# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory require 'metasm/gui/dasm_main' module Metasm module Gui # TODO invalidate dbg.disassembler on selfmodifying code class DbgWidget < ContainerVBoxWidget attr_accessor :dbg, :console, :regs, :code, :mem, :win attr_accessor :watchpoint attr_accessor :parent_widget, :keyboard_callback, :keyboard_callback_ctrl def initialize_widget(dbg) @dbg = dbg @keyboard_callback = {} @keyboard_callback_ctrl = {} @parent_widget = nil @regs = DbgRegWidget.new(dbg, self) @mem = DisasmWidget.new(dbg.disassembler) @code = DisasmWidget.new(dbg.disassembler) # after mem so that dasm.gui == @code @console = DbgConsoleWidget.new(dbg, self) @code.parent_widget = self @mem.parent_widget = self @dbg.disassembler.disassemble_fast(@dbg.pc) oldcb = @code.bg_color_callback @code.bg_color_callback = lambda { |a| if a == @dbg.pc :red_bg # TODO breakpoints & stuff elsif oldcb; oldcb[a] end } # TODO popup menu, set bp, goto here, show arg in memdump.. @children = [@code, @mem, @regs] add @regs, 'expand' => false # XXX add @mem add @code add @console @watchpoint = { @code => @dbg.register_pc } pc = @dbg.resolve_expr(@watchpoint[@code]) graph = :graph if @dbg.disassembler.function_blocks(pc).to_a.length < 100 @code.focus_addr(pc, graph, true) @mem.focus_addr(0, :hex, true) end def swapin_tid @regs.swapin_tid @dbg.disassembler.disassemble_fast(@dbg.pc) @children.each { |c| if wp = @watchpoint[c] c.focus_addr @dbg.resolve_expr(wp), nil, true end } redraw end def swapin_pid @mem.dasm = @dbg.disassembler @code.dasm = @dbg.disassembler swapin_tid gui_update end def keypress(key) return true if @keyboard_callback[key] and @keyboard_callback[key][key] case key when :f5; protect { dbg_continue } when :f10; protect { dbg_stepover } when :f11; protect { dbg_singlestep } when :f12; protect { dbg_stepout } when ?.; @console.grab_focus else return @parent_widget ? @parent_widget.keypress(key) : false end true end def keypress_ctrl(key) return true if @keyboard_callback_ctrl[key] and @keyboard_callback_ctrl[key][key] case key when :f5; protect { @dbg.pass_current_exception ; dbg.continue } else return @parent_widget ? @parent_widget.keypress_ctrl(key) : false end true end def pre_dbg_run @regs.pre_dbg_run end # TODO check_target always, incl when :stopped def post_dbg_run # focus currently stopped threads if @dbg.state == :running and tt = @dbg.tid_stuff.find { |tid, tstuff| tstuff[:state] != :running } @dbg.tid = tt[0] end want_redraw = true return if @idle_checking ||= nil # load only one bg proc @idle_checking = true Gui.idle_add { protect { @dbg.check_target if @dbg.state == :running redraw if want_redraw # redraw once if the target is running (less flicker with singlestep) want_redraw = false sleep 0.01 next true end @idle_checking = false @dbg.dasm_invalidate @mem.gui_update @dbg.disassembler.sections.clear if @dbg.state == :dead @dbg.disassembler.disassemble_fast(@dbg.pc) if not @dbg.disassembler.di_at(@dbg.pc) @children.each { |c| if wp = @watchpoint[c] c.focus_addr @dbg.resolve_expr(wp), nil, true end } redraw false } } end def wrap_run pre_dbg_run yield post_dbg_run end def dbg_continue(*a) wrap_run { @dbg.continue(*a) } end def dbg_singlestep(*a) wrap_run { @dbg.singlestep(*a) } end def dbg_stepover(*a) wrap_run { @dbg.stepover(*a) } end def dbg_stepout(*a) wrap_run { @dbg.stepout(*a) } end def redraw super @console.redraw @regs.gui_update @children.each { |c| c.redraw } end def gui_update @console.redraw @children.each { |c| c.gui_update } end def prompt_attach(caption='choose target') l = nil i = inputbox(caption) { |name| i = nil ; l.destroy if l and not l.destroyed? @dbg.attach(name) } # build process list in bg (exe name resolution takes a few seconds) list = [['pid', 'name']] list_pr = OS.current.list_processes Gui.idle_add { if pr = list_pr.shift list << [pr.pid, pr.path] if pr.path true elsif i me = ::Process.pid.to_s l = listwindow('running processes', list, :noshow => true, :color_callback => lambda { |le| [:grey, :palegrey] if le[0] == me } ) { |e| i.text = e[0] i.keypress(:enter) if l.destroyed? } l.x += l.width l.show false end } if not list_pr.empty? end def prompt_createprocess(caption='choose path') openfile(caption) { |path| path = '"' + path + '"' if @dbg.shortname == 'windbg' and path =~ /\s/ inputbox('target args?', :text => path) { |pa| @dbg.create_process(pa) } } end def prompt_datawatch inputbox('data watch', :text => @watchpoint[@mem].to_s) { |e| case e when '', 'nil', 'none', 'delete' @watchpoint.delete @mem else @watchpoint[@mem] = @console.parse_expr(e) end } end def dragdropfile(f) case f when /\.(c|h|cpp)$/; @dbg.disassembler.parse_c_file(f) when /\.map$/; @dbg.load_map(f) when /\.rb$/; @dbg.load_plugin(f) ; @console.add_log "loaded plugin #{File.basename(f, '.rb')}" else messagebox("unsupported file extension #{f}") end end def extend_contextmenu(tg, menu, addr=nil) if addr bm = tg.new_menu bl = @dbg.all_breakpoints(addr) if not bl.empty? tg.addsubmenu(bm, '_clear breakpoint') { bl.each { |b| @dbg.del_bp(b) } } end tg.addsubmenu(bm, '_go here') { @dbg.bpx(addr, true) ; dbg_continue } tg.addsubmenu(bm, '_bpx') { @dbg.bpx(addr) } tg.addsubmenu(bm, 'bpm _read') { @dbg.hwbp(addr, :r, 1) } tg.addsubmenu(bm, 'bpm _write') { @dbg.hwbp(addr, :w, 1) } tg.addsubmenu(menu, '_bp', bm) end if @parent_widget.respond_to?(:extend_contextmenu) @parent_widget.extend_contextmenu(tg, menu, addr) end end end # a widget that displays values of registers of a Debugger # also controls the Debugger and commands slave windows (showing listing & memory) class DbgRegWidget < DrawableWidget attr_accessor :dbg def initialize_widget(dbg, parent_widget) @dbg = dbg @parent_widget = parent_widget @caret_x = @caret_reg = 0 @oldcaret_x = @oldcaret_reg = 42 @tid_stuff = {} swapin_tid @reg_pos = [] # list of x y w h vx of the reg drawing on widget, vx is x of value @default_color_association = ColorTheme.merge :label => :text, :data => :blue, :write_pending => :darkred, :changed => :darkgreen, :caret => :text, :inactive => :palegrey end def swapin_tid stf = @tid_stuff[[@dbg.pid, @dbg.tid]] ||= {} return if not @dbg.cpu @write_pending = stf[:write_pending] ||= {} # addr -> newvalue (bytewise) @registers = stf[:registers] ||= @dbg.register_list @flags = stf[:flags] ||= @dbg.flag_list @register_size = stf[:reg_sz] ||= @registers.inject(Hash.new(1)) { |h, r| h.update r => @dbg.register_size[r]/4 } @reg_cache = stf[:reg_cache] ||= Hash.new(0) @reg_cache_old = stf[:reg_cache_old] ||= {} end def initialize_visible gui_update end def click(ex, ey) if p = @reg_pos.find { |x, y, w, h, vx| x <= ex and x+w >= ex and y <= ey and y+h >= ey } @caret_reg = @reg_pos.index(p) @caret_x = ((ex - p[4]) / @font_width).to_i rs = @register_size[@registers[@caret_reg]] @caret_x = rs-1 if @caret_x > rs-1 @caret_x = 0 if @caret_x < 0 update_caret end end def rightclick(x, y) doubleclick(x, y) # XXX end def doubleclick(x, y) gui_update # XXX end def paint x = 1 y = 0 w_w = width render = lambda { |str, color| draw_string_color(color, x, y, str) x += str.length * @font_width } @reg_pos = [] running = (@dbg.state != :stopped) regstrlen = @registers.map { |reg| reg.to_s.length + 1 }.max @registers.each { |reg| strlen = regstrlen + @register_size[reg] if x + strlen*@font_width >= w_w x = 1 y += @font_height end @reg_pos << [x, y, (strlen+1)*@font_width, @font_height, x+regstrlen*@font_width] render["#{reg}=".ljust(regstrlen), :label] v = @write_pending[reg] || @reg_cache[reg] col = running ? :inactive : @write_pending[reg] ? :write_pending : @reg_cache_old.fetch(reg, v) != v ? :changed : :data if v.kind_of?(::Integer) render["%0#{@register_size[reg]}x " % v, col] else render[v.to_s, col] end x += @font_width # space } @flags.each { |reg| if x + @font_width >= w_w # XXX nowrap flags ? x = 1 y += @font_height end @reg_pos << [x, y, @font_width, @font_height, x] v = @write_pending[reg] || @reg_cache[reg] col = running ? :inactive : @write_pending[reg] ? :write_pending : @reg_cache_old.fetch(reg, v) != v ? :changed : :data v = v == 0 ? reg.to_s.downcase : reg.to_s.upcase render[v, col] x += @font_width # space } if focus? # draw caret cx = @reg_pos[@caret_reg][4] + @caret_x*@font_width cy = @reg_pos[@caret_reg][1] draw_line_color(:caret, cx, cy, cx, cy+@font_height-1) end @oldcaret_x, @oldcaret_reg = @caret_x, @caret_reg @parent_widget.resize_child(self, width, y+@font_height) end # keyboard binding # basic navigation (arrows, pgup etc) def keypress(key) case key when :left if @caret_x > 0 @caret_x -= 1 update_caret end when :right if @caret_x < @register_size[@registers[@caret_reg]]-1 @caret_x += 1 update_caret end when :up if @caret_reg > 0 @caret_reg -= 1 else @caret_reg = @registers.length+@flags.length-1 end @caret_x = 0 update_caret when :down if @caret_reg < @registers.length+@flags.length-1 @caret_reg += 1 else @caret_reg = 0 end @caret_x = 0 update_caret when :home @caret_x = 0 update_caret when :end @caret_x = @register_size[@registers[@caret_reg]]-1 update_caret when :tab if @caret_reg < @registers.length+@flags.length-1 @caret_reg += 1 else @caret_reg = 0 end @caret_x = 0 update_caret when :backspace # TODO when :enter commit_writes redraw when :esc @write_pending.clear redraw when ?\x20..?\x7e if ?a.kind_of?(String) v = key.ord case key when ?\x20; v = nil # keep current value when ?0..?9; v -= ?0.ord when ?a..?f; v -= ?a.ord-10 when ?A..?F; v -= ?A.ord-10 else return false end else case v = key when ?\x20; v = nil when ?0..?9; v -= ?0 when ?a..?f; v -= ?a - 10 when ?A..?F; v -= ?A - 10 else return false end end reg = @registers[@caret_reg] || @flags[@caret_reg-@registers.length] rsz = @register_size[reg] if v and rsz != 1 oo = 4*(rsz-@caret_x-1) ov = @write_pending[reg] || @reg_cache[reg] ov &= ~(0xf << oo) ov |= v << oo @write_pending[reg] = ov elsif v and (v == 0 or v == 1) # TODO change z flag by typing 'z' or 'Z' @write_pending[reg] = v rsz = 1 end if rsz == 1 @caret_reg += 1 @caret_reg = @registers.length if @caret_reg >= @registers.length + @flags.length elsif @caret_x < rsz-1 @caret_x += 1 else @caret_x = 0 end redraw else return false end true end def pre_dbg_run @reg_cache_old.replace @reg_cache if @reg_cache end def commit_writes @write_pending.each { |k, v| if @registers.index(k) @dbg.set_reg_value(k, v) else @dbg.set_flag_value(k, v) end @reg_cache[k] = v } @write_pending.clear end def gui_update @reg_cache.replace @registers.inject({}) { |h, r| h.update r => @dbg.get_reg_value(r) } @flags.each { |f| @reg_cache[f] = @dbg.get_flag_value(f) } redraw end # hint that the caret moved def update_caret return if @oldcaret_x == @caret_x and @oldcaret_reg == @caret_reg invalidate_caret(@oldcaret_x, 0, *@reg_pos[@oldcaret_reg].values_at(4, 1)) invalidate_caret(@caret_x, 0, *@reg_pos[@caret_reg].values_at(4, 1)) @oldcaret_x, @oldcaret_reg = @caret_x, @caret_reg end end # a widget that displays logs of the debugger, and a cli interface to the dbg class DbgConsoleWidget < DrawableWidget attr_accessor :dbg, :cmd_history, :log, :statusline, :commands, :cmd_help def initialize_widget(dbg, parent_widget) @dbg = dbg @parent_widget = parent_widget @dbg.gui = self @log = [] @log_length = 4000 @log_offset = 0 @curline = '' @statusline = 'type \'help\' for help' @cmd_history = [''] @cmd_history_length = 200 # number of past commands to remember @cmd_histptr = nil @dbg.set_log_proc { |l| add_log l } @default_color_association = ColorTheme.merge :log => :palegrey, :curline => :white, :caret => :yellow, :background => :black, :status => :black, :status_bg => '088' init_commands end def initialize_visible grab_focus gui_update end def swapin_tid @parent_widget.swapin_tid end def swapin_pid @parent_widget.swapin_pid end def click(x, y) @caret_x = (x-1).to_i / @font_width - 1 @caret_x = [[@caret_x, 0].max, @curline.length].min update_caret end def doubleclick(x, y) # TODO real copy/paste # for now, copy the line under the dblclick y -= height % @font_height y = y.to_i / @font_height hc = height / @font_height if y == hc - 1 txt = @statusline elsif y == hc - 2 txt = @curline else txt = @log.reverse[@log_offset + hc - y - 3].to_s end clipboard_copy(txt) end # copy/paste word under cursor (paste when on last line) def rightclick(x, y) y -= height % @font_height y = y.to_i / @font_height hc = height / @font_height x /= @font_width if y >= hc - 2 keypress_ctrl ?v else txt = @log.reverse[@log_offset + hc - y - 3].to_s word = txt[0...x].to_s[/\w*$/] << txt[x..-1].to_s[/^\w*/] clipboard_copy(word) end end def mouse_wheel(dir, x, y) case dir when :up; @log_offset += 3 when :down; @log_offset -= 3 end redraw end def paint y = height render = lambda { |str, color| draw_string_color(color, 1, y, str) y -= @font_height } w_w = width y -= @font_height draw_rectangle_color(:status_bg, 0, y, w_w, @font_height) str = "#{@dbg.pid}:#{@dbg.tid} #{@dbg.state} #{@dbg.info}" draw_string_color(:status, w_w-str.length*@font_width-1, y, str) draw_string_color(:status, 1+@font_width, y, @statusline) y -= @font_height w_w_c = w_w/@font_width @caret_y = y if @caret_x < w_w_c-1 render[':' + @curline, :curline] else render['~' + @curline[@caret_x-w_w_c+2, w_w_c], :curline] end l_nr = -1 lastline = nil @log_offset = 0 if @log_offset < 0 @log.reverse.each { |l| l.scan(/.{1,#{w_w/@font_width}}/).reverse_each { |l_| lastline = l_ l_nr += 1 next if l_nr < @log_offset render[l_, :log] } break if y < 0 } if lastline and l_nr < @log_offset render[lastline, :log] @log_offset = l_nr-1 end if focus? cx = [@caret_x+1, w_w_c-1].min*@font_width+1 cy = @caret_y draw_line_color(:caret, cx, cy, cx, cy+@font_height-1) end @oldcaret_x = @caret_x end def keypress(key) case key when :left if @caret_x > 0 @caret_x -= 1 update_caret end when :right if @caret_x < @curline.length @caret_x += 1 update_caret end when :up if not @cmd_histptr if @curline != '' @cmd_history << @curline @cmd_histptr = 2 else @cmd_histptr = 1 end else @cmd_histptr += 1 @cmd_histptr = 1 if @cmd_histptr > @cmd_history.length end @curline = @cmd_history[-@cmd_histptr].dup @caret_x = @curline.length update_status_cmd redraw when :down if not @cmd_histptr @cmd_history << @curline if @curline != '' @cmd_histptr = @cmd_history.length else @cmd_histptr -= 1 @cmd_histptr = @cmd_history.length if @cmd_histptr < 1 end @curline = @cmd_history[-@cmd_histptr].dup @caret_x = @curline.length update_status_cmd redraw when :home @caret_x = 0 update_caret when :end @caret_x = @curline.length update_caret when :pgup @log_offset += height/@font_height - 3 redraw when :pgdown @log_offset -= height/@font_height - 3 redraw when :tab # autocomplete if @caret_x > 0 and not @curline[0, @caret_x].index(?\ ) and st = @curline[0, @caret_x] and not @commands[st] keys = @commands.keys.find_all { |k| k[0, st.length] == st } while st.length < keys.first.to_s.length and keys.all? { |k| k[0, st.length+1] == keys.first[0, st.length+1] } st << keys.first[st.length] @curline[@caret_x, 0] = st[-1, 1] @caret_x += 1 end update_status_cmd redraw end when :enter @cmd_histptr = nil handle_command update_status_cmd when :esc when :delete if @caret_x < @curline.length @curline[@caret_x, 1] = '' update_status_cmd redraw end when :backspace if @caret_x > 0 @caret_x -= 1 @curline[@caret_x, 1] = '' update_status_cmd redraw end when :insert if keyboard_state(:shift) txt = clipboard_paste.to_s @curline[@caret_x, 0] = txt @caret_x += txt.length update_status_cmd redraw end when Symbol; return false # avoid :shift cannot coerce to Int warning when ?\x20..?\x7e @curline[@caret_x, 0] = key.chr @caret_x += 1 update_status_cmd redraw else return false end true end def keypress_ctrl(key) case key when ?v txt = clipboard_paste.to_s @curline[@caret_x, 0] = txt @caret_x += txt.length update_status_cmd redraw else return false end true end def update_status_cmd st = @curline.split.first if @commands[st] @statusline = "#{st}: #{@cmd_help[st]}" else keys = @commands.keys.find_all { |k| k[0, st.length] == st } if st if keys and not keys.empty? @statusline = keys.sort.join(' ') else @statusline = 'type \'help\' for help' end end end def new_command(*cmd, &b) hlp = cmd.pop if cmd.last.include? ' ' cmd.each { |c| @cmd_help[c] = hlp || 'nodoc' @commands[c] = lambda { |*a| protect { b.call(*a) } } } end # arg str -> expr value, with special codeptr/dataptr = code/data.curaddr def parse_expr(arg) parse_expr!(arg.dup) end def parse_expr!(arg) @dbg.parse_expr!(arg) { |e| case e.downcase when 'code_addr', 'codeptr'; @parent_widget.code.curaddr when 'data_addr', 'dataptr'; @parent_widget.mem.curaddr end } end def solve_expr(arg) return arg if arg.kind_of? Integer solve_expr!(arg.dup) end def solve_expr!(arg) return if not e = parse_expr!(arg) @dbg.resolve_expr(e) end # update the data window, or dump data to console if len given def cmd_dd(addr, dlen=nil, len=nil) if addr.kind_of? String s = addr.strip addr = solve_expr!(s) || @parent_widget.mem.curaddr if not s.empty? s = s[1..-1] if s[0] == ?, len ||= solve_expr(s) end end if len while len > 0 data = @dbg.memory[addr, [len, 16].min] le = (@dbg.cpu.endianness == :little) data = '' if @dbg.memory.page_invalid?(addr) case dlen when nil; add_log "#{Expression[addr]} #{data.unpack('C*').map { |c| '%02X' % c }.join(' ').ljust(2*16+15)} #{data.tr("^\x20-\x7e", '.')}" when 1; add_log "#{Expression[addr]} #{data.unpack('C*').map { |c| '%02X' % c }.join(' ')}" when 2; add_log "#{Expression[addr]} #{data.unpack(le ? 'v*' : 'n*').map { |c| '%04X' % c }.join(' ')}" when 4; add_log "#{Expression[addr]} #{data.unpack(le ? 'V*' : 'N*').map { |c| '%08X' % c }.join(' ')}" when 8; add_log "#{Expression[addr]} #{data.unpack('Q*').map { |c| '%016X' % c }.join(' ')}" end addr += 16 len -= 16 end else if dlen @parent_widget.mem.view(:hex).data_size = dlen @parent_widget.mem.view(:hex).resized @parent_widget.mem.showview(:hex) end @parent_widget.mem.focus_addr(solve_expr(addr)) @parent_widget.mem.gui_update end end def init_commands @commands = {} @cmd_help = {} p = @parent_widget new_command('help') { add_log @commands.keys.sort.join(' ') } # TODO help new_command('d', 'focus data window on an address') { |arg| cmd_dd(arg) } new_command('db', 'dump/focus bytes in data window') { |arg| cmd_dd(arg, 1) } new_command('dw', 'dump/focus words in data window') { |arg| cmd_dd(arg, 2) } new_command('dd', 'dump/focus dwords in data window') { |arg| cmd_dd(arg, 4) } new_command('dq', 'dump/focus qwords in data window') { |arg| cmd_dd(arg, 8) } new_command('dc', 'focus C struct in data window: ') { |arg| name, addr = arg.strip.split(/\s+/, 2) addr = (addr ? solve_expr(addr) : @parent_widget.mem.curaddr) @parent_widget.mem.focus_addr(addr, :cstruct, false, name) } new_command('dC', 'dump C struct: dC ') { |arg| name, addr = arg.strip.split(/\s+/, 2) addr = (addr ? solve_expr(addr) : @parent_widget.mem.curaddr) if st = @dbg.disassembler.c_parser.decode_c_struct(name, @dbg.memory, addr) add_log st.to_s.gsub("\t", ' ') end } new_command('u', 'focus code window on an address') { |arg| p.code.focus_addr(solve_expr(arg)) } new_command('.', 'focus code window on current address') { p.code.focus_addr(solve_expr(@dbg.register_pc.to_s)) } new_command('wc', 'set code window height') { |arg| if arg == '' p.code.curview.grab_focus else p.resize_child(p.code, width, arg.to_i*@font_height) end } new_command('wd', 'set data window height') { |arg| if arg == '' p.mem.curview.grab_focus else p.resize_child(p.mem, width, arg.to_i*@font_height) end } new_command('wp', 'set console window height') { |arg| if arg == '' grab_focus else p.resize_child(self, width, arg.to_i*@font_height) end } new_command('width', 'set window width (chars)') { |arg| if a = solve_expr(arg); p.win.width = a*@font_width else add_log "width #{p.win.width/@font_width}" end } new_command('height', 'set window height (chars)') { |arg| if a = solve_expr(arg); p.win.height = a*@font_height else add_log "height #{p.win.height/@font_height}" end } new_command('continue', 'run', 'let the target run until something occurs') { p.dbg_continue } new_command('stepinto', 'singlestep', 'run a single instruction of the target') { p.dbg_singlestep } new_command('stepover', 'run a single instruction of the target, do not enter into subfunctions') { p.dbg_stepover } new_command('stepout', 'stepover until getting out of the current function') { p.dbg_stepout } new_command('bpx', 'set a breakpoint') { |arg| arg =~ /^(.*?)( once)?(?: if (.*?))?(?: do (.*?))?(?: if (.*?))?$/i e, o, c, a = $1, $2, ($3 || $5), $4 o = o ? true : false cd = parse_expr(c) if c cb = lambda { a.split(';').each { |aaa| run_command(aaa) } } if a @dbg.bpx(solve_expr(e), o, cd, &cb) } new_command('hwbp', 'set a hardware breakpoint (hwbp 0x2345 w)') { |arg| arg =~ /^(.*?)( once)?( [rwx])?(?: if (.*?))?(?: do (.*?))?(?: if (.*?))?$/i e, o, t, c, a = $1, $2, $3, ($4 || $6), $5 o = o ? true : false t = (t || 'x').strip.to_sym cd = parse_expr(c) if c cb = lambda { a.split(';').each { |aaa| run_command(aaa) } } if a @dbg.hwbp(solve_expr(e), t, 1, o, cd, &cb) } new_command('bpm', 'set a hardware memory breakpoint: bpm r 0x4800ff 16') { |arg| arg =~ /^(.*?)(?: if (.*?))?(?: do (.*?))?(?: if (.*?))?$/i e, c, a = $1, ($2 || $4), $3 cd = parse_expr(c) if c cb = lambda { a.split(';').each { |aaa| run_command(aaa) } } if a raise 'bad syntax: bpm r|w|x addr [len]' unless e =~ /^([rwx]) (.*)/i mode = $1.downcase.to_sym e = $2 exp = solve_expr!(e) len = solve_expr(e) if e != '' len ||= 1 @dbg.bpm(exp, mode, len, false, cd, &cb) } new_command('g', 'wait until target reaches the specified address') { |arg| arg =~ /^(.*?)(?: if (.*?))?(?: do (.*?))?(?: if (.*?))?$/i e, c, a = $1, ($2 || $4), $3 cd = parse_expr(c) if c cb = lambda { a.split(';').each { |aaa| run_command(aaa) } } if a @dbg.bpx(solve_expr(e), true, cd, &cb) if arg p.dbg_continue } new_command('refresh', 'redraw', 'update', 'update the target memory/register cache') { @dbg.invalidate @dbg.dasm_invalidate p.gui_update } new_command('bl', 'list breakpoints') { @bl = [] @dbg.all_breakpoints.each { |b| add_log "#{@bl.length} #{@dbg.addrname!(b.address)} #{b.type} #{b.state}#{" if #{b.condition}" if b.condition}" @bl << b } } new_command('bc', 'clear breakpoints') { |arg| @bl ||= @dbg.all_breakpoints if arg == '*' @bl.each { |b| @dbg.del_bp(b) } else next if not i = solve_expr(arg) if b = @bl[i] @dbg.del_bp(b) end end } new_command('break', 'interrupt a running target') { |arg| @dbg.break ; p.post_dbg_run } new_command('kill', 'kill the target') { |arg| @dbg.kill(arg) ; p.post_dbg_run } new_command('detach', 'detach from the target') { @dbg.detach ; p.post_dbg_run } new_command('r', 'read/write the content of a register') { |arg| reg, val = arg.split(/\s+|\s*=\s*/, 2) if reg == 'fl' @dbg.toggle_flag(val.to_sym) elsif not reg @dbg.register_list.each { |r| add_log "#{r} = #{Expression[@dbg.get_reg_value(r)]}" } elsif not val add_log "#{reg} = #{Expression[@dbg.get_reg_value(reg.to_sym)]}" else @dbg.set_reg_value(reg.to_sym, solve_expr(val)) end p.regs.gui_update } new_command('ma', 'memory_ascii', 'write memory (ascii) - ma foo bar') { |arg| next if not addr = solve_expr!(arg) data = arg.strip @dbg.memory[addr, data.length] = data @dbg.invalidate @dbg.dasm_invalidate p.gui_update } new_command('mx', 'memory_hex', 'write memory (hex) - mx 0011223344') { |arg| next if not addr = solve_expr!(arg) data = [arg.delete(' ')].pack('H*') @dbg.memory[addr, data.length] = data @dbg.invalidate @dbg.dasm_invalidate p.gui_update } new_command('?', 'display a value') { |arg| next if not v = solve_expr(arg) if v.kind_of?(Expression) add_log "#{v}" else add_log "#{v} 0x#{v.to_s(16)} #{[v & 0xffff_ffff].pack('L').inspect} #{@dbg.addrname!(v)}" end } new_command('exit', 'quit', 'quit the debugger interface') { p.win.destroy } new_command('ruby', 'execute arbitrary ruby code') { |arg| case ret = eval(arg) when nil, true, false, Symbol; add_log ret.inspect when String; add_log ret[0, 64].inspect when Integer, Expression; add_log Expression[ret].to_s else add_log "#<#{ret.class}>" end } new_command('loadsyms', 'load symbols from a mapped module') { |arg| if not arg.empty? and arg = (solve_expr(arg) rescue arg) @dbg.loadsyms(arg) else @dbg.loadallsyms { |a| @statusline = "loading symbols from #{Expression[a]}" redraw Gui.main_iter } end p.gui_update } new_command('scansyms', 'scan target memory for loaded modules') { if defined? @scan_addr and @scan_addr add_log 'scanning @%08x' % @scan_addr next end @scan_addr = 0 Gui.idle_add { if @scan_addr <= 0xffff_f000 # cpu.size? protect { @dbg.loadsyms(@scan_addr) } @scan_addr += 0x1000 true else add_log 'scansyms finished' @scan_addr = nil p.gui_update nil end } } new_command('symbol', 'display information on symbols') { |arg| arg = arg.to_s.downcase @dbg.symbols.map { |k, v| an = @dbg.addrname(k) ; [k, an] if an.downcase.include? arg }.compact.sort_by { |k, v| v.downcase }.each { |k, v| add_log "#{Expression[k]} #{@dbg.addrname(k)}" } } new_command('maps', 'show file mappings from parsed modules') { |arg| want = arg.to_s.downcase want = nil if want == '' @dbg.modulemap.map { |n, (a_b, a_e)| [a_b, "#{Expression[a_b]}-#{Expression[a_e]} #{n}"] if not want or n.downcase.include?(want) }.compact.sort.each { |s1, s2| add_log s2 } } new_command('rawmaps', 'show OS file mappings') { |arg| # XXX listwindow @dbg.mappings.sort.each { |a, l, *i| foo = i*' ' next if arg.to_s != '' and foo !~ /#{arg}/i add_log "%08x %06x %s" % [a, l, i*' '] } } new_command('add_symbol', 'add a symbol name') { |arg| name, val = arg.to_s.split(/\s+/, 2) val = solve_expr(val) if val.kind_of? Integer @dbg.symbols[val] = name @dbg.disassembler.set_label_at(val, name) p.gui_update end } new_command('bt', 'backtrace', 'stacktrace', 'bt [limit] - show a stack trace from current pc') { |arg| arg = solve_expr(arg) if arg arg = 500 if not arg.kind_of? ::Integer @dbg.stacktrace(arg) { |a, s| add_log "#{Expression[a]} #{s}" } } new_command('dasm', 'disassemble_fast', 'disassembles from an address') { |arg| addr = solve_expr(arg) dasm = @dbg.disassembler dasm.disassemble_fast(addr) dasm.function_blocks(addr).keys.sort.each { |a| next if not di = dasm.di_at(a) dasm.dump_block(di.block) { |l| add_log l } } p.gui_update } new_command('save_hist', 'save the command buffer to a file') { |arg| File.open(arg, 'w') { |fd| fd.puts @log } } new_command('watch', 'follow an expression in the data view (none to delete)') { |arg| if not arg add_log p.watchpoint[p.mem].to_s elsif arg == 'nil' or arg == 'none' or arg == 'delete' p.watchpoint.delete p.mem else p.watchpoint[p.mem] = parse_expr(arg) end } new_command('list_pid', 'list pids currently debugged') { |arg| add_log @dbg.list_debug_pids.sort.map { |pp| pp == @dbg.pid ? "*#{pp}" : pp }.join(' ') } new_command('list_tid', 'list tids currently debugged') { |arg| add_log @dbg.list_debug_tids.sort.map { |tt| tt == @dbg.tid ? "*#{tt}" : tt }.join(' ') } new_command('list_processes', 'list processes available for debugging') { |arg| @dbg.list_processes.each { |pp| add_log "#{pp.pid} #{pp.path}" } } new_command('list_threads', 'list thread ids of the current process') { |arg| @dbg.list_threads.each { |t| stf = { :state => @dbg.state, :info => @dbg.info } if t == @dbg.tid stf ||= @dbg.tid_stuff[t] stf ||= {} add_log "#{t} #{stf[:state]} #{stf[:info]}" } } new_command('pid', 'select a pid') { |arg| if pid = solve_expr(arg) @dbg.pid = pid else add_log "pid #{@dbg.pid}" end } new_command('tid', 'select a tid') { |arg| if tid = solve_expr(arg) @dbg.tid = tid else add_log "tid #{@dbg.tid} #{@dbg.state} #{@dbg.info}" end } new_command('exception_pass', 'pass the exception unhandled to the target on next continue') { @dbg.pass_current_exception } new_command('exception_handle', 'handle the exception, hide it from the target on next continue') { @dbg.pass_current_exception false } new_command('exception_pass_all', 'ignore all target exceptions') { @dbg.pass_all_exceptions = true } new_command('exception_handle_all', 'break on target exceptions') { @dbg.pass_all_exceptions = false } new_command('thread_events_break', 'break on thread creation/termination') { @dbg.ignore_newthread = false @dbg.ignore_endthread = false } new_command('thread_events_ignore', 'ignore thread creation/termination') { @dbg.ignore_newthread = true @dbg.ignore_endthread = true } new_command('trace_children', 'trace children of debuggee (0|1)') { |arg| arg = case arg.to_s.strip.downcase when '0', 'no', 'false'; false else true end add_log "trace children #{arg ? 'active' : 'inactive'}" # update the flag for future debugee @dbg.trace_children = arg # change current debugee setting if supported @dbg.do_trace_children if @dbg.respond_to?(:do_trace_children) } new_command('attach', 'attach to a running process') { |arg| if pr = @dbg.list_processes.find { |pp| pp.path.to_s.downcase.include?(arg.downcase) } pid = pr.pid else pid = solve_expr(arg) end @dbg.attach(pid) } new_command('create_process', 'create a new process and debug it') { |arg| @dbg.create_process(arg) } new_command('plugin', 'load', 'load a debugger plugin') { |arg| @dbg.load_plugin arg add_log "loaded plugin #{File.basename(arg, '.rb')}" } @dbg.ui_command_setup(self) if @dbg.respond_to? :ui_command_setup end def wrap_run(&b) @parent_widget.wrap_run(&b) end def keyboard_callback; @parent_widget.keyboard_callback end def keyboard_callback_ctrl; @parent_widget.keyboard_callback_ctrl end def handle_command add_log(":#@curline") return if @curline == '' @cmd_history << @curline @cmd_history.shift if @cmd_history.length > @cmd_history_length @log_offset = 0 cmd = @curline @curline = '' @caret_x = 0 run_command(cmd) end def run_command(cmd) cmd = cmd.sub(/^\s+/, '') cn = cmd.split.first if not @commands[cn] a = @commands.keys.find_all { |k| k[0, cn.length] == cn } cn = a.first if a.length == 1 end if pc = @commands[cn] pc[cmd.split(/\s+/, 2)[1].to_s] else add_log 'unknown command' end end def add_log(l) @log << l.to_s @log.shift if log.length > @log_length redraw end def gui_update redraw end # hint that the caret moved def update_caret return if @oldcaret_x == @caret_x w_w = width - @font_width x1 = (@oldcaret_x+1) * @font_width + 1 x2 = (@caret_x+1) * @font_width + 1 y = @caret_y if x1 > w_w or x2 > w_w invalidate(0, y, 100000, @font_height) else invalidate(x1-1, y, 2, @font_height) invalidate(x2-1, y, 2, @font_height) end @oldcaret_x = @caret_x end end class DbgWindow < Window attr_accessor :dbg_widget def initialize_window(dbg = nil, title='metasm debugger') dbg, title = title, dbg if dbg.kind_of?(::String) or title.kind_of?(Debugger) self.title = title display(dbg) if dbg end # show a new DbgWidget def display(dbg) @dbg_widget = DbgWidget.new(dbg) @dbg_widget.win = self self.widget = @dbg_widget @dbg_widget end def build_menu filemenu = new_menu addsubmenu(filemenu, '_attach process') { @dbg_widget.prompt_attach } addsubmenu(filemenu, 'create _process') { @dbg_widget.prompt_createprocess } addsubmenu(filemenu, 'open _dasm window') { DasmWindow.new } addsubmenu(filemenu) addsubmenu(filemenu, 'QUIT') { destroy } addsubmenu(@menu, filemenu, '_File') dbgmenu = new_menu addsubmenu(dbgmenu, 'continue', '') { @dbg_widget.dbg_continue } addsubmenu(dbgmenu, 'step over', '') { @dbg_widget.dbg_stepover } addsubmenu(dbgmenu, 'step into', '') { @dbg_widget.dbg_singlestep } addsubmenu(dbgmenu, '_kill target') { @dbg_widget.dbg.kill } addsubmenu(dbgmenu, '_detach target') { @dbg_widget.dbg.detach } addsubmenu(dbgmenu) addsubmenu(dbgmenu, 'QUIT') { destroy } addsubmenu(@menu, dbgmenu, '_Debug') codeviewmenu = new_menu addsubmenu(codeviewmenu, '_listing') { @dbg_widget.code.focus_addr(@dbg_widget.code.curaddr, :listing) } addsubmenu(codeviewmenu, '_graph') { @dbg_widget.code.focus_addr(@dbg_widget.code.curaddr, :graph) } addsubmenu(codeviewmenu, 'raw _opcodes') { @dbg_widget.code.focus_addr(@dbg_widget.code.curaddr, :opcodes) } dataviewmenu = new_menu addsubmenu(dataviewmenu, '_hexa') { @dbg_widget.mem.focus_addr(@dbg_widget.mem.curaddr, :hex) } addsubmenu(dataviewmenu, 'raw _opcodes') { @dbg_widget.mem.focus_addr(@dbg_widget.mem.curaddr, :opcodes) } addsubmenu(dataviewmenu, '_c struct') { @dbg_widget.mem.focus_addr(@dbg_widget.mem.curaddr, :cstruct) } focusmenu = new_menu addsubmenu(focusmenu, '_regs') { @dbg_widget.regs.grab_focus ; @dbg_widget.redraw } addsubmenu(focusmenu, '_data') { @dbg_widget.mem.grab_focus ; @dbg_widget.redraw } addsubmenu(focusmenu, '_code') { @dbg_widget.code.grab_focus ; @dbg_widget.redraw } addsubmenu(focusmenu, 'conso_le', '.') { @dbg_widget.console.grab_focus ; @dbg_widget.redraw } viewmenu = new_menu addsubmenu(viewmenu, codeviewmenu, '_code display') addsubmenu(viewmenu, dataviewmenu, '_data display') addsubmenu(viewmenu, focusmenu, '_focus') addsubmenu(viewmenu, 'data _watch') { @dbg_widget.prompt_datawatch } addsubmenu(@menu, viewmenu, '_Views') end end end end