require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Criteria do before do @criteria = end describe "#[]" do before do @criteria.where(:title => "Sir") @collection = stub @person = => "Sir") @cursor = stub(:count => 10, :collect => [@person]) end context "when the criteria has not been executed" do before do Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find).with({ :title => "Sir", :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] } }, {}).returns(@cursor) end it "executes the criteria and returns the element at the index" do @criteria[0].should == @person end end end describe "#aggregate" do context "when klass provided" do before do @reduce = "function(obj, prev) { prev.count++; }" @criteria = @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) end it "calls group on the collection with the aggregate js" do @collection.expects(:group).with([:field1], {:_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }}, {:count => 0}, @reduce) @criteria.only(:field1).aggregate end end context "when klass not provided" do before do @reduce = "function(obj, prev) { prev.count++; }" @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) end it "calls group on the collection with the aggregate js" do @collection.expects(:group).with([:field1], {:_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }}, {:count => 0}, @reduce) @criteria.only(:field1).aggregate(Person) end end end describe "#all" do it "adds the $all query to the selector" do @criteria.all(:title => ["title1", "title2"]) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$all" => ["title1", "title2"] } } end it "returns self" do @criteria.all(:title => [ "title1" ]).should == @criteria end end describe "#and" do context "when provided a hash" do it "adds the clause to the selector" do @criteria.and(:title => "Title", :text => "Text") @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Title", :text => "Text" } end end context "when provided a string" do it "adds the $where clause to the selector" do @criteria.and(" < new Date()") @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, "$where" => " < new Date()" } end end it "returns self" do @criteria.and.should == @criteria end end describe "#collect" do context "filtering" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @criteria = => 1, :per_page => 20) @collection.expects(:find).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns([]) end it "filters out unused params" do @criteria.collect @criteria.options[:page].should be_nil @criteria.options[:per_page].should be_nil end end context "when type is :all" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @criteria = => 1, :per_page => 20) @cursor = stub(:count => 44, :collect => []) @collection.expects(:find).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns(@cursor) end it "adds the count instance variable" do @criteria.collect.should == [] @criteria.count.should == 44 end end context "when type is not :first" do it "calls find on the collection with the selector and options" do criteria = collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(collection) collection.expects(:find).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns([]) criteria.collect.should == [] end end end describe "#count" do context "when criteria has not been executed" do before do @criteria.instance_variable_set(:@count, 34) end it "returns a count from the cursor" do @criteria.count.should == 34 end end context "when criteria has been executed" do before do @criteria = @selector = { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :test => "Testing" } @criteria.where(@selector) @collection = mock @cursor = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) end it "returns the count from the cursor without creating the documents" do @collection.expects(:find).with(@selector, {}).returns(@cursor) @cursor.expects(:count).returns(10) @criteria.count.should == 10 end end end describe "#each" do before do @criteria.where(:title => "Sir") @collection = stub @person = => "Sir") @cursor = stub(:count => 10, :collect => [@person]) end context "when the criteria has not been executed" do before do Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find).with({ :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Sir" }, {}).returns(@cursor) end it "executes the criteria" do @criteria.each do |person| person.should == @person end end end context "when the criteria has been executed" do before do Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find).with({ :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Sir" }, {}).returns(@cursor) end it "calls each on the existing results" do @criteria.each @criteria.each do |person| person.should == @person end end end context "when no block is passed" do it "returns self" do @criteria.each.should == @criteria end end end describe "#first" do context "when documents exist" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns({ :title => "Sir" }) end it "calls find on the collection with the selector and options" do criteria = criteria.first.should be_a_kind_of(Person) end end context "when no documents exist" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns(nil) end it "returns nil" do criteria = criteria.first.should be_nil end end end describe "#excludes" do it "adds the $ne query to the selector" do @criteria.excludes(:title => "Bad Title", :text => "Bad Text") @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$ne" => "Bad Title"}, :text => { "$ne" => "Bad Text" } } end it "returns self" do @criteria.excludes(:title => "Bad").should == @criteria end end describe "#extras" do context "filtering" do context "when page is provided" do it "sets the limit and skip options" do @criteria.extras({ :page => "2" }) == 2 @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 20, :limit => 20 } end end context "when per_page is provided" do it "sets the limit and skip options" do @criteria.extras({ :per_page => 45 }) @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 0, :limit => 45 } end end context "when page and per_page both provided" do it "sets the limit and skip options" do @criteria.extras({ :per_page => 30, :page => "4" }) @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 90, :limit => 30 } == 4 end end end it "adds the extras to the options" do @criteria.extras({ :skip => 10 }) @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 10 } end it "returns self" do @criteria.extras({}).should == @criteria end end describe "#group" do before do @grouping = [{ "title" => "Sir", "group" => [{ "title" => "Sir", "age" => 30 }] }] end context "when klass provided" do before do @reduce = "function(obj, prev) {; }" @criteria = @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) end it "calls group on the collection with the aggregate js" do @collection.expects(:group).with([:field1], {:_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }}, {:group => []}, @reduce).returns(@grouping) @criteria.only(:field1).group end end context "when klass not provided" do before do @reduce = "function(obj, prev) {; }" @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) end it "calls group on the collection with the aggregate js" do @collection.expects(:group).with([:field1], {:_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }}, {:group => []}, @reduce).returns(@grouping) @criteria.only(:field1).group end end end describe "#id" do it "adds the _id query to the selector" do id = @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :_id => id } end it "returns self" do id = == @criteria end end describe "#in" do it "adds the $in clause to the selector" do => ["title1", "title2"], :text => ["test"]) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$in" => ["title1", "title2"] }, :text => { "$in" => ["test"] } } end it "returns self" do => ["title1"]).should == @criteria end end describe "#initialize" do it "sets the _type value on the selector" do criteria = criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] } } end end describe "#last" do context "when documents exist" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, { :sort => [[:title, :desc]] }).returns({ :title => "Sir" }) end it "calls find on the collection with the selector and sort options reversed" do criteria = criteria.order_by([[:title, :asc]]) criteria.last.should be_a_kind_of(Person) end end context "when no documents exist" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, { :sort => [[:_id, :desc]] }).returns(nil) end it "returns nil" do criteria = criteria.last.should be_nil end end context "when no sorting options provided" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, { :sort => [[:_id, :desc]] }).returns({ :title => "Sir" }) end it "defaults to sort by id" do criteria = criteria.last end end end describe "#limit" do context "when value provided" do it "adds the limit to the options" do @criteria.limit(100) @criteria.options.should == { :limit => 100 } end end context "when value not provided" do it "defaults to 20" do @criteria.limit @criteria.options.should == { :limit => 20 } end end it "returns self" do @criteria.limit.should == @criteria end end describe "#merge" do before do @criteria.where(:title => "Sir", :age => 30).skip(40).limit(20) end context "with another criteria" do context "when the other has a selector and options" do before do @other = @other.where(:name => "Chloe").order_by([[:name, :asc]]) @selector = { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Sir", :age => 30, :name => "Chloe" } @options = { :skip => 40, :limit => 20, :sort => [[:name, :asc]] } end it "merges the selector and options hashes together" do @criteria.merge(@other) @criteria.selector.should == @selector @criteria.options.should == @options end end context "when the other has no selector or options" do before do @other = @selector = { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Sir", :age => 30 } @options = { :skip => 40, :limit => 20 } end it "merges the selector and options hashes together" do @criteria.merge(@other) @criteria.selector.should == @selector @criteria.options.should == @options end end end end describe "#method_missing" do before do @criteria = @criteria.where(:title => "Sir") end it "merges the criteria with the next one" do @new_criteria = @criteria.accepted @new_criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Sir", :terms => true } end context "chaining more than one scope" do before do @criteria = Person.accepted.old.knight end it "returns the final merged criteria" do @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Sir", :terms => true, :age => { "$gt" => 50 } } end end context "when expecting behaviour of an array" do before do @array = mock @document = mock end describe "#[]" do it "collects the criteria and calls []" do @criteria.expects(:collect).returns([@document]) @criteria[0].should == @document end end describe "#rand" do it "collects the criteria and call rand" do @criteria.expects(:collect).returns(@array) @array.expects(:send).with(:rand).returns(@document) @criteria.rand end end end end describe "#not_in" do it "adds the exclusion to the selector" do @criteria.not_in(:title => ["title1", "title2"], :text => ["test"]) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$nin" => ["title1", "title2"] }, :text => { "$nin" => ["test"] } } end it "returns self" do @criteria.not_in(:title => ["title1"]).should == @criteria end end describe "#offset" do context "when the per_page option exists" do before do @criteria ={ :per_page => 20, :page => 3 }) end it "returns the per_page option" do @criteria.offset.should == 40 end end context "when the skip option exists" do before do @criteria ={ :skip => 20 }) end it "returns the skip option" do @criteria.offset.should == 20 end end context "when no option exists" do context "when page option exists" do before do @criteria ={ :page => 2 }) end it "adds the skip option to the options and returns it" do @criteria.offset.should == 20 @criteria.options[:skip].should == 20 end end context "when page option does not exist" do before do @criteria = end it "returns nil" do @criteria.offset.should be_nil @criteria.options[:skip].should be_nil end end end end describe "#one" do context "when documents exist" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns({ :title => "Sir" }) end it "calls find on the collection with the selector and options" do criteria = be_a_kind_of(Person) end end context "when no documents exist" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:find_one).with(@criteria.selector, @criteria.options).returns(nil) end it "returns nil" do criteria = be_nil end end end describe "#order_by" do context "when field names and direction specified" do it "adds the sort to the options" do @criteria.order_by([[:title, :asc], [:text, :desc]]) @criteria.options.should == { :sort => [[:title, :asc], [:text, :desc]] } end end it "returns self" do @criteria.order_by.should == @criteria end end describe "#page" do context "when the page option exists" do before do @criteria ={ :page => 5 }) end it "returns the page option" do == 5 end end context "when the page option does not exist" do before do @criteria = end it "returns 1" do == 1 end end end describe "#paginate" do before do @collection = mock Person.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @criteria = Person.where(:_id => "1").skip(60).limit(20) @collection.expects(:find).with({:_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :_id => "1"}, :skip => 60, :limit => 20).returns([]) @results = @criteria.paginate end it "executes and paginates the results" do @results.current_page.should == 4 @results.per_page.should == 20 end end describe "#per_page" do context "when the per_page option exists" do before do @criteria ={ :per_page => 10 }) end it "returns the per_page option" do @criteria.per_page.should == 10 end end context "when the per_page option does not exist" do before do @criteria = end it "returns 1" do @criteria.per_page.should == 20 end end end describe "#only" do context "when args are provided" do it "adds the options for limiting by fields" do @criteria.only(:title, :text) @criteria.options.should == { :fields => [ :title, :text ] } end it "returns self" do @criteria.only.should == @criteria end end context "when no args provided" do it "does not add the field option" do @criteria.only @criteria.options[:fields].should be_nil end end end describe "#skip" do context "when value provided" do it "adds the skip value to the options" do @criteria.skip(20) @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 20 } end end context "when value not provided" do it "defaults to zero" do @criteria.skip @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 0 } end end it "returns self" do @criteria.skip.should == @criteria end end describe ".translate" do context "with a single argument" do before do @id = @document = stub @criteria = mock Mongoid::Criteria.expects(:new).returns(@criteria) @criteria.expects(:id).with(@id).returns(@criteria) end it "creates a criteria for a string" do @criteria.expects(:one).returns(@document) Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, @id) end context "when the document is not found" do it "raises an error" do @criteria.expects(:one).returns(nil) lambda { Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, @id) }.should raise_error end end end context "multiple arguments" do context "when Person, :conditions => {}" do before do @criteria = Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, :conditions => { :title => "Test" }) end it "returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions" do @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Test" } end it "returns a criteria with klass Person" do @criteria.klass.should == Person end end context "when :all, :conditions => {}" do before do @criteria = Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, :conditions => { :title => "Test" }) end it "returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions" do @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Test" } end it "returns a criteria with klass Person" do @criteria.klass.should == Person end end context "when :last, :conditions => {}" do before do @criteria = Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, :conditions => { :title => "Test" }) end it "returns a criteria with a selector from the conditions" do @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Test" } end it "returns a criteria with klass Person" do @criteria.klass.should == Person end end context "when options are provided" do before do @criteria = Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, :conditions => { :title => "Test" }, :skip => 10) end it "adds the criteria and the options" do @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Test" } @criteria.options.should == { :skip => 10 } end end end end describe "#where" do context "when provided a hash" do context "with simple hash keys" do it "adds the clause to the selector" do @criteria.where(:title => "Title", :text => "Text") @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => "Title", :text => "Text" } end end context "with complex criterion" do context "#all" do it "returns those matching an all clause" do @criteria.where(:title.all => ["Sir"]) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$all" => ["Sir"] } } end end context "#exists" do it "returns those matching an exists clause" do @criteria.where(:title.exists => true) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$exists" => true } } end end context "#gt" do it "returns those matching a gt clause" do @criteria.where( => 30) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :age => { "$gt" => 30 } } end end context "#gte" do it "returns those matching a gte clause" do @criteria.where(:age.gte => 33) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :age => { "$gte" => 33 } } end end context "#in" do it "returns those matching an in clause" do @criteria.where( => ["Sir", "Madam"]) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$in" => ["Sir", "Madam"] } } end end context "#lt" do it "returns those matching a lt clause" do @criteria.where( => 34) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :age => { "$lt" => 34 } } end end context "#lte" do it "returns those matching a lte clause" do @criteria.where(:age.lte => 33) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :age => { "$lte" => 33 } } end end context "#ne" do it "returns those matching a ne clause" do @criteria.where( => 50) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :age => { "$ne" => 50 } } end end context "#nin" do it "returns those matching a nin clause" do @criteria.where(:title.nin => ["Esquire", "Congressman"]) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :title => { "$nin" => ["Esquire", "Congressman"] } } end end context "#size" do it "returns those matching a size clause" do @criteria.where(:aliases.size => 2) @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, :aliases => { "$size" => 2 } } end end end end context "when provided a string" do it "adds the $where clause to the selector" do @criteria.where(" < new Date()") @criteria.selector.should == { :_type => { "$in" => ["Doctor", "Person"] }, "$where" => " < new Date()" } end end it "returns self" do @criteria.where.should == @criteria end end end