# frozen_string_literal: true # Boostrap4 Helpers module EffectiveBootstrapHelper # This is a special variant of collapse # = accordion do # = collapse('Add thing...') do # %p Something to add def accordion(options = nil, &block) (options ||= {})[:class] = "accordion #{options.delete(:class)}".strip id = "accordion-#{effective_bootstrap_unique_id}" @_accordion_active = id content = content_tag(:div, capture(&block), options.merge(id: id)) @_accordion_active = nil content end def accordion_collapse(label, opts = {}, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? id = "collapse-#{effective_bootstrap_unique_id}" show = (opts.delete(:show) == true) link_opts = { 'data-toggle': 'collapse', role: 'button', href: "##{id}", 'aria-controls': "##{id}", 'aria-expanded': show } link_opts[:class] = opts.delete(:link_class) || 'btn btn-link' div_class = opts.delete(:div_class) card_class = opts.delete(:card_class) || 'card card-body my-2' # Accordion collapse content_tag(:div, class: "card mb-0") do content_tag(:div, class: "card-header") do content_tag(:h2, class: "mb-0") do content_tag(:button, label, link_opts.merge(class: "btn btn-link")) end end + content_tag(:div, id: id, class: ['collapse', div_class, ('show' if show)].compact.join(' '), "data-parent": "##{@_accordion_active}") do content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: "card-body") end end end # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/badge/ # = badge('Warning', :secondary) # Can pass class or a context def badge(value = nil, opts = {}) value = Array(value) - [nil, ''] return if value.blank? badge_opts = opts badge_opts = {context: opts} unless badge_opts.kind_of?(Hash) context = badge_opts[:context].to_s.sub('badge-', '').presence || 'secondary' badge_opts[:class] ||= "badge badge-#{context}" value.map { |value| content_tag(:span, value, badge_opts) }.join(' ').html_safe end alias_method :badges, :badge # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/card/ # = card('title do') # %p Stuff # = card('Stuff', header: 'header title') def card(resource = nil, opts = {}, &block) raise('expected a block') unless block_given? if resource.kind_of?(Hash) opts = resource; resource = nil end return if resource.kind_of?(Class) && !EffectiveResources.authorized?(self, :index, resource) header = opts.delete(:header) title = opts.delete(:title) || opts.delete(:label) || effective_bootstrap_human_name(resource, plural: (opts.key?(:plural) ? opts.delete(:plural) : true)) content_tag(:div, merge_class_key(opts, 'card mb-4')) do header = content_tag(:div, header, class: 'card-header') if header.present? body = content_tag(:div, class: 'card-body') do if title.present? content_tag(:h5, title, class: 'card-title') + capture(&block) else capture(&block) end end header ? (header + body) : body end end # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/collapse/ # = collapse('toggle visibility') do # %p Something Collapsed # = collapse('already expanded', show: true) do # %p Something Expanded # the word 'show' will automatically be replaced with hide and an icon added # = collapse('show items') do # %p Something Expanded # Override the expand and collapse labels directly # = collapse('show items', expand: "Show items" + icon('ok'), collapse: "Hide items" + icon('x')) do # %p Something Expanded # collapse(items.length, class: 'btn btn-primary', class: 'mt-2') do # items.map { |item| content_tag(:div, item.to_s) }.join.html_safe # end COLLAPSE_SUBSTITUTIONS = { 'Show ' => 'Hide ', 'show ' => 'hide ', 'Expand ' => 'Collapse ', 'expand ' => 'collapse ', ' More' => ' Less', ' more' => ' less' } def collapse(label, opts = {}, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? return accordion_collapse(label, opts, &block) if @_accordion_active id = "collapse-#{effective_bootstrap_unique_id}" show = (opts.delete(:show) == true) # The div and the card now div_class = opts.delete(:div_class) card_class = opts.delete(:card_class) || 'card card-body my-2' # Two link labels label_expand = opts.delete(:expand) || label.to_s.tap do |label| COLLAPSE_SUBSTITUTIONS.each { |show, hide| label.sub!(hide, show) } end + icon('chevron-down') label_collapse = opts.delete(:collapse) || label.to_s.tap do |label| COLLAPSE_SUBSTITUTIONS.each { |show, hide| label.sub!(show, hide) } end + icon('chevron-up') # The link html classes link_class = opts.delete(:link_class) || 'btn btn-link' link_class += ' effective-collapse-actions hidden-print' link_class += ' collapsed' unless show # Figure out all the button / link options link_opts = { 'data-toggle': 'collapse', role: 'button', href: "##{id}", 'aria-controls': "##{id}", 'aria-expanded': show, class: link_class }.merge(opts) # Normal collapse link_tag = content_tag(:a, link_opts) do content_tag(:div, label_expand.html_safe, class: 'collapse-label-expand') + content_tag(:div, label_collapse.html_safe, class: 'collapse-label-collapse') end div_tag = content_tag(:div, id: id, class: ['effective-collapse collapse', div_class, ('show' if show)].compact.join(' ')) do content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: card_class) end link_tag + div_tag end # Button Dropdowns # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/dropdowns/ # # = dropdown do # = dropdown_link_to 'Something', root_path # = dropdown_divider # = dropdown_link_to 'Another', root_path # # Button Dropdowns # variations can be :dropup, :dropleft, :dropright # split can be true, false # right is to right align things DROPDOWN_SPLIT_OPTS = {class: "btn dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split btn-sm btn-outline-primary", type: 'button', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-expanded': false} DROPDOWN_UNSPLIT_OPTS= {class: "btn dropdown-toggle btn-sm btn-outline-primary", type: 'button', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-expanded': false} DROPDOWN_DROPLEFT_GROUP_OPTS = {class: 'btn-group'} DROPDOWN_DROPLEFT_OPTS = {class: 'btn-group dropleft', role: 'group'} DROPDOWN_MENU_OPTS = {class: 'dropdown-menu'} DROPDOWN_MENU_RIGHT_OPTS = {class: 'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right'} DROPDOWN_BTN_CLASS = 'btn-sm btn-outline-primary' DROPDOWN_TOGGLE_DROPDOWN = "Toggle Dropdown".html_safe def dropdown(variation: nil, split: true, btn_class: nil, btn_content: nil, right: false, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? btn_class ||= DROPDOWN_BTN_CLASS # Process all dropdown_link_tos @_dropdown_link_tos = [] @_dropdown_split = split @_dropdown_button_class = btn_class yield return @_dropdown_link_tos.first if @_dropdown_link_tos.length <= 1 # Build tags first = @_dropdown_link_tos.first button_opts = (split ? DROPDOWN_SPLIT_OPTS : DROPDOWN_UNSPLIT_OPTS) if btn_class != DROPDOWN_BTN_CLASS button_opts[:class] = button_opts[:class].sub(DROPDOWN_BTN_CLASS, btn_class) end button = content_tag(:button, button_opts) do btn_content || DROPDOWN_TOGGLE_DROPDOWN end menu_opts = (right ? DROPDOWN_MENU_RIGHT_OPTS : DROPDOWN_MENU_OPTS) menu = if split content_tag(:div, @_dropdown_link_tos[1..-1].join.html_safe, menu_opts) else content_tag(:div, @_dropdown_link_tos.join.html_safe, menu_opts) end @_dropdown_link_tos = nil if split && variation == :dropleft content_tag(:div, DROPDOWN_DROPLEFT_GROUP_OPTS) do content_tag(:div, (button + menu), DROPDOWN_DROPLEFT_OPTS) + first.html_safe end elsif split content_tag(:div, class: 'btn-group') do content_tag(:div, (first + button + menu), class: "btn-group #{variation}", role: 'group') end else content_tag(:div, (button + menu), class: 'dropdown') end end # This is a special variant of dropdown # dots do # = dropdown_link_to 'Edit', edit_path(thing) def dots(options = nil, &block) (options ||= {})[:class] = "dropdown dropdown-dots #{options.delete(:class)}".strip content_tag(:div, options) do content_tag(:button, class: "btn btn-dots dropdown-toggle #{options.delete(:button_class)}", 'aria-expanded': true, 'aria-haspopup': true, 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', type: 'button') do end + content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: 'dropdown-menu') end end def dots_link_to(label, path, options = {}) options[:class] = [options[:class], 'dropdown-item'].compact.join(' ') concat link_to(label, path, options) end # Works with dots do and dropdown do def dropdown_link_to(label, path, options = {}) btn_class = options.delete(:btn_class).presence || @_dropdown_button_class || 'btn-outline-primary' unless @_dropdown_link_tos options[:class] = (options[:class] ? "dropdown-item #{options[:class]}" : 'dropdown-item') return link_to(label, path, options) end if @_dropdown_link_tos.length == 0 && @_dropdown_split options[:class] = (options[:class] ? "btn #{btn_class} #{options[:class]}" : "btn #{btn_class}") else options[:class] = (options[:class] ? "dropdown-item #{options[:class]}" : 'dropdown-item') end @_dropdown_link_tos << link_to(label, path, options) nil end # Works with dots ao and dropdown do def dropdown_divider(options = {}) options[:class] = [options[:class], 'dropdown-divider'].compact.join(' ') unless @_dropdown_link_tos content_tag(:div, '', options) else @_dropdown_link_tos << content_tag(:div, '', options) nil end end def list_group(&block) content_tag(:div, yield, class: 'list-group') end # List group # = list_group_link_to # Automatically puts in the 'active' class based on request path def list_group_link_to(label, path, opts = {}) # Regular link item opts[:class] = if request.fullpath.include?(path) [opts[:class], 'list-group-item list-group-item-action active'].compact.join(' ') else [opts[:class], 'list-group-item list-group-item-action'].compact.join(' ') end link_to(label.to_s, path, opts) end # Nav links and dropdowns # Automatically puts in the 'active' class based on request path # %ul.navbar-nav # = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path # = nav_dropdown 'Settings' do # = nav_link_to 'Account Settings', user_settings_path # = nav_divider # = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path, method: :delete # # If you pass a class, it will authorize and display that class if you have :index access def nav_link_to(resource, path, opts = {}) return if resource.kind_of?(Class) && !EffectiveResources.authorized?(self, :index, resource) label = opts.delete(:label) || effective_bootstrap_human_name(resource, plural: (opts.key?(:plural) ? opts.delete(:plural) : true), prefer_model_name: true) if @_nav_mode == :dropdown # We insert dropdown-items return link_to(label, path, merge_class_key(opts, 'dropdown-item')) end strict = opts.delete(:strict) active = (strict ? (request.fullpath == path) : request.fullpath.include?(path)) # Regular nav link item content_tag(:li, class: (active ? 'nav-item active' : 'nav-item')) do link_to(label, path, merge_class_key(opts, 'nav-link')) end end def nav_dropdown(label, right: false, groups: false, link_class: [], list_class: [], &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? id = "dropdown-#{effective_bootstrap_unique_id}" div_class = ['dropdown-menu', *('dropdown-menu-right' if right), *('dropdown-groups' if groups)].join(' ') # Render content @_nav_mode = :dropdown content = capture(&block) @_nav_mode = nil return ''.html_safe if content.blank? content_tag(:li, class: 'nav-item dropdown') do content_tag(:a, class: 'nav-link dropdown-toggle', href: '#', id: id, role: 'button', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-expanded': false) do label.html_safe end + content_tag(:div, class: div_class, 'aria-labelledby': id) do content end end end def nav_dropdown_group(label, unique: false, header: true, header_class: nil, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? div_class = [ 'dropdown-group', ("dropdown-group-#{effective_bootstrap_unique_id}" if unique), ("dropdown-group-first" if label.blank?), ("dropdown-group-#{label.to_s.parameterize}" if label.present?) ].compact.join(' ') header_class ||= 'dropdown-header' content_tag(:div, class: div_class) do if label.present? && header content_tag(:h6, label, class: header_class) + capture(&block) else capture(&block) end end end def nav_divider content_tag(:div, '', class: 'dropdown-divider') end # These two are used for advanced menus. When using content_for to capture inside nav dropdowns def nav_content_for(name, &block) raise('expected a block') unless block_given? content_for(name) { yield } end def nav_dropdown_content_for(name, &block) raise('expected a block') unless block_given? original = @_nav_mode begin @_nav_mode = :dropdown content_for(name) { yield } ensure @_nav_mode = original end end # Breadcrumb # # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/breadcrumb/ # Builds a breadcrumb based on the controller namespace, action and @page_title instance variable # def bootstrap_breadcrumb(root_title: nil, root_path: nil, index_title: nil, index_path: nil, page_title: nil) effective_resource = (@_effective_resource || Effective::Resource.new(controller_path)) resource = instance_variable_get('@' + effective_resource.name) if effective_resource.name root_title ||= 'Home' root_path ||= '/' index_title ||= controller.class.name.split('::').last.sub('Controller', '').titleize index_path ||= effective_resource.action_path(:index) || request.path.split('/')[0...-1].join('/') page_title ||= (@page_title || resource&.to_s || controller.action_name.titleize) # Build items # An array of arrays [[title, url]] items = [] # Namespaces Array(effective_resource.namespace).each do |namespace| items << [namespace.titleize, '/' + namespace] end # Home items << [root_title, '/'] unless items.present? # Controller index action items << [index_title, index_path] unless controller.action_name == 'index' # Always items << [page_title, nil] # Now take items and turn them into breadcrumbs content_tag(:ol, class: 'breadcrumb') do (items[0...-1].map do |title, path| content_tag(:li, link_to(title, path, title: title), class: 'breadcrumb-item') end + items[-1..-1].map do |title, path| content_tag(:li, title, class: 'breadcrumb-item active', 'aria-current': 'page') end).join.html_safe end end # Pagination # # https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/pagination/ # Builds a pagination based on the given collection, current url and params[:page] # # = paginate(@posts, per_page: 10) # # Add this to your model # scope :paginate, -> (page: nil, per_page: 10) { # page = (page || 1).to_i # offset = [(page - 1), 0].max * per_page # limit(per_page).offset(offset) # } # # Add this to your controller: # @posts = Post.all.paginate(page: params[:page]) # # Add this to your view # %nav= paginate(@posts, per_page: 10) # def bootstrap_paginate(collection, per_page:, url: nil, window: 2, collection_count: nil, render_single_page: false) raise 'expected an ActiveRecord::Relation' unless collection.respond_to?(:limit) && collection.respond_to?(:offset) collection_count ||= collection.limit(nil).offset(nil).count # You can pass the total count, or not. page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i last = (collection_count.to_f / per_page).ceil return unless (last > 1 || render_single_page) # If there's only 1 page, don't render a pagination at all. # Build URL uri = URI(url || request.fullpath) params = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query) url = uri.path + '?' # Pagination Tags prev_tag = content_tag(:li, class: ['page-item', ('disabled' if page <= 1)].compact.join(' ')) do link_to(content_tag(:span, 'Previous'.html_safe), (page <= 1 ? '#' : url + params.merge('page' => page - 1).to_query), class: 'page-link', 'aria-label': 'Previous', title: 'Previous', 'aria-disabled': ('true' if page <= 1), 'tabindex': ('-1' if page <= 1), 'rel': ('prev' unless page <= 1) ) end next_tag = content_tag(:li, class: ['page-item', ('disabled' if page >= last)].compact.join(' ')) do link_to(content_tag(:span, 'Next'.html_safe), (page >= last ? '#' : url + params.merge('page' => page + 1).to_query), class: 'page-link', 'aria-label': 'Next', title: 'Next', 'aria-disabled': ('true' if page >= last), 'tabindex': ('-1' if page >= last), 'rel': ('next' unless page >= last) ) end dots_tag = content_tag(:li, class: 'page-item disabled') do link_to('...', '#', class: 'page-link', 'aria-label': '...', 'aria-disabled': true, tabindex: '-1') end # Calculate Windows length = 1 + (window * 2) left = 1.upto(last).to_a.first(length) right = 1.upto(last).to_a.last(length) center = [] max = length + 2 if last <= max left = left - right right = right - left elsif left.include?(page + 1) right = [last] left = left - right elsif right.include?(page - 1) left = [1] right = right - left else left = [1] right = [last] center = (page - window + 1).upto(page + window - 1).to_a end # Render the pagination content_tag(:ul, class: 'pagination') do [ prev_tag, left.map { |index| bootstrap_paginate_tag(index, page, url, params) }, (dots_tag if last > max && left == [1]), center.map { |index| bootstrap_paginate_tag(index, page, url, params) }, (dots_tag if last > max && right == [last]), right.map { |index| bootstrap_paginate_tag(index, page, url, params) }, next_tag ].flatten.join.html_safe end end def bootstrap_paginate_tag(index, page, url, params) content_tag(:li, class: ['page-item', ('active' if index == page)].compact.join(' '), title: "Page #{index}") do link_to(index, (url + params.merge('page' => index).to_query), class: 'page-link') end end # Let Kaminari override this method. alias_method(:paginate, :bootstrap_paginate) unless (respond_to?(:paginate) || defined?(Kaminari)) def reveal_mail_to(email) raise('expected an email') unless email.kind_of?(String) && email.include?('@') link_to 'Click to reveal email', '#', 'data-mailto-rot13' => email.tr('A-Za-z', 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m') end # Tabs DSL # Inserts both the tablist and the tabpanel # = tabs do # = tab 'Imports' do # %p Imports # = tab 'Exports' do # %p Exports # If you pass active 'label' it will make that tab active. Otherwise first. # Unique will make sure the tab html IDs are unique # $('#tab-demographics').tab('show') def tabs(active: nil, unique: false, ignore_save_tab: false, benchmarks: EffectiveBootstrap.benchmarks, list: {}, content: {}, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? # The Active Tab might be set from a previous form submission, or passed into helper tab_active = session[:_tabs].try(:pop) unless ignore_save_tab tab_active ||= active # If an active tab is passed, we validate we have a tab with that label, or fallback to first if tab_active.present? @_tab_mode = :validate @_tab_labels = [] yield tab_active = nil unless @_tab_labels.include?(tab_active) end tab_active ||= :first if tab_active.nil? @_tab_unique = effective_bootstrap_unique_id if unique @_tab_benchmarks = {} if benchmarks # Enables benchmarks # Generate the html in two passes tabs_list = content_tag(:ul, {class: 'nav nav-tabs', role: 'tablist'}.merge(list)) do @_tab_mode = :tablist @_tab_active = tab_active yield # Yield to tab the first time end tabs_divs = content_tag(:div, {class: 'tab-content'}.merge(content)) do @_tab_mode = :content @_tab_active = tab_active yield # Yield to tab the second time end if benchmarks total = @_tab_benchmarks.values.sum(&:real) @_tab_benchmarks.each do |label, benchmark| percent = (benchmark.real / total * 100).round(0) amount = (benchmark.real * 1000).round(0) badge_class = case amount when (0.0..150.0) then '' when (150.0..500.0) then 'badge-warning' else 'badge-danger' end badge = content_tag(:span, "#{percent}% | #{amount}ms", class: "badge #{badge_class}") tabs_list.sub!(label, label + '
' + badge) end tabs_list = tabs_list.html_safe end (tabs_list + tabs_divs) end NUMBERS = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] def tab(resource, opts = {}, &block) return if resource.kind_of?(Class) && !EffectiveResources.authorized?(self, :index, resource) plural = resource.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) == false label = opts[:label] || effective_bootstrap_human_name(resource, plural: opts.fetch(:plural, plural), prefer_model_name: true) (@_tab_labels.push(label) and return) if @_tab_mode == :validate controls = opts[:controls] || label.to_s.parameterize.gsub('_', '-') controls = "item-#{controls}" if NUMBERS.include?(controls[0]) # Can't start with a number controls = controls[1..-1] if controls[0] == '#' controls = "#{controls}-#{@_tab_unique}" if @_tab_unique active = (@_tab_active == :first || @_tab_active == label) @_tab_active = nil if @_tab_active == :first if @_tab_mode == :tablist_vertical content_tag(:a, label, id: ('tab-' + controls), class: ['nav-link', ('active' if active)].compact.join(' '), href: '#' + controls, 'aria-controls': controls, 'aria-selected': active.to_s, 'data-toggle': 'tab', role: 'tab') elsif @_tab_mode == :tablist # Inserting the label into the tablist top content_tag(:li, class: 'nav-item') do content_tag(:a, label, id: ('tab-' + controls), class: ['nav-link', ('active' if active)].compact.join(' '), href: '#' + controls, 'aria-controls': controls, 'aria-selected': active.to_s, 'data-toggle': 'tab', role: 'tab') end else # Inserting the content into the tab itself classes = ['tab-pane', 'fade', ('show active' if active), opts[:class].presence].compact.join(' ') content_tag(:div, id: controls, class: classes, role: 'tabpanel', 'aria-labelledby': ('tab-' + controls), 'data-tab-label': label) do if @_tab_benchmarks.kind_of?(Hash) @_tab_benchmarks[label] = Benchmark.measure { yield } else yield end end end end def vertical_tabs(active: nil, unique: false, list: {}, content: {}, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? @_tab_mode = :tablist_vertical @_tab_active = (active || :first) @_tab_unique = effective_bootstrap_unique_id if unique content_tag(:div, class: 'row border') do content_tag(:div, class: 'col-3 border-right') do content_tag(:div, {class: 'nav flex-column nav-pills my-2', role: 'tablist', 'aria-orientation': :vertical}.merge(list)) do yield # Yield to tab the first time end end + content_tag(:div, class: 'col-9') do content_tag(:div, {class: 'tab-content my-2'}.merge(content)) do @_tab_mode = :content @_tab_active = (active || :first) yield # Yield to tab the second time end end end end def merge_class_key(hash, value) return { :class => value } unless hash.kind_of?(Hash) if hash[:class].present? hash.merge!(:class => "#{hash[:class]} #{value}") else hash.merge!(:class => value) end end def effective_bootstrap_human_name(resource, plural: false, prefer_model_name: false) if resource.kind_of?(String) resource elsif resource.respond_to?(:datatable_name) et(resource) elsif resource.respond_to?(:model_name) == false resource.to_s elsif resource.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Relation) || plural ets(resource) elsif resource.kind_of?(Class) || prefer_model_name et(resource) else resource.to_s end end def effective_bootstrap_unique_id # Set the first unique value @_effective_bootstrap_unique_id ||= Time.zone.now.to_i # Everytime we access this function make a new one @_effective_bootstrap_unique_id = @_effective_bootstrap_unique_id + 1 # Return the updated value @_effective_bootstrap_unique_id end end