# Copyright (c) 2010 The Mirah project authors. All Rights Reserved. # All contributing project authors may be found in the NOTICE file. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'jruby' require 'mirah/jvm/types/source_mirror' module Mirah::JVM::Types java_import 'org.mirah.typer.simple.SimpleTypes' class TypeFactory < SimpleTypes java_import 'org.mirah.typer.AssignableTypeFuture' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.PickFirst' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.BaseTypeFuture' #java_import 'org.mirah.typer.BlockType' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.ErrorType' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.GenericTypeFuture' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.MethodFuture' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.MethodType' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.SimpleFuture' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.TypeFuture' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.TypeSystem' java_import 'org.mirah.typer.NarrowingTypeFuture' java_import 'mirah.lang.ast.ClassDefinition' java_import 'mirah.lang.ast.InterfaceDeclaration' java_import 'mirah.lang.ast.Script' java_import 'mirah.lang.ast.SimpleString' include TypeSystem include Mirah::Logging::Logged begin java_import 'org.mirah.builtins.Builtins' rescue NameError # We might be trying to compile mirah-builtins.jar, so just continue. Builtins = nil end java_import 'java.net.URLClassLoader' attr_accessor :package attr_reader :known_types class ParanoidHash < Hash def []=(k, v) raise ArgumentError, "Can't store nil for key #{k.inspect}" if v.nil? super(k, v) end end def initialize super(":unused") @known_types = ParanoidHash.new @anonymous_classes = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = 0} @declarations = [] @mirrors = {} @futures = {} @fields = {} create_basic_types end def initialize_copy(other) @known_types = other.known_types.dup @known_types.delete_if do |key, value| value.basic_type.kind_of?(Mirah::JVM::Types::TypeDefinition) end @declarations = [] @futures = {} @fields = {} end def maybe_initialize_builtins(compiler) if Builtins begin Builtins.initialize_builtins(compiler.type_system) rescue NativeException => ex error("Error initializing builtins", ex.cause) rescue => ex error("Error initializing builtins: #{ex.message}\n\t#{ex.backtrace.join("\n\t")}") end else warning "Unable to initialize builtins" end end def wrap(resolved_type) future = BaseTypeFuture.new(nil) future.resolved(resolved_type) if resolved_type future end def cache_and_wrap(resolved_type) @futures[resolved_type.name] ||= wrap(resolved_type) end def cache_and_wrap_type(name) @futures[name] ||= begin type = type(nil, name) wrapper = wrap(type) wrapper.resolved(ErrorType.new([["Cannot find class #{name}"]])) if type.nil? wrapper end end # TypeSystem methods def addDefaultImports(scope) scope.import('java.lang.*', '*') end def getNullType; cache_and_wrap_type('null') end def getImplicitNilType; cache_and_wrap_type('implicit_nil') end def getVoidType; cache_and_wrap_type('void') end def getBaseExceptionType; cache_and_wrap_type('java.lang.Throwable') end def getDefaultExceptionType; cache_and_wrap_type('java.lang.Exception') end def getHashType; cache_and_wrap_type('java.util.HashMap') end def getRegexType; cache_and_wrap_type('java.util.regex.Pattern') end def getStringType; cache_and_wrap_type('java.lang.String') end def getBooleanType; cache_and_wrap_type('boolean') end def getFixnumType(value) long = java.lang.Long.new(value) if long.int_value != value cache_and_wrap_type('long') elsif long.short_value != value cache_and_wrap_type('int') elsif long.byte_value != value wide = type(nil, 'int') narrow = type(nil, 'short') NarrowingTypeFuture.new(nil, wide, narrow) else wide = type(nil, 'int') narrow = type(nil, 'byte') NarrowingTypeFuture.new(nil, wide, narrow) end end def getCharType(value) cache_and_wrap_type('char') end def getFloatType(value) d = java.lang.Double.new(value) if d.float_value != value cache_and_wrap_type('double') else wide = type(nil, 'double') narrow = type(nil, 'float') NarrowingTypeFuture.new(nil, wide, narrow) end end def getMetaType(type) if type.kind_of?(Type) type.meta else future = BaseTypeFuture.new(nil) type.on_update {|_, resolved| future.resolved(resolved.meta)} future.position_set(type.position) future.error_message_set(type.error_message) future end end def getSuperClass(future) superclass = BaseTypeFuture.new(nil) future.on_update do |_, type| superclass.resolved(type.superclass) end superclass end def getArrayType(type) if type.kind_of?(Type) type.array_type else future = BaseTypeFuture.new(nil) type.on_update {|_, resolved| future.resolved(resolved.array_type)} future end end def box(type) boxed = BaseTypeFuture.new(nil) type.on_update do |_, resolved| if resolved.isError || !resolved.primitive? boxed.resolved(resolved) else boxed.resolved(resolved.box_type) end end boxed end def getArrayLiteralType(type, position) result = Mirah::JVM::Types::GenericType.new(type(nil, 'java.util.List')) # Upgrade to a generic type. variable = result.type_parameters[0] result.type_parameter_map[variable.name] = _build_generic_type_future(variable.bounds, position) result.type_parameter_map[variable.name].assign(box(type), position) wrap(result) rescue => ex Mirah.print_error("Error inferring generics: #{ex.message}", position) log("Error inferring generics: #{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}") cache_and_wrap_type('java.util.List') end def getHashLiteralType(key_type, value_type, position) result = Mirah::JVM::Types::GenericType.new(type(nil, 'java.util.HashMap')) # Upgrade to a generic type. generic_key, generic_value = result.type_parameters for variable, type in [[generic_key, key_type], [generic_value, value_type]] result.type_parameter_map[variable.name] = _build_generic_type_future(variable.bounds, position) result.type_parameter_map[variable.name].assign(box(type), position) end wrap(result) rescue => ex Mirah.print_error("Error inferring generics: #{ex.message}", position) log("Error inferring generics: #{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}") cache_and_wrap_type('java.util.HashMap') end def get(scope, typeref) basic_type = if scope.nil? cache_and_wrap_type(typeref.name) else imports = scope.imports name = typeref.name name = imports[name] while imports.include?(name) types = [ cache_and_wrap_type(name), nil ] packages = [] packages << scope.package if scope.package && scope.package != '' (packages + scope.search_packages).each do |package| types << cache_and_wrap_type("#{package}.#{name}") types << nil end future = PickFirst.new(types, nil) future.position_set(typeref.position) future.error_message_set("Cannot find class #{typeref.name}") future end if typeref.isArray getArrayType(basic_type) elsif typeref.isStatic getMetaType(basic_type) else basic_type end end def getLocalType(scope, name, position) scope.local_type(name, position) end def getMethodType(call) target = call.resolved_target argTypes = call.resolved_parameters macro_types = call.parameter_nodes.map do |node| get_type(node.java_class.name) end if call.parameter_nodes _find_method_type(call.scope, target, call.name, argTypes, macro_types, call.position) rescue => ex Mirah.print_error("Error getting method type #{target.name}.#{call.name}: #{ex.message}", call.position) puts ex.backtrace.join("\n\t") ErrorType.new([["Internal error: #{ex}", call.position]]) end def _find_method_type(scope, target, name, argTypes, macroTypes, position) if target.respond_to?(:isError) && target.isError return target end type = BaseTypeFuture.new(nil) target.find_method2(target, name, argTypes, macroTypes, target.meta?, scope) do |method| if method.nil? unless argTypes.any?{|t| t && t.isError && (type.resolved(t); true)} type.resolved(ErrorType.new([ ["Cannot find %s method %s(%s) on %s" % [ target.meta? ? "static" : "instance", name, argTypes.map{|t| t ? t.full_name : "?"}.join(', '), target.full_name], position]])) end elsif method.kind_of?(Exception) type.resolved(ErrorType.new([[method.message, position]])) else result = method.return_type # Handle generics. begin if name == 'new' and target.type_parameters result = Mirah::JVM::Types::GenericType.new(result) # Upgrade to a generic type. target.type_parameters.each do |var| result.type_parameter_map.put(var.name, _build_generic_type_future(var.bounds, position)) end genericParameterTypes = method.member.generic_parameter_types if genericParameterTypes genericParameterTypes.each_index do |i| _handle_nested_generic_parameter(genericParameterTypes[i], argTypes[i], result.type_parameter_map, position) end end elsif target.generic? && method.respond_to?(:member) genericParameterTypes = method.member.generic_parameter_types if genericParameterTypes genericParameterTypes.each_index do |i| _handle_nested_generic_parameter(genericParameterTypes[i], argTypes[i], target.type_parameter_map, position) end end result = _handle_nested_generic_return(result, method.member.generic_return_type, target.type_parameter_map, position) result.resolve if result.respond_to?(:resolve) end rescue => ex Mirah.print_error("Error inferring generics: #{ex.message}", position) log("Error inferring generics: #{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}") result = method.return_type end if result.kind_of?(TypeFuture) if result.isResolved type.resolved(result.resolve) else result.onUpdate {|x, resolved| type.resolved(resolved) } end else type.resolved(result) end # TODO(shepheb): This is modifying the argTypes of _find_method_type, and it shouldn't be. # Moved to the bottom so the generics code above can access the original argTypes that were passed to _find_method_type. argTypes = method.argument_types end end argTypes = argTypes.map do |t| if t.nil? t elsif t.isBlock type.position_set(position) if (position && type.position.nil?) # This should only happen if type is an error. type.resolve else t end end return_type = AssignableTypeFuture.new(nil) return_type.assign(type, position) MethodFuture.new(name, argTypes, return_type, false, position) end def _build_generic_type_future(bounds, position) typeName = "java.lang.Object" if bounds.size > 1 raise ArgumentError, "Multiple bounds on type variables are not supported." elsif bounds.size == 1 typeName = bounds[0].raw_type.getClassName end GenericTypeFuture.new(position, type(nil, typeName)) end def _handle_nested_generic_parameter(expectedType, providedType, type_parameter_map, position) if expectedType.kind_of?(BiteScript::ASM::TypeVariable) gtf = type_parameter_map.get(expectedType.name) gtf.assign(SimpleFuture.new(providedType), position) elsif expectedType.kind_of?(BiteScript::ASM::Wildcard) && providedType.kind_of?(TypeFuture) # TODO(shepheb): Handle bounds here. gtf = type_parameter_map.get(expectedType.upper_bound.name) gtf.assign(providedType, position) elsif expectedType.kind_of?(BiteScript::ASM::ParameterizedType) # We can assume assignable_from? here, or this method would not have been called. expectedParameters = expectedType.type_arguments # Look up the values of the provided type's parameters. providedParameters = providedType.type_parameters.map do |var| if providedType.generic? providedType.type_parameter_map.get(var.name) else type_parameter_map.get(var.name) end end if expectedParameters && providedParameters && expectedParameters.size == providedParameters.size expectedParameters.each_index do |i| _handle_nested_generic_parameter(expectedParameters[i], providedParameters[i], type_parameter_map, position) end else raise ArgumentError, "Type parameter mismatch: Expected #{expectedParameters}, found #{providedParameters}." end end end # TODO(shepheb): Handles only one level of nesting, it should handle arbitrary depth by recursion. def _handle_nested_generic_return(returnType, genericReturnType, type_parameter_map, position) if genericReturnType.kind_of?(BiteScript::ASM::TypeVariable) type_parameter_map.get(genericReturnType.name) elsif genericReturnType.kind_of?(BiteScript::ASM::ParameterizedType) returnType = GenericType.new(returnType) expectedTypeParameters = returnType.jvm_type.type_parameters providedTypeParameters = genericReturnType.type_arguments if expectedTypeParameters && providedTypeParameters && expectedTypeParameters.size == providedTypeParameters.size expectedTypeParameters.each_index do |i| returnType.type_parameter_map.put(expectedTypeParameters[i].name, type_parameter_map.get(providedTypeParameters[i].name)) end else raise ArgumentError, "Type parameter mismatch: Expected #{expectedTypeParameters}, found #{providedTypeParameters}" end returnType else returnType end end def getMethodDefType(target, name, argTypes, returnType, position) if target.nil? return ErrorType.new([["No target", position]]) end unless argTypes.all? {|a| a.hasDeclaration} infer_override_args(target, name, argTypes) end if returnType.nil? returnType = infer_override_return_type(target, name, argTypes) end args = argTypes.map {|a| a.resolve} target = target.resolve type = _find_method_type(nil, target, name, args, nil, position) type.onUpdate do |m, resolved| _declare_method(target, name, args, type) end args.each_with_index do |arg, i| if arg.isError argTypes[i].onUpdate do |x, resolved| args[i] = resolved _declare_method(target, name, args, type) end end end if type.kind_of?(ErrorType) puts "Got error type for method #{name} on #{target.resolve} (#{target.resolve.class})" position = type.position rescue nil return_type = AssignableTypeFuture.new(position) return_type.declare(type, position) type = MethodFuture.new(name, args, return_type, false, position) elsif returnType type.returnType.declare(returnType, position) end type.to_java(MethodFuture) rescue => ex target_name = target.respond_to?(:name) ? target.name : target.resolve.name error("Error getting method def type #{target_name}.#{name}: #{ex.message}\n#{ex.backtrace.join("\n\t")}") return_type = AssignableTypeFuture.new(nil) return_type.declare(ErrorType.new([["Internal error: #{ex}"]]), nil) MethodFuture.new(name, [], return_type, false, nil) end def _declare_method(target, name, args, type) return if args.any? {|a| a.isError } return unless type.kind_of?(MethodFuture) && type.returnType.isResolved resolved = type.returnType.resolve resolved = resolved.returnType if resolved.respond_to?(:returnType) log "Learned {0} method {1}.{2}({3}) = {4}", [ target.meta? ? "static" : "instance", target.full_name, name, args.map{|a| a.full_name}.join(', '), resolved.full_name].to_java rewritten_name = name.sub(/=$/, '_set') if target.meta? target.unmeta.declare_static_method(rewritten_name, args, resolved, []) else target.declare_method(rewritten_name, args, resolved, []) end end def getFieldType(target, name, position) # This is currently only used for fields in the current class klass = target.resolve key = [klass, name] t = @fields[key] unless t t = AssignableTypeFuture.new(position) @fields[key] = t t.on_update {|x, resolved| klass.unmeta.declare_field(name, resolved, klass.meta?)} end t end def getMainType(scope, script) filename = File.basename(script.position.source.name || 'DashE') classname = Mirah::JVM::Compiler::JVMBytecode.classname_from_filename(filename) getMetaType(cache_and_wrap(declare_type(scope, classname))) end def defineType(scope, node, name, superclass, interfaces) # TODO what if superclass or interfaces change later? log("Defining type #{name} < #{superclass.resolve.name if superclass} #{interfaces.map{|i|i.resolve.name}.inspect}") type = define_type(scope, node) future = @futures[type.name] if future future.resolved(type) future else cache_and_wrap(type) end rescue => ex Mirah.print_error("Error defining type #{name}: #{ex.message}", node.position) puts ex.backtrace.join("\n\t") ErrorType.new([["Internal error: #{ex}", node.position]]) end def addMacro(klass, macro) klass.unmeta.add_compiled_macro(macro) end def extendClass(classname, extensions) get_type(classname).load_extensions(extensions) end def infer_override_args(target, name, arg_types) # TODO What if the method we're overriding hasn't been inferred yet? log("Infering argument types for #{name}") by_name = target.resolve.find_callable_methods(name, true) by_name_and_arity = by_name.select {|m| m.argument_types.size == arg_types.size} filtered_args = Set.new(by_name_and_arity.map {|m| m.argument_types}) if filtered_args.size == 1 arg_types.zip(filtered_args.first).each do |arg, super_arg| arg.declare(cache_and_wrap(super_arg), arg.position) end else log("Found method types:") filtered_args.each {|args| log(" #{args.map{|a|a.full_name}.inspect}")} arg_types.each {|arg| arg.declare(ErrorType.new([["Missing declaration"]]), nil)} # TODO else give a more useful error? end end def infer_override_return_type(target, name, arg_types) by_name = target.resolve.find_callable_methods(name, true) by_name_and_arity = {} by_name.each {|m| by_name_and_arity[m.argument_types] = m if m.argument_types.size == arg_types.size } resolved_args = arg_types.map {|a| a.resolve} match = by_name_and_arity[resolved_args] return cache_and_wrap(match.return_type) if match end def define_types(builder) @declarations.each do |declaration| declaration.define(builder) end end def type(scope, name, array=false, meta=false) if name.kind_of?(BiteScript::ASM::Type) if name.getDescriptor[0] == ?[ return type(scope, name.getElementType, true, meta) else name = name.getClassName end elsif name.kind_of?(Type) && name.array? array = true end type = basic_type(scope, name) type = type.array_type if type && array type = type.meta if type && meta return type end def basic_type(scope, name) if name.kind_of?(Type) || name.kind_of?(NarrowingType) return name.basic_type end orig = name if name.kind_of? Java::JavaClass #TODO is is possible to get here anymore? if name.array? return type(scope, name.component_type, true) else name = name.name end elsif name.respond_to? :java_class name = name.java_class.name end name = name.to_s unless name.kind_of?(::String) raise ArgumentError, "Bad Type #{orig}" if name =~ /Java::/ raise ArgumentError, "Bad Type #{orig.inspect}" if name == '' || name.nil? find_type(scope, name) end def find_type(scope, name) type = get_type(name) return type if type if scope imports = scope.imports if imports.include?(name) name = imports[name] while imports.include?(name) type = get_type(name) return type if type end # TODO support inner class names if name !~ /\./ return package_search(name, scope) end end return nil end def package_search(name, scope) packages = [] current_package = scope.package packages << current_package unless current_package.nil? || current_package.empty? packages.concat(scope.search_packages) packages << 'java.lang' packages.each do |package| type = get_type("#{package}.#{name}") return type if type end return nil end def getBlockType @block_type ||= BlockType.new end def get_type(full_name) type = @known_types[full_name] return type.basic_type if type mirror = get_mirror(full_name) unless mirror if full_name =~ /^(.+)\.([^.]+)/ outer_name = $1 inner_name = $2 outer_type = get_type(outer_name) return nil unless outer_type full_name = "#{outer_type.name}$#{inner_name}" mirror = get_mirror(full_name) return nil unless mirror else return nil end end type = Type.new(self, mirror).load_extensions if full_name.include? '$' @known_types[full_name.gsub('$', '.')] = type end @known_types[full_name] = type end def known_type(scope, name) basic_type(scope, name) end def declare_type(scope, name) full_name = name package = scope.package if !name.include?('.') if package && !package.empty? full_name = "#{package}.#{name}" else scope.on_package_change do full_name = "#{scope.package}.#{name}" scope.import(full_name, name) @known_types[full_name] = @known_types[name] end end end if @known_types.include? full_name @known_types[full_name] else scope.import(full_name, name) @known_types[full_name] = TypeDefinition.new(self, scope, full_name, nil) end end def define_type(scope, node) if node.name.nil? outer_node = node.find_ancestor {|n| (n != node && n.kind_of?(ClassDefinition)) || n.kind_of?(Script)} if outer_node.kind_of?(ClassDefinition) outer_name = outer_node.name.identifier else outer_name = Mirah::JVM::Compiler::JVMBytecode.classname_from_filename(node.position.source.name || 'DashE') end id = (@anonymous_classes[outer_name] += 1) node.name_set(SimpleString.new("#{outer_name}$#{id}")) end name = node.name.identifier full_name = name package = scope.package if !name.include?('.') && package && !package.empty? full_name = "#{package}.#{name}" end if @known_types.include?(full_name) && @known_types[full_name].kind_of?(TypeDefinition) existing = @known_types[full_name] unless existing.node existing.node = node existing.scope = scope end existing else if InterfaceDeclaration === node klass = InterfaceDefinition else klass = TypeDefinition end scope.import(full_name, name) @known_types[full_name] = klass.new(self, scope, full_name, node) end end def base_classpath if __FILE__.include? '.jar' Mirah::Env.encode_paths([__FILE__.split('!').first.split(Mirah::Env.path_separator).last]) else Mirah::Env.encode_paths(['.', File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../javalib/mirah-builtins.jar', File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../javalib/mirah-parser.jar', File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../javalib/mirah-bootstrap.jar']) end end def classpath @classpath ||= base_classpath end def classpath=(classpath) if classpath @classpath = Mirah::Env.encode_paths [classpath, base_classpath] end @resource_loader = nil end def resource_loader @resource_loader ||= URLClassLoader.new(Mirah::Env.make_urls(classpath), bootstrap_loader) end def bootstrap_loader @bootstrap_loader ||= begin parent = if bootclasspath Mirah::Util::IsolatedResourceLoader.new(Mirah::Env.make_urls(bootclasspath)) end if __FILE__ =~ /^(file:.+jar)!/ bootstrap_urls = [java.net.URL.new($1)].to_java(java.net.URL) else bootstrap_jar = File.expand_path("#{__FILE__}/../../../../../javalib/mirah-bootstrap.jar") bootstrap_urls = [java.io.File.new(bootstrap_jar).to_uri.to_url].to_java(java.net.URL) end URLClassLoader.new(bootstrap_urls, parent) end end def bootclasspath=(classpath) @bootclasspath = classpath @bootstrap_loader = nil @resource_loader = nil end attr_reader :bootclasspath def mirror_class(klass) name = klass.name.tr('.', '/') if klass.respond_to?(:resource_as_stream) stream = klass.resource_as_stream("/#{name}.class") elsif klass.respond_to?(:get_resource_as_stream) stream = klass.get_resource_as_stream("/#{name}.class") else return get_mirror(klass.name) end BiteScript::ASM::ClassMirror.load(stream) end def get_mirror(name) @mirrors[name] ||= begin classname = name.tr('.', '/') stream = resource_loader.getResourceAsStream(classname + ".class") if stream mirror = BiteScript::ASM::ClassMirror.load(stream) mirror if mirror.type.class_name == name else # TODO(ribrdb) Should this use a separate sourcepath? url = resource_loader.getResource(classname + ".java") if url file = java.io.File.new(url.toURI) mirrors = JavaSourceMirror.load(file, self) rescue [] mirrors.each do |mirror| @mirrors[mirror.type.class_name] = mirror end if mirrors @mirrors[name] end end end end def getAbstractMethods(type) methods = [] unless type.isError object = get_type("java.lang.Object") interfaces = [type] until interfaces.empty? interface = interfaces.pop abstract_methods = interface.declared_instance_methods.select {|m| m.abstract?} methods += abstract_methods.select do |m| begin # Skip methods defined on Object object.java_method(m.name, *m.argument_types) false rescue NameError true end end interfaces.concat(interface.interfaces) end # TODO ensure this works with hierarchies of abstract classes # reject the methods implemented by the abstract class if type.abstract? implemented_methods = type.declared_instance_methods.reject{|m| m.abstract?}.map { |m| [m.name, m.argument_types, m.return_type] } methods = methods.reject{|m| implemented_methods.include? [m.name, m.argument_types, m.return_type] } end end methods.map do |method| MethodType.new(method.name, method.argument_types, method.return_type, false) end end end end require 'mirah/jvm/types/basic_types'