Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/Context/Bridge.rb 64 41


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Context
3     # This class is used to specify the namespace for a symbol
4     # according to a priority list.  When you create the Bridge
5     # you initialize it either with a single module name, or an
6     # array of module names.  Calling "bridge.symbol" will return
7     # the class in desired namespace (or nil if it doesn't exist)
8     # If the Bridge was initialized with an array, it will pick
9     # the first namespace that evaluates the symbol into something
10     # that actually exists.
11 	class Bridge
13         # Takes either a module name, or an array of module names
14 		def initialize(mods)
15 		    if mods.class != Array
16     			@mod = mods
17     			@mods = nil
18     	    else
19     	        @mods = mods
20     	        @mod = nil
21     	    end
22 		end
24 		# Convert the module name and symbol to a string
25 		def symbolToS(mod, symbol)
26 		    mod.to_s + "::" + symbol.to_s
27 		end
29 		# Evaluate the module and symbol, returning the class.
30 		# If it doesn't exist, return nil
31 		def evalClass(mod, symbol)
32             retVal = nil
33             if !mod.nil?
34                 begin
35                     retVal = mod.class_eval(symbol.to_s)
36                 rescue
37                 end
38     		end
39             return retVal
40 		end
42 		# Returns true if the mod and symbol evaluate to a class in the system.
43 		def classExists?(mod, symbol)
44     	    symbolToS(mod, symbol).eql?(evalClass(mod, symbol).to_s)
45         end
47         # Return the class specified by the stored module and the symbol
48         # If an array of modules was stored, walk through them and pick
49         # the first one that creates an extant class.
50 		def method_missing(symbol)
51 		    if !@mod.nil?
52     			@mod.class_eval(symbol.to_s)
53     	    elsif !@mods.nil?
54     	        mod = @mods.find do |mod|
55     	            classExists?(mod, symbol)
56     	        end
57     	        evalClass(mod, symbol)
58     	    else
59     	        nil
60     	    end
61 		end
63 	end
64 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:45 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8