# encoding: utf-8
# encryption.rb : Implements encrypted PDF and access permissions.
# Copyright August 2008, Brad Ediger. All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
require 'digest/md5'
require 'prawn/security/arcfour'
require 'prawn/core/byte_string'
module Prawn
class Document
# Implements PDF encryption (password protection and permissions) as
# specified in the PDF Reference, version 1.3, section 3.5 "Encryption".
module Security
include Prawn::Core
# Encrypts the document, to protect confidential data or control
# modifications to the document. The encryption algorithm used is
# detailed in the PDF Reference 1.3, section 3.5 "Encryption", and it is
# implemented by all major PDF readers.
# +options+ can contain the following:
# :user_password:: Password required to open the document. If
# this is omitted or empty, no password will be
# required. The document will still be
# encrypted, but anyone can read it.
# :owner_password:: Password required to make modifications to
# the document or change or override its
# permissions. If this is set to
# :random, a random password will be
# used; this can be useful if you never want
# users to be able to override the document
# permissions.
# :permissions:: A hash mapping permission symbols (see below) to
# true or false. True means
# "permitted", and false means "not permitted".
# All permissions default to true.
# The following permissions can be specified:
# :print_document:: Print document.
# :modify_document:: Modify contents of document (other than text
# annotations and interactive form fields).
# :copy_contents:: Copy text and graphics from document.
# :modify_annotations:: Add or modify text annotations and
# interactive form fields.
# == Examples
# Deny printing to everyone, but allow anyone to open without a password:
# encrypt_document :permissions => { :print_document => false },
# :owner_password => :random
# Set a user and owner password on the document, with full permissions for
# both the user and the owner:
# encrypt_document :user_password => 'foo', :owner_password => 'bar'
# Set no passwords, grant all permissions (This is useful because the
# default in some readers, if no permissions are specified, is "deny"):
# encrypt_document
# == Caveats
# * The encryption used is weak; the key is password-derived and is
# limited to 40 bits, due to US export controls in effect at the time
# the PDF standard was written.
# * There is nothing technologically requiring PDF readers to respect the
# permissions embedded in a document. Many PDF readers do not.
# * In short, you have no security at all against a moderately
# motivated person. Don't use this for anything super-serious. This is
# not a limitation of Prawn, but is rather a built-in limitation of the
# PDF format.
def encrypt_document(options={})
Prawn.verify_options [:user_password, :owner_password, :permissions],
@user_password = options.delete(:user_password) || ""
@owner_password = options.delete(:owner_password) || @user_password
if @owner_password == :random
# Generate a completely ridiculous password
@owner_password = (1..32).map{ rand(256) }.pack("c*")
self.permissions = options.delete(:permissions) || {}
# Shove the necessary entries in the trailer and enable encryption.
state.trailer[:Encrypt] = encryption_dictionary
state.encrypt = true
state.encryption_key = user_encryption_key
# Encrypts the given string under the given key, also requiring the
# object ID and generation number of the reference.
# See Algorithm 3.1.
def self.encrypt_string(str, key, id, gen)
# Convert ID and Gen number into little-endian truncated byte strings
id = [id].pack('V')[0,3]
gen = [gen].pack('V')[0,2]
extended_key = "#{key}#{id}#{gen}"
# Compute the RC4 key from the extended key and perform the encryption
rc4_key = Digest::MD5.digest(extended_key)[0, 10]
# Provides the values for the trailer encryption dictionary.
def encryption_dictionary
{ :Filter => :Standard, # default PDF security handler
:V => 1, # "Algorithm 3.1", PDF reference 1.3
:R => 2, # Revision 2 of the algorithm
:O => ByteString.new(owner_password_hash),
:U => ByteString.new(user_password_hash),
:P => permissions_value }
# Flags in the permissions word, numbered as LSB = 1
PermissionsBits = { :print_document => 3,
:modify_contents => 4,
:copy_contents => 5,
:modify_annotations => 6 }
FullPermissions = 0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111
def permissions=(perms={})
@permissions ||= FullPermissions
perms.each do |key, value|
# 0-based bit number, from LSB
bit_position = PermissionsBits[key] - 1
if value # set bit
@permissions |= (1 << bit_position)
else # clear bit
@permissions &= ~(1 << bit_position)
def permissions_value
@permissions || FullPermissions
PasswordPadding =
scan(/../).map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*")
# Pads or truncates a password to 32 bytes as per Alg 3.2.
def pad_password(password)
password = password[0, 32]
password + PasswordPadding[0, 32 - password.length]
def user_encryption_key
@user_encryption_key ||= begin
md5 = Digest::MD5.new
md5 << pad_password(@user_password)
md5 << owner_password_hash
md5 << [permissions_value].pack("V")
md5.digest[0, 5]
# The O (owner) value in the encryption dictionary. Algorithm 3.3.
def owner_password_hash
@owner_password_hash ||= begin
key = Digest::MD5.digest(pad_password(@owner_password))[0, 5]
# The U (user) value in the encryption dictionary. Algorithm 3.4.
def user_password_hash
module Core #:nodoc:
# Like PdfObject, but returns an encrypted result if required.
# For direct objects, requires the object identifier and generation number
# from the indirect object referencing obj.
def EncryptedPdfObject(obj, key, id, gen, in_content_stream=false)
case obj
when Array
"[" << obj.map { |e|
EncryptedPdfObject(e, key, id, gen, in_content_stream)
}.join(' ') << "]"
when LiteralString
# FIXME: encrypted?
obj = obj.gsub(/[\\\n\(\)]/) { |m| "\\#{m}" }
when Time
# FIXME: encrypted?
obj = obj.strftime("D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z").chop.chop + "'00'"
obj = obj.gsub(/[\\\n\(\)]/) { |m| "\\#{m}" }
when String
Document::Security.encrypt_string(obj, key, id, gen)),
when Hash
output = "<< "
obj.each do |k,v|
unless String === k || Symbol === k
raise Prawn::Errors::FailedObjectConversion,
"A PDF Dictionary must be keyed by names"
output << PdfObject(k.to_sym, in_content_stream) << " " <<
EncryptedPdfObject(v, key, id, gen, in_content_stream) << "\n"
output << ">>"
when NameTree::Value
PdfObject(obj.name) + " " +
EncryptedPdfObject(obj.value, key, id, gen, in_content_stream)
else # delegate back to PdfObject
PdfObject(obj, in_content_stream)
class Reference
# Returns the object definition for the object this references, keyed from
# +key+.
def encrypted_object(key)
@on_encode.call(self) if @on_encode
output = "#{@identifier} #{gen} obj\n" <<
Prawn::Core::EncryptedPdfObject(data, key, @identifier, gen) << "\n"
if @stream
output << "stream\n" <<
Document::Security.encrypt_string(@stream, key, @identifier, gen) <<
output << "endobj\n"