# encoding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Backup::Model do before do class Backup::Database::TestDatabase def initialize(&block); end end class Backup::Storage::TestStorage def initialize(&block); end end class Backup::Archive def initialize(name, &block); end end class Backup::Compressor::Gzip def initialize(&block); end end class Backup::Compressor::SevenZip def initialize(&block); end end class Backup::Encryptor::OpenSSL def initialize(&block); end end class Backup::Encryptor::GPG def initialize(&block); end end class Backup::Notifier::TestMail def initialize(&block); end end end let(:model) { Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') {} } it do Backup::Model.extension.should == 'tar' end it do Backup::Model.new('foo', 'bar') {} Backup::Model.extension.should == 'tar' end before do Backup::Model.extension = 'tar' end it do Backup::Model.new('blah', 'blah') {} Backup::Model.extension.should == 'tar' end it do Backup::Model.new('blah', 'blah') {} Backup::Model.file.should == "#{ File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, "#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar") }" end it do Backup::Model.new('blah', 'blah') {} File.basename(Backup::Model.file).should == "#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar" end it do Backup::Model.new('blah', 'blah') {} Backup::Model.tmp_path.should == File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, Backup::TRIGGER) end it 'should create a new model with a trigger and label' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') {} model.trigger.should == 'mysql-s3' model.label.should == 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp' end it 'should have the time logged in the object' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') {} model.time.should == Backup::TIME end describe '#extension' do it 'should start out with just .tar before compression occurs' do Backup::Model.extension.should == 'tar' end end describe 'databases' do it 'should add the mysql adapter to the array of databases to invoke' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do database('TestDatabase') end model.databases.count.should == 1 end it 'should add 2 mysql adapters to the array of adapters to invoke' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do database('TestDatabase') database('TestDatabase') end model.databases.count.should == 2 end end describe 'storages' do it 'should add a storage to the array of storages to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do store_with('TestStorage') end model.storages.count.should == 1 end it 'should add a storage to the array of storages to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do store_with('TestStorage') store_with('TestStorage') end model.storages.count.should == 2 end end describe 'archives' do it 'should add an archive to the array of archives to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do archive('my_archive') end model.archives.count.should == 1 end it 'should add a storage to the array of storages to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do archive('TestStorage') archive('TestStorage') end model.archives.count.should == 2 end end describe '#compress_with' do it 'should add a compressor to the array of compressors to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do compress_with('Gzip') end model.compressors.count.should == 1 end it 'should add a compressor to the array of compressors to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do compress_with('Gzip') compress_with('SevenZip') end model.compressors.count.should == 2 end end describe '#encrypt_with' do it 'should add a encryptor to the array of encryptors to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do encrypt_with('OpenSSL') end model.encryptors.count.should == 1 end it 'should add a encryptor to the array of encryptors to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do encrypt_with('OpenSSL') encrypt_with('GPG') end model.encryptors.count.should == 2 end end describe '#notify_by' do it 'should add a notifier to the array of notifiers to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do notify_by('TestMail') end model.notifiers.count.should == 1 end it 'should add a notifier to the array of notifiers to use' do model = Backup::Model.new('mysql-s3', 'MySQL S3 Backup for MyApp') do notify_by('TestMail') notify_by('TestMail') end model.notifiers.count.should == 2 end end describe '#package!' do before do [:utility, :run].each { |method| model.stubs(method) } Backup::Logger.stubs(:message) end it 'should package the folder' do model.expects(:utility).with(:tar).returns(:tar) model.expects(:run).with(%|tar -c -f '#{ File.join( Backup::TMP_PATH, "#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar" ) }' -C '#{ Backup::TMP_PATH }' '#{ Backup::TRIGGER }'|) model.send(:package!) end it 'should log' do Backup::Logger.expects(:message).with("Backup started packaging everything to a single archive file.") model.send(:package!) end end describe '#clean!' do before do [:utility, :run, :rm].each { |method| model.stubs(method) } Backup::Logger.stubs(:message) end it 'should remove the temporary files and folders that were created' do model.expects(:utility).with(:rm).returns(:rm) model.expects(:run).with("rm -rf '#{ File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, Backup::TRIGGER) }' '#{ File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, "#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar") }'") model.send(:clean!) end it do Backup::Logger.expects(:message).with("Backup started cleaning up the temporary files.") model.send(:clean!) end end end