/****** * * EditArea * Developped by Christophe Dolivet * Released under LGPL, Apache and BSD licenses (use the one you want) * ******/ function EditAreaLoader(){ var t=this; t.version= "0.8.2"; date= new Date(); t.start_time=date.getTime(); t.win= "loading"; // window loading state t.error= false; // to know if load is interrrupt t.baseURL="/assets"; t.imgPath=""; //t.suffix=""; t.template=""; t.lang= {}; // array of loaded speech language t.load_syntax= {}; // array of loaded syntax language for highlight mode t.syntax= {}; // array of initilized syntax language for highlight mode t.loadedFiles= []; t.waiting_loading= {}; // files that must be loaded in order to allow the script to really start // scripts that must be loaded in the iframe t.scripts_to_load= ["elements_functions", "resize_area", "reg_syntax"]; t.sub_scripts_to_load= ["edit_area", "manage_area" ,"edit_area_functions", "keyboard", "search_replace", "highlight", "regexp"]; t.syntax_display_name= { /*syntax_display_name_AUTO-FILL-BY-COMPRESSOR*/ }; t.resize= []; // contain resizing datas t.hidden= {}; // store datas of the hidden textareas t.default_settings= { //id: "src" // id of the textarea to transform debug: false ,smooth_selection: true ,font_size: "10" // not for IE ,font_family: "monospace" // can be "verdana,monospace". Allow non monospace font but Firefox get smaller tabulation with non monospace fonts. IE doesn't change the tabulation width and Opera doesn't take this option into account... ,start_highlight: false // if start with highlight ,toolbar: "search, go_to_line, fullscreen, |, undo, redo, |, select_font,|, change_smooth_selection, highlight, reset_highlight, word_wrap, |, help" ,begin_toolbar: "" // "new_document, save, load, |" ,end_toolbar: "" // or end_toolbar ,is_multi_files: false // enable the multi file mode (the textarea content is ignored) ,allow_resize: "both" // possible values: "no", "both", "x", "y" ,show_line_colors: false // if the highlight is disabled for the line currently beeing edited (if enabled => heavy CPU use) ,min_width: 400 ,min_height: 125 ,replace_tab_by_spaces: false ,allow_toggle: true // true or false ,language: "en" ,syntax: "" ,syntax_selection_allow: "basic,brainfuck,c,coldfusion,cpp,css,html,java,js,pas,perl,php,python,ruby,robotstxt,sql,tsql,vb,xml" ,display: "onload" // onload or later ,max_undo: 30 ,browsers: "known" // all or known ,plugins: "" // comma separated plugin list ,gecko_spellcheck: false // enable/disable by default the gecko_spellcheck ,fullscreen: false ,is_editable: true ,cursor_position: "begin" ,word_wrap: false // define if the text is wrapped of not in the textarea ,autocompletion: false // NOT IMPLEMENTED ,load_callback: "" // click on load button (function name) ,save_callback: "" // click on save button (function name) ,change_callback: "" // textarea onchange trigger (function name) ,submit_callback: "" // form submited (function name) ,EA_init_callback: "" // EditArea initiliazed (function name) ,EA_delete_callback: "" // EditArea deleted (function name) ,EA_load_callback: "" // EditArea fully loaded and displayed (function name) ,EA_unload_callback: "" // EditArea delete while being displayed (function name) ,EA_toggle_on_callback: "" // EditArea toggled on (function name) ,EA_toggle_off_callback: "" // EditArea toggled off (function name) ,EA_file_switch_on_callback: "" // a new tab is selected (called for the newly selected file) ,EA_file_switch_off_callback: "" // a new tab is selected (called for the previously selected file) ,EA_file_close_callback: "" // close a tab }; t.advanced_buttons = [ // id, button img, command (it will try to find the translation of "id"), is_file_specific ['new_document', 'newdocument.gif', 'new_document', false], ['search', 'search.gif', 'show_search', false], ['go_to_line', 'go_to_line.gif', 'go_to_line', false], ['undo', 'undo.gif', 'undo', true], ['redo', 'redo.gif', 'redo', true], ['change_smooth_selection', 'smooth_selection.gif', 'change_smooth_selection_mode', true], ['reset_highlight', 'reset_highlight.gif', 'resync_highlight', true], ['highlight', 'highlight.gif','change_highlight', true], ['help', 'help.gif', 'show_help', false], ['save', 'save.gif', 'save', false], ['load', 'load.gif', 'load', false], ['fullscreen', 'fullscreen.gif', 'toggle_full_screen', false], ['word_wrap', 'word_wrap.gif', 'toggle_word_wrap', true], ['autocompletion', 'autocompletion.gif', 'toggle_autocompletion', true] ]; // navigator identification t.set_browser_infos(t); if(t.isIE>=6 || t.isGecko || ( t.isWebKit && !t.isSafari<3 ) || t.isOpera>=9 || t.isCamino ) t.isValidBrowser=true; else t.isValidBrowser=false; t.set_base_url(); for(var i=0; i delete the previous one if(editAreas[s["id"]]) t.delete_instance(s["id"]); // init settings for(i in t.default_settings){ if(typeof(s[i])=="undefined") s[i]=t.default_settings[i]; } if(s["browsers"]=="known" && t.isValidBrowser==false){ return; } if(s["begin_toolbar"].length>0) s["toolbar"]= s["begin_toolbar"] +","+ s["toolbar"]; if(s["end_toolbar"].length>0) s["toolbar"]= s["toolbar"] +","+ s["end_toolbar"]; s["tab_toolbar"]= s["toolbar"].replace(/ /g,"").split(","); s["plugins"]= s["plugins"].replace(/ /g,"").split(","); for(i=0; i0){ s["syntax"]=s["syntax"].toLowerCase(); t.load_script(t.baseURL + "reg_syntax/"+ s["syntax"] + ".js"); } //alert(this.template); editAreas[s["id"]]= {"settings": s}; editAreas[s["id"]]["displayed"]=false; editAreas[s["id"]]["hidden"]=false; //if(settings["display"]=="onload") t.start(s["id"]); }, // delete an instance of an EditArea delete_instance : function(id){ var d=document,fs=window.frames,span,iframe; editAreaLoader.execCommand(id, "EA_delete"); if(fs["frame_"+id] && fs["frame_"+id].editArea) { if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]) editAreaLoader.toggle(id, "off"); fs["frame_"+id].editArea.execCommand("EA_unload"); } // remove toggle infos and debug textarea span= d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id); if(span) span.parentNode.removeChild(span); // remove the iframe iframe= d.getElementById("frame_"+id); if(iframe){ iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); //delete iframe; try { delete fs["frame_"+id]; } catch (e) {// Do nothing } } delete editAreas[id]; }, start : function(id){ var t=this,d=document,f,span,father,next,html='',html_toolbar_content='',template,content,i; // check that the window is loaded if(t.win!="loaded"){ setTimeout("editAreaLoader.start('"+id+"');", 50); return; } // check that all needed scripts are loaded for( i in t.waiting_loading){ if(t.waiting_loading[i]!="loaded" && typeof(t.waiting_loading[i])!="function"){ setTimeout("editAreaLoader.start('"+id+"');", 50); return; } } // wait until language and syntax files are loaded if(!t.lang[editAreas[id]["settings"]["language"]] || (editAreas[id]["settings"]["syntax"].length>0 && !t.load_syntax[editAreas[id]["settings"]["syntax"]]) ){ setTimeout("editAreaLoader.start('"+id+"');", 50); return; } // init the regexp for syntax highlight if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["syntax"].length>0) t.init_syntax_regexp(); // display toggle option and debug area if(!d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id) && (editAreas[id]["settings"]["debug"] || editAreas[id]["settings"]["allow_toggle"])) { span= d.createElement("span"); span.id= "EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id; if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["allow_toggle"]){ checked=(editAreas[id]["settings"]["display"]=="onload")?"checked='checked'":""; html+="
"; html+=""; html+="
"; } if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["debug"]) html+="
"; html= t.translate(html, editAreas[id]["settings"]["language"]); span.innerHTML= html; father= d.getElementById(id).parentNode; next= d.getElementById(id).nextSibling; if(next==null) father.appendChild(span); else father.insertBefore(span, next); } if(!editAreas[id]["initialized"]) { t.execCommand(id, "EA_init"); // ini callback if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["display"]=="later"){ editAreas[id]["initialized"]= true; return; } } if(t.isIE){ // launch IE selection checkup t.init_ie_textarea(id); } // get toolbar content var area=editAreas[id]; for(i=0; i'; } // add plugins scripts if not already loaded by the compressor (but need to load language in all the case) for(i=0; i'; t.iframe_script+=''; } // create css link for the iframe if the whole css text has not been already loaded by the compressor if(!t.iframe_css){ t.iframe_css=""; } // create template template= t.template.replace(/\[__BASEURL__\]/g, t.baseURL); template= t.template.replace(/\[__IMGPATH__\]/g, t.imgPath); template= template.replace("[__TOOLBAR__]",html_toolbar_content); // fill template with good language sentences template= t.translate(template, area["settings"]["language"], "template"); // add css_code template= template.replace("[__CSSRULES__]", t.iframe_css); // add js_code template= template.replace("[__JSCODE__]", t.iframe_script); // add version_code template= template.replace("[__EA_VERSION__]", t.version); //template=template.replace(/\{\$([^\}]+)\}/gm, this.traduc_template); //editAreas[area["settings"]["id"]]["template"]= template; area.textarea=d.getElementById(area["settings"]["id"]); editAreas[area["settings"]["id"]]["textarea"]=area.textarea; // if removing previous instances from DOM before (fix from Marcin) if(typeof(window.frames["frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]])!='undefined') delete window.frames["frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]]; // insert template in the document after the textarea father= area.textarea.parentNode; /* var container= document.createElement("div"); container.id= "EditArea_frame_container_"+area["settings"]["id"]; */ content= d.createElement("iframe"); content.name= "frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]; content.id= "frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]; content.style.borderWidth= "0px"; setAttribute(content, "frameBorder", "0"); // IE content.style.overflow="hidden"; content.style.display="none"; next= area.textarea.nextSibling; if(next==null) father.appendChild(content); else father.insertBefore(content, next) ; f=window.frames["frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]]; f.document.open(); f.editAreas=editAreas; f.area_id= area["settings"]["id"]; f.document.area_id= area["settings"]["id"]; f.document.write(template); f.document.close(); // frame.editAreaLoader=this; //editAreas[area["settings"]["id"]]["displayed"]=true; }, toggle : function(id, toggle_to){ /* if((editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true && toggle_to!="on") || toggle_to=="off"){ this.toggle_off(id); }else if((editAreas[id]["displayed"]==false && toggle_to!="off") || toggle_to=="on"){ this.toggle_on(id); }*/ if(!toggle_to) toggle_to= (editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true)?"off":"on"; if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true && toggle_to=="off"){ this.toggle_off(id); }else if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]==false && toggle_to=="on"){ this.toggle_on(id); } return false; }, // static function toggle_off : function(id){ var fs=window.frames,f,t,parNod,nxtSib,selStart,selEnd,scrollTop,scrollLeft; if(fs["frame_"+id]) { f = fs["frame_"+id]; t = editAreas[id]["textarea"]; if(f.editArea.fullscreen['isFull']) f.editArea.toggle_full_screen(false); editAreas[id]["displayed"]=false; // set wrap to off to keep same display mode (some browser get problem with this, so it need more complex operation t.wrap = "off"; // for IE setAttribute(t, "wrap", "off"); // for Firefox parNod = t.parentNode; nxtSib = t.nextSibling; parNod.removeChild(t); parNod.insertBefore(t, nxtSib); // restore values t.value= f.editArea.textarea.value; selStart = f.editArea.last_selection["selectionStart"]; selEnd = f.editArea.last_selection["selectionEnd"]; scrollTop = f.document.getElementById("result").scrollTop; scrollLeft = f.document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft; document.getElementById("frame_"+id).style.display='none'; t.style.display="inline"; try{ // IE will give an error when trying to focus an invisible or disabled textarea t.focus(); } catch(e){}; if(this.isIE){ t.selectionStart= selStart; t.selectionEnd = selEnd; t.focused = true; set_IE_selection(t); }else{ if(this.isOpera && this.isOpera < 9.6 ){ // Opera bug when moving selection start and selection end t.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } try{ t.setSelectionRange(selStart, selEnd); } catch(e) {}; } t.scrollTop= scrollTop; t.scrollLeft= scrollLeft; f.editArea.execCommand("toggle_off"); } }, // static function toggle_on : function(id){ var fs=window.frames,f,t,selStart=0,selEnd=0,scrollTop=0,scrollLeft=0,curPos,elem; if(fs["frame_"+id]) { f = fs["frame_"+id]; t = editAreas[id]["textarea"]; area= f.editArea; area.textarea.value= t.value; // store display values; curPos = editAreas[id]["settings"]["cursor_position"]; if(t.use_last==true) { selStart = t.last_selectionStart; selEnd = t.last_selectionEnd; scrollTop = t.last_scrollTop; scrollLeft = t.last_scrollLeft; t.use_last=false; } else if( curPos == "auto" ) { try{ selStart = t.selectionStart; selEnd = t.selectionEnd; scrollTop = t.scrollTop; scrollLeft = t.scrollLeft; //alert(scrollTop); }catch(ex){} } // set to good size this.set_editarea_size_from_textarea(id, document.getElementById("frame_"+id)); t.style.display="none"; document.getElementById("frame_"+id).style.display="inline"; area.execCommand("focus"); // without this focus opera doesn't manage well the iframe body height // restore display values editAreas[id]["displayed"]=true; area.execCommand("update_size"); f.document.getElementById("result").scrollTop= scrollTop; f.document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft= scrollLeft; area.area_select(selStart, selEnd-selStart); area.execCommand("toggle_on"); } else { /* if(this.isIE) get_IE_selection(document.getElementById(id)); */ elem= document.getElementById(id); elem.last_selectionStart= elem.selectionStart; elem.last_selectionEnd= elem.selectionEnd; elem.last_scrollTop= elem.scrollTop; elem.last_scrollLeft= elem.scrollLeft; elem.use_last=true; editAreaLoader.start(id); } }, set_editarea_size_from_textarea : function(id, frame){ var elem,width,height; elem = document.getElementById(id); width = Math.max(editAreas[id]["settings"]["min_width"], elem.offsetWidth)+"px"; height = Math.max(editAreas[id]["settings"]["min_height"], elem.offsetHeight)+"px"; if(elem.style.width.indexOf("%")!=-1) width = elem.style.width; if(elem.style.height.indexOf("%")!=-1) height = elem.style.height; //alert("h: "+height+" w: "+width); frame.style.width= width; frame.style.height= height; }, set_base_url : function(){ var t=this,elems,i,docBasePath; if( !this.baseURL ){ elems = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for( i=0; i'; html += ''; return html; }, get_control_html : function(button_name, lang) { var t=this,i,but,html,si; for (i=0; i"; case "|": case "separator": return ''; case "select_font": html= ""; return html; case "syntax_selection": html= ""; return html; } return "["+button_name+"]"; }, get_template : function(){ if(this.template=="") { var xhr_object = null; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Firefox xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if(window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer xhr_object = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); else { // XMLHttpRequest not supported alert("XMLHTTPRequest not supported. EditArea not loaded"); return; } xhr_object.open("GET", this.baseURL+"template.html", false); xhr_object.send(null); if(xhr_object.readyState == 4) this.template=xhr_object.responseText; else this.has_error(); } }, // translate text translate : function(text, lang, mode){ if(mode=="word") text=editAreaLoader.get_word_translation(text, lang); else if(mode="template"){ editAreaLoader.current_language= lang; text=text.replace(/\{\$([^\}]+)\}/gm, editAreaLoader.translate_template); } return text; }, translate_template : function(){ return editAreaLoader.get_word_translation(EditAreaLoader.prototype.translate_template.arguments[1], editAreaLoader.current_language); }, get_word_translation : function(val, lang){ var i; for( i in editAreaLoader.lang[lang]){ if(i == val) return editAreaLoader.lang[lang][i]; } return "_"+val; }, load_script : function(url){ var t=this,d=document,script,head; if( t.loadedFiles[url] ) return; //alert("load: "+url); try{ script= d.createElement("script"); script.type= "text/javascript"; script.src= url; script.charset= "UTF-8"; d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); }catch(e){ d.write(''); } t.loadedFiles[url] = true; }, add_event : function(obj, name, handler) { try{ if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent("on" + name, handler); } else{ obj.addEventListener(name, handler, false); } }catch(e){} }, remove_event : function(obj, name, handler){ try{ if (obj.detachEvent) obj.detachEvent("on" + name, handler); else obj.removeEventListener(name, handler, false); }catch(e){} }, // reset all the editareas in the form that have been reseted reset : function(e){ var formObj,is_child,i,x; formObj = editAreaLoader.isIE ? window.event.srcElement : e.target; if(formObj.tagName!='FORM') formObj= formObj.form; for( i in editAreas ){ is_child= false; for( x=0;x old_sel["start"]) // if text was selected, cursor at the end this.setSelectionRange(id, new_sel["end"], new_sel["end"]); else // cursor in the middle this.setSelectionRange(id, old_sel["start"]+open_tag.length, old_sel["start"]+open_tag.length); }, // hide both EditArea and normal textarea hide : function(id){ var fs= window.frames,d=document,t=this,scrollTop,scrollLeft,span; if(d.getElementById(id) && !t.hidden[id]) { t.hidden[id]= {}; t.hidden[id]["selectionRange"]= t.getSelectionRange(id); if(d.getElementById(id).style.display!="none") { t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"]= d.getElementById(id).scrollTop; t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"]= d.getElementById(id).scrollLeft; } if(fs["frame_"+id]) { t.hidden[id]["toggle"]= editAreas[id]["displayed"]; if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){ scrollTop = fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollTop; scrollLeft = fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft; }else{ scrollTop = d.getElementById(id).scrollTop; scrollLeft = d.getElementById(id).scrollLeft; } t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"]= scrollTop; t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"]= scrollLeft; if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true) editAreaLoader.toggle_off(id); } // hide toggle button and debug box span= d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id); if(span){ span.style.display='none'; } // hide textarea d.getElementById(id).style.display= "none"; } }, // restore hidden EditArea and normal textarea show : function(id){ var fs= window.frames,d=document,t=this,span; if((elem=d.getElementById(id)) && t.hidden[id]) { elem.style.display= "inline"; elem.scrollTop= t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"]; elem.scrollLeft= t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"]; span= d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id); if(span){ span.style.display='inline'; } if(fs["frame_"+id]) { // restore toggle button and debug box // restore textarea elem.style.display= "inline"; // restore EditArea if(t.hidden[id]["toggle"]==true) editAreaLoader.toggle_on(id); scrollTop = t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"]; scrollLeft = t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"]; if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){ fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollTop = scrollTop; fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft = scrollLeft; }else{ elem.scrollTop = scrollTop; elem.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } } // restore selection sel = t.hidden[id]["selectionRange"]; t.setSelectionRange(id, sel["start"], sel["end"]); delete t.hidden[id]; } }, // get the current file datas (for multi file editing mode) getCurrentFile : function(id){ return this.execCommand(id, 'get_file', this.execCommand(id, 'curr_file')); }, // get the given file datas (for multi file editing mode) getFile : function(id, file_id){ return this.execCommand(id, 'get_file', file_id); }, // get all the openned files datas (for multi file editing mode) getAllFiles : function(id){ return this.execCommand(id, 'get_all_files()'); }, // open a file (for multi file editing mode) openFile : function(id, file_infos){ return this.execCommand(id, 'open_file', file_infos); }, // close the given file (for multi file editing mode) closeFile : function(id, file_id){ return this.execCommand(id, 'close_file', file_id); }, // close the given file (for multi file editing mode) setFileEditedMode : function(id, file_id, to){ var reg1,reg2; reg1 = new RegExp('\\\\', 'g'); reg2 = new RegExp('"', 'g'); return this.execCommand(id, 'set_file_edited_mode("'+ file_id.replace(reg1, '\\\\').replace(reg2, '\\"') +'", '+ to +')'); }, // allow to access to editarea functions and datas (for advanced users only) execCommand : function(id, cmd, fct_param){ switch(cmd){ case "EA_init": if(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_init_callback"].length>0) eval(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_init_callback"]+"('"+ id +"');"); break; case "EA_delete": if(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_delete_callback"].length>0) eval(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_delete_callback"]+"('"+ id +"');"); break; case "EA_submit": if(editAreas[id]['settings']["submit_callback"].length>0) eval(editAreas[id]['settings']["submit_callback"]+"('"+ id +"');"); break; } if(window.frames["frame_"+id] && window.frames["frame_"+ id].editArea){ if(fct_param!=undefined) return eval('window.frames["frame_'+ id +'"].editArea.'+ cmd +'(fct_param);'); else return eval('window.frames["frame_'+ id +'"].editArea.'+ cmd +';'); } return false; } }; var editAreaLoader= new EditAreaLoader(); var editAreas= {};