# frozen_string_literal: true require 'image_optim/worker' class ImageOptim class Worker # http://www.lcdf.org/gifsicle/ class Gifsicle < Worker # If interlace specified initialize one instance # Otherwise initialize two, one with interlace off and one with on def self.init(image_optim, options = {}) return super if options.key?(:interlace) [false, true].map do |interlace| new(image_optim, options.merge(interlace: interlace)) end end INTERLACE_OPTION = option(:interlace, false, TrueFalseNil, 'Interlace: '\ '`true` - interlace on, '\ '`false` - interlace off, '\ '`nil` - as is in original image '\ '(defaults to running two instances, one with interlace off and '\ 'one with on)') do |v| TrueFalseNil.convert(v) end LEVEL_OPTION = option(:level, 3, 'Compression level: '\ '`1` - light and fast, '\ '`2` - normal, '\ '`3` - heavy (slower)') do |v| OptionHelpers.limit_with_range(v.to_i, 1..3) end CAREFUL_OPTION = option(:careful, false, 'Avoid bugs with some software'){ |v| !!v } def optimize(src, dst, options = {}) args = %W[ --output=#{dst} --no-comments --no-names --same-delay --same-loopcount --no-warnings -- #{src} ] if resolve_bin!(:gifsicle).version >= '1.85' args.unshift '--no-extensions', '--no-app-extensions' end unless interlace.nil? args.unshift interlace ? '--interlace' : '--no-interlace' end args.unshift '--careful' if careful args.unshift "--optimize=#{level}" if level execute(:gifsicle, args, options) && optimized?(src, dst) end end end end