require "active-fedora" module Marpa # This is an example of a OmDatastream that defines a terminology for Dublin Core xml # # Some things to observe about this Class: # * Defines a couple of custom terms, tibetan_title and english_title, that map to dc:title with varying @language attributes # * Indicates which terms should be indexed as facets using :index_as=>[:facetable] # * Defines an xml template that is an empty dublin core xml document with three namespaces set # * Sets the namespace using :xmlns argument on the root term # * Does not override or extend to_solr, so the default solrization approach will be used (Solrizer::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer) # class DcDatastream < ActiveFedora::OmDatastream set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path=>"dc", :xmlns=>'') t.tibetan_title(:path=>"title", :attributes=>{:language=>"tibetan"}) t.english_title(:path=>"title", :attributes=>{:language=>:none}) t.contributor(:index_as=>[:facetable]) t.coverage t.creator t.description t.format t.identifier t.language(:index_as=>[:facetable]) t.publisher t.relation t.source t.title t.abstract t.accessRights t.accrualMethod t.accrualPeriodicity t.accrualPolicy t.alternative t.audience t.available t.bibliographicCitation t.conformsTo t.contributor t.coverage t.created t.creator>[:facetable]) t.dateAccepted t.dateCopyrighted t.dateSubmitted t.description t.educationLevel t.extent t.format t.hasFormat t.hasPart t.hasVersion t.identifier t.instructionalMethod t.isFormatOf t.isPartOf t.isReferencedBy t.isReplacedBy t.isRequiredBy t.issued t.isVersionOf t.language(:index_as=>[:facetable]) t.license t.mediator t.medium t.modified t.provenance t.publisher t.references t.relation t.replaces t.requires t.rights t.rightsHolder t.source t.spatial(:index_as=>[:facetable]) t.subject(:index_as=>[:facetable]) t.tableOfContents t.temporal t.type t.valid end def self.xml_template builder = do |xml| xml.dc("xmlns"=>'', "xmlns:dcterms"=>'', "xmlns:xsi"=>'') { } end return builder.doc end end end