# vim:fileencoding=utf-8 require 'resque' require_relative 'plugin' require_relative '../scheduler' module ResqueAdmin module Scheduler module DelayingExtensions # This method is nearly identical to +enqueue+ only it also # takes a timestamp which will be used to schedule the job # for queueing. Until timestamp is in the past, the job will # sit in the schedule list. def enqueue_at(timestamp, klass, *args) validate(klass) enqueue_at_with_queue( queue_from_class(klass), timestamp, klass, *args ) end # Identical to +enqueue_at+, except you can also specify # a queue in which the job will be placed after the # timestamp has passed. It respects ResqueAdmin.inline option, by # creating the job right away instead of adding to the queue. def enqueue_at_with_queue(queue, timestamp, klass, *args) return false unless plugin.run_before_schedule_hooks(klass, *args) if ResqueAdmin.inline? || timestamp.to_i < Time.now.to_i # Just create the job and let resque perform it right away with # inline. If the class is a custom job class, call self#scheduled # on it. This allows you to do things like # ResqueAdmin.enqueue_at(timestamp, CustomJobClass, :opt1 => val1). # Otherwise, pass off to ResqueAdmin. if klass.respond_to?(:scheduled) klass.scheduled(queue, klass.to_s, *args) else ResqueAdmin::Job.create(queue, klass, *args) end else delayed_push(timestamp, job_to_hash_with_queue(queue, klass, args)) end plugin.run_after_schedule_hooks(klass, *args) end # Identical to enqueue_at but takes number_of_seconds_from_now # instead of a timestamp. def enqueue_in(number_of_seconds_from_now, klass, *args) enqueue_at(Time.now + number_of_seconds_from_now, klass, *args) end # Identical to +enqueue_in+, except you can also specify # a queue in which the job will be placed after the # number of seconds has passed. def enqueue_in_with_queue(queue, number_of_seconds_from_now, klass, *args) enqueue_at_with_queue(queue, Time.now + number_of_seconds_from_now, klass, *args) end # Used internally to stuff the item into the schedule sorted list. # +timestamp+ can be either in seconds or a datetime object Insertion # if O(log(n)). Returns true if it's the first job to be scheduled at # that time, else false def delayed_push(timestamp, item) # First add this item to the list for this timestamp redis.rpush("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}", encode(item)) # Store the timestamps at with this item occurs redis.sadd("timestamps:#{encode(item)}", "delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}") # Now, add this timestamp to the zsets. The score and the value are # the same since we'll be querying by timestamp, and we don't have # anything else to store. redis.zadd :delayed_queue_schedule, timestamp.to_i, timestamp.to_i end # Returns an array of timestamps based on start and count def delayed_queue_peek(start, count) result = redis.zrange(:delayed_queue_schedule, start, start + count - 1) Array(result).map(&:to_i) end # Returns the size of the delayed queue schedule def delayed_queue_schedule_size redis.zcard :delayed_queue_schedule end # Returns the number of jobs for a given timestamp in the delayed queue # schedule def delayed_timestamp_size(timestamp) redis.llen("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}").to_i end # Returns an array of delayed items for the given timestamp def delayed_timestamp_peek(timestamp, start, count) if 1 == count r = list_range "delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}", start, count r.nil? ? [] : [r] else list_range "delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}", start, count end end # Returns the next delayed queue timestamp # (don't call directly) def next_delayed_timestamp(at_time = nil) search_first_delayed_timestamp_in_range(nil, at_time || Time.now) end # Returns the next item to be processed for a given timestamp, nil if # done. (don't call directly) # +timestamp+ can either be in seconds or a datetime def next_item_for_timestamp(timestamp) key = "delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}" encoded_item = redis.lpop(key) redis.srem("timestamps:#{encoded_item}", key) item = decode(encoded_item) # If the list is empty, remove it. clean_up_timestamp(key, timestamp) item end # Clears all jobs created with enqueue_at or enqueue_in def reset_delayed_queue Array(redis.zrange(:delayed_queue_schedule, 0, -1)).each do |item| key = "delayed:#{item}" items = redis.lrange(key, 0, -1) redis.pipelined do items.each { |ts_item| redis.del("timestamps:#{ts_item}") } end redis.del key end redis.del :delayed_queue_schedule end # Given an encoded item, remove it from the delayed_queue def remove_delayed(klass, *args) search = encode(job_to_hash(klass, args)) remove_delayed_job(search) end # Given an encoded item, enqueue it now def enqueue_delayed(klass, *args) hash = job_to_hash(klass, args) remove_delayed(klass, *args).times do ResqueAdmin::Scheduler.enqueue_from_config(hash) end end # Given a block, remove jobs that return true from a block # # This allows for removal of delayed jobs that have arguments matching # certain criteria def remove_delayed_selection(klass = nil) raise ArgumentError, 'Please supply a block' unless block_given? found_jobs = find_delayed_selection(klass) { |args| yield(args) } found_jobs.reduce(0) do |sum, encoded_job| sum + remove_delayed_job(encoded_job) end end # Given a block, enqueue jobs now that return true from a block # # This allows for enqueuing of delayed jobs that have arguments matching # certain criteria def enqueue_delayed_selection(klass = nil) raise ArgumentError, 'Please supply a block' unless block_given? found_jobs = find_delayed_selection(klass) { |args| yield(args) } found_jobs.reduce(0) do |sum, encoded_job| decoded_job = decode(encoded_job) klass = Util.constantize(decoded_job['class']) sum + enqueue_delayed(klass, *decoded_job['args']) end end # Given a block, find jobs that return true from a block # # This allows for finding of delayed jobs that have arguments matching # certain criteria def find_delayed_selection(klass = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'Please supply a block' unless block_given? timestamps = redis.zrange(:delayed_queue_schedule, 0, -1) # Beyond 100 there's almost no improvement in speed found = timestamps.each_slice(100).map do |ts_group| jobs = redis.pipelined do |r| ts_group.each do |ts| r.lrange("delayed:#{ts}", 0, -1) end end jobs.flatten.select do |payload| payload_matches_selection?(decode(payload), klass, &block) end end found.flatten end # Given a timestamp and job (klass + args) it removes all instances and # returns the count of jobs removed. # # O(N) where N is the number of jobs scheduled to fire at the given # timestamp def remove_delayed_job_from_timestamp(timestamp, klass, *args) return 0 if ResqueAdmin.inline? key = "delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}" encoded_job = encode(job_to_hash(klass, args)) redis.srem("timestamps:#{encoded_job}", key) count = redis.lrem(key, 0, encoded_job) clean_up_timestamp(key, timestamp) count end def count_all_scheduled_jobs total_jobs = 0 Array(redis.zrange(:delayed_queue_schedule, 0, -1)).each do |ts| total_jobs += redis.llen("delayed:#{ts}").to_i end total_jobs end # Discover if a job has been delayed. # Examples # ResqueAdmin.delayed?(MyJob) # ResqueAdmin.delayed?(MyJob, id: 1) # Returns true if the job has been delayed def delayed?(klass, *args) !scheduled_at(klass, *args).empty? end # Returns delayed jobs schedule timestamp for +klass+, +args+. def scheduled_at(klass, *args) search = encode(job_to_hash(klass, args)) redis.smembers("timestamps:#{search}").map do |key| key.tr('delayed:', '').to_i end end def last_enqueued_at(job_name, date) redis.hset('delayed:last_enqueued_at', job_name, date) end def get_last_enqueued_at(job_name) redis.hget('delayed:last_enqueued_at', job_name) end private def job_to_hash(klass, args) { class: klass.to_s, args: args, queue: queue_from_class(klass) } end def job_to_hash_with_queue(queue, klass, args) { class: klass.to_s, args: args, queue: queue } end def remove_delayed_job(encoded_job) return 0 if ResqueAdmin.inline? timestamps = redis.smembers("timestamps:#{encoded_job}") replies = redis.pipelined do timestamps.each do |key| redis.lrem(key, 0, encoded_job) redis.srem("timestamps:#{encoded_job}", key) end end return 0 if replies.nil? || replies.empty? replies.each_slice(2).map(&:first).inject(:+) end def clean_up_timestamp(key, timestamp) # Use a watch here to ensure nobody adds jobs to this delayed # queue while we're removing it. redis.watch(key) do if redis.llen(key).to_i == 0 # If the list is empty, remove it. redis.multi do redis.del(key) redis.zrem(:delayed_queue_schedule, timestamp.to_i) end else redis.redis.unwatch end end end def search_first_delayed_timestamp_in_range(start_at, stop_at) start_at = start_at.nil? ? '-inf' : start_at.to_i stop_at = stop_at.nil? ? '+inf' : stop_at.to_i items = redis.zrangebyscore( :delayed_queue_schedule, start_at, stop_at, limit: [0, 1] ) timestamp = items.nil? ? nil : Array(items).first timestamp.to_i unless timestamp.nil? end def payload_matches_selection?(decoded_payload, klass) return false if decoded_payload.nil? job_class = decoded_payload['class'] relevant_class = (klass.nil? || klass.to_s == job_class) relevant_class && yield(decoded_payload['args']) end def plugin ResqueAdmin::Scheduler::Plugin end end end end