module Katello class Api::V2::RepositoriesController < Api::V2::ApiController # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include Katello::Concerns::FilteredAutoCompleteSearch wrap_parameters :repository, :include => RootRepository.attribute_names.concat([:ignore_global_proxy]) CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_GPG_KEY_TYPE = "gpg_key".freeze CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE = "ssl_ca_cert".freeze CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE = "ssl_client_cert".freeze CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_TYPE = "ssl_client_key".freeze before_action :find_optional_organization, :only => [:index, :auto_complete_search] before_action :find_product, :only => [:index, :auto_complete_search] before_action :find_product_for_create, :only => [:create] before_action :find_organization_from_product, :only => [:create] before_action :find_unauthorized_katello_resource, :only => [:gpg_key_content] before_action :find_authorized_katello_resource, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy, :sync, :export, :remove_content, :upload_content, :republish, :import_uploads, :verify_checksum] before_action :find_content, :only => :remove_content before_action :find_organization_from_repo, :only => [:update] before_action :error_on_rh_product, :only => [:create] before_action :error_on_rh_repo, :only => [:destroy] before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_GPG_KEY_TYPE } before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE } before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE } before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_TYPE } skip_before_action :authorize, :only => [:gpg_key_content] skip_before_action :check_media_type, :only => [:upload_content] def custom_index_relation(collection) collection.includes(:product) end def_param_group :repo do param :url, String, :desc => N_("repository source url") param :os_versions, Array, :desc => N_("Identifies whether the repository should be disabled on a client with a non-matching OS version. Pass [] to enable regardless of OS version. Maximum length 1; allowed tags are: %s") % Katello::RootRepository::ALLOWED_OS_VERSIONS.join(', ') param :gpg_key_id, :number, :desc => N_("id of the gpg key that will be assigned to the new repository") param :ssl_ca_cert_id, :number, :desc => N_("Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL CA Cert") param :ssl_client_cert_id, :number, :desc => N_("Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Cert") param :ssl_client_key_id, :number, :desc => N_("Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Key") param :unprotected, :bool, :desc => N_("true if this repository can be published via HTTP") param :checksum_type, String, :desc => N_("Checksum of the repository, currently 'sha1' & 'sha256' are supported") param :docker_upstream_name, String, :desc => N_("Name of the upstream docker repository") param :docker_tags_whitelist, Array, :desc => N_("Comma-separated list of tags to sync for Container Image repository") param :download_policy, ["immediate", "on_demand"], :desc => N_("download policy for yum repos (either 'immediate' or 'on_demand')") param :download_concurrency, :number, :desc => N_("Used to determine download concurrency of the repository in pulp3. Use value less than 20. Defaults to 10") param :mirror_on_sync, :bool, :desc => N_("true if this repository when synced has to be mirrored from the source and stale rpms removed") param :verify_ssl_on_sync, :bool, :desc => N_("if true, Katello will verify the upstream url's SSL certifcates are signed by a trusted CA") param :upstream_username, String, :desc => N_("Username of the upstream repository user used for authentication") param :upstream_password, String, :desc => N_("Password of the upstream repository user used for authentication") param :ostree_upstream_sync_policy, ::Katello::RootRepository::OSTREE_UPSTREAM_SYNC_POLICIES, :desc => N_("policies for syncing upstream ostree repositories") param :ostree_upstream_sync_depth, :number, :desc => N_("if a custom sync policy is chosen for ostree repositories then a 'depth' value must be provided") param :deb_releases, String, :desc => N_("whitespace-separated list of releases to be synced from deb-archive") param :deb_components, String, :desc => N_("whitespace-separated list of repo components to be synced from deb-archive") param :deb_architectures, String, :desc => N_("whitespace-separated list of architectures to be synced from deb-archive") param :ignorable_content, Array, :desc => N_("List of content units to ignore while syncing a yum repository. Must be subset of %s") % RootRepository::IGNORABLE_CONTENT_UNIT_TYPES.join(",") param :ansible_collection_requirements, String, :desc => N_("Contents of requirement yaml file to sync from URL") param :http_proxy_policy, ::Katello::RootRepository::HTTP_PROXY_POLICIES, :desc => N_("policies for HTTP proxy for content sync") param :http_proxy_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a HTTP Proxy") param :arch, String, :desc => N_("Architecture of content in the repository") end def_param_group :repo_create do param :label, String, :required => false param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("Product the repository belongs to") param :content_type, RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_repository_types.keys, :required => true, :desc => N_("type of repo") end api :GET, "/repositories", N_("List of enabled repositories") api :GET, "/content_views/:id/repositories", N_("List of repositories for a content view") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/repositories", N_("List of repositories in an organization") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:environment_id/repositories", _("List repositories in the environment") api :GET, "/products/:product_id/repositories", N_("List of repositories for a product") api :GET, "/environments/:environment_id/products/:product_id/repositories", N_("List of repositories belonging to a product in an environment") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of an organization to show repositories in") param :product_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a product to show repositories of") param :environment_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of an environment to show repositories in") param :content_view_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a content view to show repositories in") param :content_view_version_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a content view version to show repositories in") param :deb_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of a deb package to find repositories that contain the deb") param :erratum_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of an erratum to find repositories that contain the erratum") param :rpm_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of a rpm package to find repositories that contain the rpm") param :file_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of a file to find repositories that contain the file") param :ansible_collection_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of an ansible collection to find repositories that contain the ansible collection") param :ostree_branch_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of an ostree branch to find repositories that contain that branch") param :library, :bool, :desc => N_("show repositories in Library and the default content view") param :archived, :bool, :desc => N_("show archived repositories") param :content_type, RepositoryTypeManager.repository_types.keys, :desc => N_("limit to only repositories of this type") param :name, String, :desc => N_("name of the repository"), :required => false param :label, String, :desc => N_("label of the repository"), :required => false param :description, String, :desc => N_("description of the repository") param :available_for, String, :desc => N_("interpret specified object to return only Repositories that can be associated with specified object. Only 'content_view' & 'content_view_version' are supported."), :required => false param :with_content, RepositoryTypeManager.enabled_content_types, :desc => N_("only repositories having at least one of the specified content type ex: rpm , erratum") param :download_policy, ::Runcible::Models::YumImporter::DOWNLOAD_POLICIES, :desc => N_("limit to only repositories with this download policy") param :username, String, :desc => N_("only show the repositories readable by this user with this username") param_group :search, Api::V2::ApiController add_scoped_search_description_for(Repository) def index base_args = [index_relation.distinct, :name, :asc] options = {:includes => [:environment, {:root => [:gpg_key, :product]}]} respond_to do |format| format.csv do options[:csv] = true repos = scoped_search(*base_args, options) csv_response(repos, [:id, :name, :description, :label, :content_type, :arch, :url, :major, :minor, :content_label, :pulp_id, :container_repository_name, :download_policy, 'relative_path', '', '', 'environment_id'], ['Id', 'Name', 'Description', 'label', 'Content Type', 'Arch', 'Url', 'Major', 'Minor', 'Content Label', 'Pulp Id', 'Container Repository Name', 'Download Policy', 'Relative Path', 'Product Id', 'Product Name', 'Environment Id']) end format.any do repos = scoped_search(*base_args, options) respond(:collection => repos) end end end def index_relation query = Repository.readable query = query.with_content(params[:with_content]) if params[:with_content] query = index_relation_product(query) query = query.with_type(params[:content_type]) if params[:content_type] query = query.where(:root_id => RootRepository.where(:name => params[:name])) if params[:name] query = query.where(:root_id => RootRepository.where(:label => params[:label])) if params[:label] query = index_relation_content_unit(query) query = index_relation_content_view(query) query = index_relation_environment(query) query end def index_relation_product(query) query = query.joins(:root => :product).where("#{Product.table_name}.organization_id" => @organization) if @organization query = query.joins(:root).where("#{RootRepository.table_name}.product_id" => if @product query = query.joins(:root).where("#{RootRepository.table_name}.download_policy" => params[:download_policy]) if params[:download_policy] query end def index_relation_content_view(query) if params[:content_view_version_id] query = query.where(:content_view_version_id => params[:content_view_version_id]) query = query.archived if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool params[:archived] query = Katello::Repository.where(:id => if params[:library] elsif params[:content_view_id] query = filter_by_content_view(query, params[:content_view_id], params[:environment_id], params[:available_for] == 'content_view') end query end def index_relation_environment(query) if params[:environment_id] && !params[:library] query = query.where(:environment_id => params[:environment_id]) elsif params[:environment_id] && params[:library] instances = query.where(:environment_id => params[:environment_id]) instance_ids = instances.pluck(:library_instance_id).reject(&:blank?) instance_ids += instances.where(:library_instance_id => nil) query = Repository.where(:id => instance_ids) elsif (params[:library] && !params[:environment_id]) || (params[:environment_id].blank? && params[:content_view_version_id].blank? && params[:content_view_id].blank?) if params[:available_for] == 'content_view_version' query = query.where.not(:content_view_version_id => nil, :environment_id => nil) elsif @organization query = query.where(:content_view_version_id => else query = query.in_default_view end end query end def index_relation_content_unit(query) if params[:deb_id] query = query.joins(:debs) .where("#{Deb.table_name}.id" => Deb.with_identifiers(params[:deb_id])) end if params[:erratum_id] query = query.joins(:errata) .where("#{Erratum.table_name}.id" => Erratum.with_identifiers(params[:erratum_id])) end if params[:rpm_id] query = query.joins(:rpms) .where("#{Rpm.table_name}.id" => Rpm.with_identifiers(params[:rpm_id])) end if params[:file_id] query = query.joins(:files) .where("#{FileUnit.table_name}.id" => FileUnit.with_identifiers(params[:file_id])) end if params[:ansible_collection_id] query = query.joins(:ansible_collections) .where("#{AnsibleCollection.table_name}.id" => AnsibleCollection.with_identifiers(params[:ansible_collection_id])) end if params[:ostree_branch_id] query = query.joins(:ostree_branches) .where("#{OstreeBranch.table_name}.id" => OstreeBranch.with_identifiers(params[:ostree_branch_id])) end if params[:puppet_module_id] query = query .joins(:puppet_modules) .where("#{PuppetModule.table_name}.id" => PuppetModule.with_identifiers(params[:puppet_module_id])) end query end api :POST, "/repositories", N_("Create a custom repository") param :name, String, :desc => N_("Name of the repository"), :required => true param :description, String, :desc => N_("Description of the repository"), :required => false param_group :repo_create param_group :repo def create repo_params = repository_params unless RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_by_user?(repo_params[:content_type]) msg = _("Invalid params provided - content_type must be one of %s") % RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_repository_types.keys.join(",") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg end gpg_key = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_GPG_KEY_TYPE) ssl_ca_cert = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE) ssl_client_cert = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE) ssl_client_key = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_TYPE) repo_params[:label] = labelize_params(repo_params) repo_params[:arch] = repo_params[:arch] || 'noarch' repo_params[:url] = nil if repo_params[:url].blank? repo_params[:unprotected] = repo_params.key?(:unprotected) ? repo_params[:unprotected] : true repo_params[:gpg_key] = gpg_key repo_params[:ssl_ca_cert] = ssl_ca_cert repo_params[:ssl_client_cert] = ssl_client_cert repo_params[:ssl_client_key] = ssl_client_key root = construct_repo_from_params(repo_params) sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::CreateRoot, root) @repository = root.reload.library_instance respond_for_create(:resource => @repository) end api :GET, "/repositories/repository_types", N_("Show the available repository types") param :creatable, :bool, :desc => N_("When set to 'True' repository types that are creatable will be returned") def repository_types creatable = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:creatable]) repo_types = creatable ? RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_repository_types : RepositoryTypeManager.repository_types render :json => repo_types.values end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/republish", N_("Forces a republish of the specified repository, regenerating metadata and symlinks on the filesystem.") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("Repository identifier"), :required => true def republish task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::MetadataGenerate, @repository, :force => true) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :GET, "/repositories/:id", N_("Show a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Organization ID") def show respond_for_show(:resource => @repository) end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/sync", N_("Sync a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :source_url, String, :desc => N_("temporarily override feed URL for sync"), :required => false param :incremental, :bool, :desc => N_("perform an incremental import"), :required => false param :skip_metadata_check, :bool, :desc => N_("Force sync even if no upstream changes are detected. Only used with yum repositories."), :required => false param :validate_contents, :bool, :desc => N_("Force a sync and validate the checksums of all content. Only used with yum repositories."), :required => false def sync sync_options = { :skip_metadata_check => ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:skip_metadata_check]), :validate_contents => ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:validate_contents]), :incremental => ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:incremental]), :source_url => params[:source_url] } if params[:source_url].present? && params[:source_url] !~ /\A#{URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp}\z/ fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("source URL is malformed") end if params[:source_url].blank? && @repository.url.blank? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("attempted to sync without a feed URL") end task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync, @repository, nil, sync_options) respond_for_async :resource => task rescue Errors::InvalidActionOptionError => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/verify_checksum", N_("Verify checksum of repository contents") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") def verify_checksum task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::VerifyChecksum, @repository) respond_for_async :resource => task rescue Errors::InvalidActionOptionError => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/export", N_("Export a repository") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("Repository identifier"), :required => true param :export_to_iso, :bool, :desc => N_("Export to ISO format"), :required => false param :iso_mb_size, :number, :desc => N_("maximum size of each ISO in MB"), :required => false param :since, Date, :desc => N_("Optional date of last export (ex: 2010-01-01T12:00:00Z)"), :required => false def export if params[:export_to_iso].blank? && params[:iso_mb_size].present? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("ISO export must be enabled when specifying ISO size") end if params[:since].present? begin params[:since].to_datetime rescue raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Invalid date provided.") end end fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Repository content type must be 'yum' to export.") unless @repository.content_type == 'yum' fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("On demand repositories cannot be exported.") if @repository.download_policy == ::Runcible::Models::YumImporter::DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Export, [@repository], ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:export_to_iso]), params[:since].try(:to_datetime), params[:iso_mb_size], @repository.pulp_id) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id", N_("Update a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :name, String, :required => false param :description, String, :desc => N_("description of the repository"), :required => false param_group :repo def update repo_params = repository_params sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Update, @repository.root, repo_params) respond_for_show(:resource => @repository) end api :DELETE, "/repositories/:id", N_("Destroy a custom repository") param :id, :number, :required => true def destroy sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Destroy, @repository) respond_for_destroy end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_packages" api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_docker_manifests" api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_puppet_modules" api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_content" desc "Remove content from a repository" param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => "repository ID" param 'ids', Array, :required => true, :desc => "Array of content ids to remove" param :content_type,, :required => false, :desc => N_("content type ('deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree', 'puppet_module', 'rpm', 'srpm')") param 'sync_capsule', :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not to sync an external capsule after upload. Default: true") def remove_content sync_capsule = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:sync_capsule, true)) fail _("No content ids provided") if @content.blank? respond_for_async :resource => sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::RemoveContent, @repository, @content, content_type: params[:content_type], sync_capsule: sync_capsule) end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/upload_content", N_("Upload content into the repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :content, File, :required => true, :desc => N_("Content files to upload. Can be a single file or array of files.") param :content_type,, :required => false, :desc => N_("content type ('deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree', 'puppet_module', 'rpm', 'srpm')") def upload_content fail Katello::Errors::InvalidRepositoryContent, _("Cannot upload Container Image content.") if @repository.docker? filepaths = Array.wrap(params[:content]).compact.collect do |content| {path: content.path, filename: content.original_filename} end if !filepaths.blank? sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::UploadFiles, @repository, filepaths, params[:content_type]) render :json => {:status => "success", :filenames => { |item| item[:filename] }} else fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("No file uploaded") end rescue Katello::Errors::InvalidRepositoryContent => error respond_for_exception( error, :status => :unprocessable_entity, :text => error.message, :errors => [error.message], :with_logging => true ) end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/import_uploads", N_("Import uploads into a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("Repository id") param :async, :bool, desc: N_("Do not wait for the ImportUpload action to finish. Default: false") param 'publish_repository', :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not to regenerate the repository on disk. Default: true") param 'sync_capsule', :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not to sync an external capsule after upload. Default: true") param :content_type,, :required => false, :desc => N_("content type ('deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree', 'puppet_module', 'rpm', 'srpm')") param :uploads, Array, :desc => N_("Array of uploads to import") do param 'id', String, :required => true param 'content_unit_id', String param 'size', String param 'checksum', String param 'name', String, :desc => N_("Needs to only be set for file repositories or docker tags") param 'digest', String, :desc => N_("Needs to only be set for docker tags") end def import_uploads generate_metadata = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:publish_repository, true)) sync_capsule = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:sync_capsule, true)) async = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:async, false)) if params['uploads'].empty? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _('No uploads param specified. An array of uploads to import is required.') end uploads = (params[:uploads] || []).map do |upload| upload.permit(:id, :content_unit_id, :size, :checksum, :name, :digest).to_h end begin respond_for_async(resource: send( async ? :async_task : :sync_task, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::ImportUpload, @repository, uploads, generate_metadata: generate_metadata, sync_capsule: sync_capsule, content_type: params[:content_type])) rescue => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end end # returns the content of a repo gpg key, used directly by yum # we don't want to authenticate, authorize etc, trying to distinguish between a yum request and normal api request # might not always be 100% bullet proof, and its more important that yum can fetch the key. api :GET, "/repositories/:id/gpg_key_content", N_("Return the content of a repo gpg key, used directly by yum") param :id, :number, :required => true def gpg_key_content if @repository.root.gpg_key && @repository.root.gpg_key.content.present? render(:plain => @repository.root.gpg_key.content, :layout => false) else head(404) end end protected def find_product if params[:product_id] @product = Product.readable.find_by(id: params[:product_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'product', id: params[:product_id]) if @product.nil? end find_organization_from_product if @organization.nil? && @product end def find_product_for_create @product = Product.editable.find_by(id: params[:product_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'product', id: params[:product_id]) if @product.nil? end def find_content_credential(content_type) credential_id = "#{content_type}_id".to_sym credential_var = "@#{content_type}" if params[credential_id] credential_value = GpgKey.readable.where(:id => params[credential_id], :organization_id => @organization).first instance_variable_set(credential_var, credential_value) if instance_variable_get(credential_var).nil? fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find %{content_type} with id '%{id}'") % { :content_type => content_type, :id => params[credential_id] } end end end def repository_params keys = [:download_policy, :mirror_on_sync, :arch, :verify_ssl_on_sync, :upstream_password, :upstream_username, :download_concurrency, :ostree_upstream_sync_depth, :ostree_upstream_sync_policy, {:os_versions => []}, :deb_releases, :deb_components, :deb_architectures, :description, :http_proxy_policy, :http_proxy_id, {:ignorable_content => []} ] keys += [{:docker_tags_whitelist => []}, :docker_upstream_name] if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository&.docker? keys += [:ansible_collection_requirements] if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository&.ansible_collection? keys += [:label, :content_type] if params[:action] == "create" if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository.custom? keys += [:url, :gpg_key_id, :ssl_ca_cert_id, :ssl_client_cert_id, :ssl_client_key_id, :unprotected, :name, :checksum_type] end params.require(:repository).permit(*keys).to_h.with_indifferent_access end def get_content_credential(repo_params, content_type) credential_value = @product.send(content_type) unless repo_params["#{content_type}_id".to_sym].blank? credential_value = instance_variable_get("@#{content_type}") end credential_value end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def construct_repo_from_params(repo_params) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize root = @product.add_repo(repo_params.slice(:label, :name, :description, :url, :content_type, :arch, :unprotected, :gpg_key, :ssl_ca_cert, :ssl_client_cert, :ssl_client_key, :checksum_type, :download_policy, :http_proxy_policy).to_h.with_indifferent_access) root.docker_upstream_name = repo_params[:docker_upstream_name] if repo_params[:docker_upstream_name] root.docker_tags_whitelist = repo_params.fetch(:docker_tags_whitelist, []) if root.docker? root.mirror_on_sync = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(repo_params[:mirror_on_sync]) if repo_params.key?(:mirror_on_sync) root.verify_ssl_on_sync = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(repo_params[:verify_ssl_on_sync]) if repo_params.key?(:verify_ssl_on_sync) root.upstream_username = repo_params[:upstream_username] if repo_params.key?(:upstream_username) root.upstream_password = repo_params[:upstream_password] if repo_params.key?(:upstream_password) root.ignorable_content = repo_params[:ignorable_content] if root.yum? && repo_params.key?(:ignorable_content) root.ansible_collection_requirements = repo_params[:ansible_collection_requirements] if root.ansible_collection? root.http_proxy_policy = repo_params[:http_proxy_policy] if repo_params.key?(:http_proxy_policy) root.http_proxy_id = repo_params[:http_proxy_id] if repo_params.key?(:http_proxy_id) root.os_versions = repo_params.fetch(:os_versions, []) if root.yum? if root.ostree? root.ostree_upstream_sync_policy = repo_params[:ostree_upstream_sync_policy] root.ostree_upstream_sync_depth = repo_params[:ostree_upstream_sync_depth] end if root.deb? root.deb_releases = repo_params[:deb_releases] if repo_params[:deb_releases] root.deb_components = repo_params[:deb_components] if repo_params[:deb_components] root.deb_architectures = repo_params[:deb_architectures] if repo_params[:deb_architectures] end root end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def error_on_rh_product fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Red Hat products cannot be manipulated.") if @product.redhat? end def error_on_rh_repo fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Red Hat repositories cannot be manipulated.") if @repository.redhat? end def find_organization_from_repo @organization = @repository.organization end def find_organization_from_product @organization = @product.organization end def find_content if params[:content_type] @content = @repository.units_for_removal(params[:ids], params[:content_type]) else @content = @repository.units_for_removal(params[:ids]) end end def filter_by_content_view(query, content_view_id, environment_id, is_available_for) if is_available_for params[:library] = true sub_query = ContentViewRepository.where(:content_view_id => content_view_id).pluck(:repository_id) query = query.where("#{Repository.table_name}.id not in (#{sub_query.join(',')})") unless sub_query.empty? elsif environment_id version = ContentViewVersion.in_environment(environment_id).where(:content_view_id => content_view_id) query = query.where(:content_view_version_id => version) elsif params[:available_for] != 'content_view_version' query = query.joins(:content_view_repositories).where("#{ContentViewRepository.table_name}.content_view_id" => content_view_id) else version_ids = ContentViewVersion.where(:content_view_id => content_view_id).pluck(:id) query = query.where('content_view_version_id IN (?) AND environment_id IS NOT NULL', version_ids) end query end end end