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Anything other than "light" or "dark" is treated as // "system" mode. const rrfGetRealMode = (selectedMode) => { if (selectedMode === "light" || selectedMode === "dark") { return selectedMode } if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) { return "dark" } return "light" } // Set the mode, given a "selected" mode. const rrfSetSelectedMode = (selectedMode) => { // Anything except "light" or "dark" is casted to "system". if (selectedMode !== "light" && selectedMode !== "dark") { selectedMode = "system" } // Store selected mode in `localStorage`. localStorage.setItem("rrfMode", selectedMode) // Set the mode selector to the selected mode. const modeComponent = document.getElementById("rrfModeComponent") if (modeComponent) { let labelHTML modeComponent.querySelectorAll("button[data-rrf-mode-value]").forEach((el) => { if (el.getAttribute("data-rrf-mode-value") === selectedMode) { el.classList.add("active") labelHTML = el.querySelector("i").outerHTML.replace("ms-2", "me-1") } else { el.classList.remove("active") } }) modeComponent.querySelector("button[data-bs-toggle]").innerHTML = labelHTML } // Get the real mode to use. realMode = rrfGetRealMode(selectedMode) // Set the `realMode` effects. if (realMode === "light") { document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-light-mode").forEach((el) => { el.disabled = false }) document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-dark-mode").forEach((el) => { el.disabled = true }) document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-mode").forEach((el) => { el.setAttribute("data-bs-theme", "light") }) } else if (realMode === "dark") { document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-light-mode").forEach((el) => { el.disabled = true }) document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-dark-mode").forEach((el) => { el.disabled = false }) document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-mode").forEach((el) => { el.setAttribute("data-bs-theme", "dark") }) } else { console.log(`RRF: Unknown mode: ${mode}`) } } // Initialize dark/light mode before page fully loads to prevent flash. rrfSetSelectedMode(localStorage.getItem("rrfMode")) // Initialize dark/light mode after page load (mostly so mode component is updated). document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => { rrfSetSelectedMode(localStorage.getItem("rrfMode")) // Also set up mode selector. document.querySelectorAll("#rrfModeComponent button[data-rrf-mode-value]").forEach((el) => { el.addEventListener("click", (event) => { rrfSetSelectedMode(event.target.getAttribute("data-rrf-mode-value")) }) }) }) // Handle case where user changes system theme. if (window.matchMedia) { window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").addEventListener("change", () => { const selectedMode = localStorage.getItem("rrfMode") if (selectedMode !== "light" && selectedMode !== "dark") { rrfSetSelectedMode("system") } }) } })(); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => { // Pretty-print JSON. document.querySelectorAll(".language-json").forEach((el) => { el.innerHTML = neatJSON(JSON.parse(el.innerText), { wrap: 80, afterComma: 1, afterColon: 1, }).replaceAll("&", "&") .replaceAll("<", "<") .replaceAll(">", ">") .replaceAll('"', """) .replaceAll("'", "'") }) // Then highlight it. hljs.configure({cssSelector: "pre code"}) hljs.highlightAll() // Replace text node links with anchor tag links. document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-copy code").forEach((el) => { el.innerHTML = rrfLinkify(el.innerHTML) }) // Insert copy links. document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-copy").forEach((el) => { el.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", '<a class="rrf-copy-link" title="Copy to Clipboard" href="#"><i class="bi bi-clipboard-fill"></i></a>', ) }) // Copy link implementation. document.querySelectorAll(".rrf-copy-link").forEach((el) => { el.addEventListener("click", (event) => { const range = document.createRange() range.selectNode(el.nextSibling) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() window.getSelection().addRange(range) if (document.execCommand("copy")) { // Trigger clicked animation. el.classList.add("rrf-clicked") el.innerHTML = '<i class="bi bi-clipboard-check-fill">' setTimeout(() => { el.classList.remove("rrf-clicked") el.innerHTML = '<i class="bi bi-clipboard-fill">' }, 1000) } event.preventDefault() }) }) // Check if `rawFilesFormWrapper` should be displayed when media type is changed. const rawFormRouteSelect = document.getElementById("rawFormRoute") const rawFormMediaTypeSelect = document.getElementById("rawFormMediaType") const rawFilesFormWrapper = document.getElementById("rawFilesFormWrapper") if (rawFilesFormWrapper) { const rawFormFilesHandler = () => { const selectedRouteOption = rawFormRouteSelect.options[rawFormRouteSelect.selectedIndex] if (rawFormMediaTypeSelect.value === "multipart/form-data" && selectedRouteOption.dataset.supportsFiles) { rawFilesFormWrapper.style.display = "block" } else { rawFilesFormWrapper.style.display = "none" } } rawFormRouteSelect.addEventListener("change", rawFormFilesHandler) rawFormMediaTypeSelect.addEventListener("change", rawFormFilesHandler) } }) // Convert plain-text links to anchor tag links. function rrfLinkify(text) { return text.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\s<>"]+)/g, "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>") } // Replace the document when doing form submission (mainly to support PUT/PATCH/DELETE). function rrfReplaceDocument(content) { // Replace the document with provided content. document.open() document.write(content) document.close() // Trigger `DOMContentLoaded` manually so our custom JavaScript works. document.dispatchEvent(new Event("DOMContentLoaded", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true})) } // Refresh the window as a `GET` request. function rrfGet(button) { button.disabled = true window.location.replace(window.location.href) } // Call `DELETE` on the current path. function rrfDelete(button) { button.disabled = true rrfAPICall(window.location.pathname, "DELETE") } // Call `OPTIONS` on the current path. function rrfOptions(button) { button.disabled = true rrfAPICall(window.location.pathname, "OPTIONS") } // Submit the raw form. function rrfSubmitRawForm(button) { button.disabled = true // Grab the selected route/method, media type, and the body. const [method, path] = document.getElementById("rawFormRoute").value.split(":") const mediaType = document.getElementById("rawFormMediaType").value let body = document.getElementById("rawFormContent").value // If the media type is `multipart/form-data`, then we need to build a FormData object. if (mediaType == "multipart/form-data") { let formData = new FormData() // Add body to `formData`. const bodySearchParams = new URLSearchParams(body) bodySearchParams.forEach((value, key) => { formData.append(key, value) }) // Add file(s) to `formData`. const rawFilesForm = document.getElementById("rawFilesForm") if (rawFilesForm) { rawFilesForm.querySelectorAll("input[type=file]").forEach((el) => { const files = el.files for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { formData.append(el.name, files[i]) } }) } // Set body to be the form data. body = formData } // Perform the API call. rrfAPICall(path, method, { body, // If the media type is `multipart/form-data`, then we don't want to set the content type // because it must be set by `fetch` to include boundary. headers: mediaType == "multipart/form-data" ? {} : {"Content-Type": mediaType}, }) } // Make an HTML API call and replace the document with the response. function rrfAPICall(path, method, kwargs={}) { const headers = kwargs.headers || {} delete kwargs.headers fetch(path, {method, headers: {"Accept": "text/html", ...headers}, ...kwargs}) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((body) => { rrfReplaceDocument(body) }) } </script>