr('cite')); this.content.find(nsSel('note-field textarea')) .val(that.citations[index].note); } }); }); Aloha.bind('aloha-editable-activated', function (event, params) { var config = that.getEditableConfig(params.editable.obj); if (!config) { return; } if ( jQuery.inArray('quote', config ) !== -1 ) { that._quoteButton.show(true); } else { that._quoteButton.show(false); } if ( jQuery.inArray( 'blockquote', config ) !== -1 ) { Format.multiSplitButton.showItem('blockquote'); } else { Format.multiSplitButton.hideItem('blockquote'); } }); PubSub.sub('aloha.selection.context-change', function (message) { var rangeObject = message.range; var buttons = jQuery('button.aloha-cite-button'); // Set to false to prevent multiple buttons being active // when they should not. var statusWasSet = false; var nodeName; var effective = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart; var i = effective.length; // Check whether any of the effective items are citation // tags. while ( i ) { nodeName = effective[--i].nodeName; if (nodeName === 'Q' || nodeName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') { statusWasSet = true; break; } } buttons.filter('.aloha-cite-block-button') .removeClass('aloha-cite-pressed'); that._quoteButton.setState(false); if ( statusWasSet ) { if('Q' === nodeName) { that._quoteButton.setState(true); } else { buttons.filter('.aloha-cite-block-button') .addClass('aloha-cite-pressed'); } // We've got what we came for, so return false to break // the each loop. return false; } // switch item visibility according to config var config = []; if (Aloha.activeEditable) { config = that.getEditableConfig(Aloha.activeEditable.obj); } // quote if ( jQuery.inArray( 'quote', config ) != -1 ) { that._quoteButton.show(true); } else { that._quoteButton.show(false); } // blockquote if ( jQuery.inArray( 'blockquote', config ) != -1 ) { Format.multiSplitButton.showItem( 'blockquote' ); } else { Format.multiSplitButton.hideItem( 'blockquote' ); } }); }, /** * Do a binary search through all citations for a given uid. The bit * shifting may be a *bit* of an overkill, but with big lists it proves * to be significantly more performant. * * @param {string} uid Th uid of the citation to retreive. * @return {number} The 0-based index of the first citation found that * matches the given uid. -1 of no citation is found * for the given uid, */ getIndexOfCitation: function (uid) { var c = this.citations; var max = c.length; var min = 0; var mid; var cuid; // Infinite loop guard for debugging... So your tab/browser // doesn't freeze up like a Christmas turkey ;-) // var __guard = 1000; while (min < max /* && --__guard */ ) { mid = (min + max) >> 1; // Math.floor(i) / 2 == i >> 1 == ~~(i / 2) cuid = c[mid].uid; // Don't do strict comparison here or you'll get an endless loop if (cuid == uid) { return mid; } if (cuid > uid) { max = mid; } else if (cuid < uid) { min = mid + 1; } } return -1; }, addBlockQuote: function () { var classes = [nsClass('wrapper'), nsClass(++uid)].join(' '); var markup = jQuery(supplant( '
', {uid: uid, classes: classes} )); // Now re-enable the editable... if (Aloha.activeEditable) { jQuery(Aloha.activeEditable.obj[0]).click(); } Aloha.Selection.changeMarkupOnSelection(markup); if (this.referenceContainer) { this.addCiteToReferences(uid); } if (this.sidebar && this.settings && this.settings.sidebar && this.settings.sidebar.open) { this.sidebar.open(); } // .activatePanel(nsClass('sidebar-panel'), markup); }, addInlineQuote: function () { var classes = [nsClass('wrapper'), nsClass(++uid)].join(' '); var markup = jQuery(supplant( '', { uid: uid, classes: classes } )); var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject; var foundMarkup; if (Aloha.activeEditable) { jQuery(Aloha.activeEditable.obj[0]).click(); } // Check whether the markup is found in the range (at the start of // the range). foundMarkup = rangeObject.findMarkup(function () { if (this.nodeName && markup.length && (typeof this.nodeName === 'string') && (typeof markup[0].nodeName === 'string')) { return this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === markup[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(); } return false; }, Aloha.activeEditable.obj); // If the we click the quote button on a range that contains quote // markup, then we will remove the quote markup, otherwise we will // wrap the selection in a quote. if (foundMarkup) { if (rangeObject.isCollapsed()) { // The range is collapsed; remove exactly the one DOM // element. domUtils.removeFromDOM(foundMarkup, rangeObject, true); } else { // The range is not collapsed; remove the markup from the // range. domUtils.removeMarkup(rangeObject, markup, Aloha.activeEditable.obj); } } else { // When the range is collapsed, extend it to a word. if (rangeObject.isCollapsed()) { domUtils.extendToWord(rangeObject); } domUtils.addMarkup(rangeObject, markup); } // select the modified range rangeObject.select(); if (this.referenceContainer) { this.addCiteToReferences(uid); } if (this.sidebar && this.settings && this.settings.sidebar && this.settings.sidebar.open) { this.sidebar.open(); } // .activatePanel(nsClass('sidebar-panel'), markup); return false; }, /** * Adds an item for the citation matching the given uid to the * references list. If no OL list for references exist, we create one. * This method will assume that this.referenceContainer is a jQuery * object container into which the references list should be built. * * @param {string} uid The uid of the citation to add. */ addCiteToReferences: function (uid) { var index = this.getIndexOfCitation(uid); if (-1 === index) { return; } var wrapper = jQuery('.aloha-editable-active ' + nsSel(uid)); var note = 'cite-note-' + uid; var ref = 'cite-ref-' + uid; wrapper.append( supplant( '[{count}]', { ref : ref, note : note, count : index + 1 } ) ); if (0 === this.referenceContainer.find('ol.references').length) { this.referenceContainer .append('


') .append('
    '); } this.referenceContainer.find('ol.references').append( supplant( '
  1. ^  
  2. ', { ref : ref, note : note } ) ); }, /** * Responsible for updating the citation reference in memory, and in * the references list when a user adds or changes information for a * given citation. * * @param {string} uid * @param {string} link * @param {string} note */ addCiteDetails: function (uid, link, note) { this.citations[this.getIndexOfCitation(uid)] = { uid : uid, link : link, note : note }; if (link) { // Update link attribute var el = jQuery(nsSel(uid)).attr('cite', link); } // Update information in references list for this citation. if (this.referenceContainer) { jQuery('li#cite-note-' + uid + ' span').html( supplant( link ? '{url}' : '', { url: link } ) + (note ? '. ' + note : '') ); } }, toString: function () { return 'aloha-citiation-plugin'; }, /** * Make the given jQuery object (representing an editable) clean for saving * Find all quotes and remove editing objects * @param obj jQuery object to make clean * @return void */ makeClean: function (obj) { // find all quotes obj.find('q, blockquote').each(function () { // Remove empty class attributes if (jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).attr('class')) === '') { jQuery(this).removeAttr('class'); } // Only remove the data cite attribute when no reference container was set if (!this.referenceContainer) { jQuery(this).removeClass('aloha-cite-' + jQuery(this).attr('data-cite-id')); // We need to read this attribute for IE7. Otherwise it will // crash when the attribute gets removed. In IE7 this removal // does not work at all. (no wonders here.. :.( ) if (jQuery(this).attr('data-cite-id') != null) { jQuery(this).removeAttr('data-cite-id'); } } jQuery(this).removeClass('aloha-cite-wrapper'); }); } }); });