#!/usr/bin/env ruby # wxRuby2 Sample Code. Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Kevin B. Smith # Freely reusable code: see SAMPLES-LICENSE.TXT for details begin require 'wx' rescue LoadError => no_wx_err begin require 'rubygems' require 'wx' rescue LoadError raise no_wx_err end end ArtClients = [ "Wx::ART_TOOLBAR", "Wx::ART_MENU", "Wx::ART_FRAME_ICON", "Wx::ART_CMN_DIALOG", "Wx::ART_HELP_BROWSER", "Wx::ART_MESSAGE_BOX", "Wx::ART_OTHER", ] ArtIDs = [ "Wx::ART_ADD_BOOKMARK", "Wx::ART_DEL_BOOKMARK", "Wx::ART_HELP_SIDE_PANEL", "Wx::ART_HELP_SETTINGS", "Wx::ART_HELP_BOOK", "Wx::ART_HELP_FOLDER", "Wx::ART_HELP_PAGE", "Wx::ART_GO_BACK", "Wx::ART_GO_FORWARD", "Wx::ART_GO_UP", "Wx::ART_GO_DOWN", "Wx::ART_GO_TO_PARENT", "Wx::ART_GO_HOME", "Wx::ART_FILE_OPEN", "Wx::ART_FILE_SAVE", "Wx::ART_FILE_SAVE_AS", "Wx::ART_PRINT", "Wx::ART_HELP", "Wx::ART_TIP", "Wx::ART_REPORT_VIEW", "Wx::ART_LIST_VIEW", "Wx::ART_NEW_DIR", "Wx::ART_HARDDISK", "Wx::ART_FLOPPY", "Wx::ART_CDROM", "Wx::ART_REMOVABLE", "Wx::ART_FOLDER", "Wx::ART_FOLDER_OPEN", "Wx::ART_GO_DIR_UP", "Wx::ART_EXECUTABLE_FILE", "Wx::ART_NORMAL_FILE", "Wx::ART_TICK_MARK", "Wx::ART_CROSS_MARK", "Wx::ART_ERROR", "Wx::ART_QUESTION", "Wx::ART_WARNING", "Wx::ART_INFORMATION", "Wx::ART_MISSING_IMAGE", "Wx::ART_COPY", "Wx::ART_CUT", "Wx::ART_PASTE", "Wx::ART_DELETE", "Wx::ART_NEW", "Wx::ART_UNDO", "Wx::ART_REDO", "Wx::ART_QUIT", "Wx::ART_FIND", "Wx::ART_FIND_AND_REPLACE", ] class MyArtProvider < Wx::ArtProvider def initialize(log) super() @log = log end # Custom art providers must supply this method def create_bitmap(artid, client, size) # You can do anything here you want, such as using the same # image for any size, any client, etc., or using specific # images for specific sizes, whatever... bmp = nil # use this one for all 48x48 images case size.get_width when 48 bmp = make_bitmap("wxwin48x48.png") when 32 bmp = make_bitmap("wxwin32x32.png") when 16 # be more specific for these if artid == Wx::ART_ADD_BOOKMARK bmp = make_bitmap("smiles.bmp") else bmp = make_bitmap("wxwin16x16.png") end end if bmp @log.write_text("MyArtProvider: providing #{artid}:#{client} at #{size.x}x#{size.y}") end bmp end def make_bitmap(f) f_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'icons', f) Wx::Bitmap.new(Wx::Image.new(f_path)) end end class TestPanel < Wx::Panel def initialize(parent, log) super(parent, -1, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, Wx::NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) @log = log sizer = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) title = Wx::StaticText.new(self, -1, "ArtProvider") title.set_font(Wx::Font.new(18, Wx::SWISS, Wx::NORMAL, Wx::BOLD)) sizer.add(title, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) line = Wx::StaticLine.new(self, -1, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::Size.new(20,-1), Wx::LI_HORIZONTAL) sizer.add(line, 0, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs = Wx::FlexGridSizer.new(0, 3, 10, 10) combo = Wx::ComboBox.new(self, -1, "", Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, ArtClients, Wx::CB_DROPDOWN|Wx::CB_READONLY) fgs.add(combo, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) evt_combobox(combo.get_id) { |event| on_select_client(event) } combo.set_selection(0) combo = Wx::ComboBox.new(self, -1, "", Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, ArtIDs, Wx::CB_DROPDOWN|Wx::CB_READONLY) fgs.add(combo, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) evt_combobox(combo.get_id) { |event| on_select_id(event) } combo.set_selection(0) # Custom provider not currently working cb = Wx::CheckBox.new(self, -1, "Use custom provider") fgs.add(cb, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) evt_checkbox(cb.get_id) { |event| on_use_custom(event) } # One extra spacer to account for missing checkbox # fgs.add(10, 10, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs.add(10, 10, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs.add(10, 10, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs.add(10, 10, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) box = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(16,16) @bmp16 = Wx::StaticBitmap.new(self, -1, bmp, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION) box.add(@bmp16, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) text = Wx::StaticText.new(self, -1, "16x16") box.add(text, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs.add(box, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) box = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(32,32) @bmp32 = Wx::StaticBitmap.new(self, -1, bmp, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION) box.add(@bmp32, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) text = Wx::StaticText.new(self, -1, "32x32") box.add(text, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs.add(box, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) box = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(48,48) @bmp48 = Wx::StaticBitmap.new(self, -1, bmp, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION) box.add(@bmp48, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) text = Wx::StaticText.new(self, -1, "48x48") box.add(text, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) fgs.add(box, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) sizer.add(fgs, 0, Wx::ALL, 5) set_sizer(sizer) @client = eval(ArtClients[0]) @artid = eval(ArtIDs[0]) get_art end def on_select_client(evt) @log.write_text("on_select_client") @client = eval(evt.get_string) get_art end def on_select_id(evt) @log.write_text("on_select_id") @artid = eval(evt.get_string) get_art end def on_use_custom(evt) if evt.is_checked @log.write_text("Images will now be provided by MyArtProvider") Wx::ArtProvider.push( MyArtProvider.new(@log) ) else @log.write_text("MyArtProvider deactivated\n") Wx::ArtProvider.pop end get_art end def get_art @log.write_text("Getting art for #{@client}:#{@artid}") bmp = Wx::ArtProvider.get_bitmap(@artid, @client, Wx::Size.new(16,16)) if not bmp.is_ok bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(16,16) clear_bmp(bmp) end @bmp16.set_bitmap(bmp) bmp = Wx::ArtProvider::get_bitmap(@artid, @client, Wx::Size.new(32,32)) if not bmp.is_ok bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(32,32) clear_bmp(bmp) end @bmp32.set_bitmap(bmp) bmp = Wx::ArtProvider::get_bitmap(@artid, @client, Wx::Size.new(48,48)) if not bmp.is_ok bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(48,48) clear_bmp(bmp) end @bmp48.set_bitmap(bmp) end def clear_bmp(bmp) dc = Wx::MemoryDC.new dc.select_object(bmp) dc.set_background(Wx::WHITE_BRUSH) dc.clear end end module Demo def Demo.run(frame, nb, log) win = TestPanel.new(nb, log) return win end def Demo.overview return 'Wx::ArtProvider class can be used to customize the look of wxWindows applications. When wxWindows internal classes need to display an icon or a bitmap (e.g. in the standard file dialog), it does not use a hard-coded resource but asks Wx::ArtProvider for it instead. This way the users can plug in their own Wx::ArtProvider class and easily replace standard art with his/her own version. It is easy thing to do: all that is needed is to derive a class from Wx::ArtProvider, override its CreateBitmap method and register the provider with Wx::ArtProvider.push_provider. This class can also be used to get the platform native icons as provided by Wx::ArtProvider.get_bitmap or Wx::ArtProvider.get_icon methods.' end end if __FILE__ == $0 run_solo_lib = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'run.rb') load run_solo_lib run File.basename($0) end