en: vagrant_aws: already_status: |- The machine is already %{status}. burning_ami: |- Waiting for the AMI '%{ami_id}' to burn... elb: adjusting: |- Adjusting availability zones of ELB %{elb_name}... registering: |- Registering %{instance_id} at ELB %{elb_name}... deregistering: |- Deregistering %{instance_id} from ELB %{elb_name}... ok: |- ok skipped: |- skipped launching_instance: |- Launching an instance with the following settings... launch_no_keypair: |- Warning! You didn't specify a keypair to launch your instance with. This can sometimes result in not being able to access your instance. launch_vpc_warning: |- Warning! You're launching this instance into a VPC without an elastic IP. Please verify you're properly connected to a VPN so you can access this machine, otherwise Vagrant will not be able to SSH into it. not_created: |- Instance is not created. Please run `vagrant up` first. packaging_instance: |- Burning instance %{instance_id} into an ami packaging_instance_complete: |- Burn was successful in %{time_seconds}s ready: |- Machine is booted and ready for use! rsync_not_found_warning: |- Warning! Folder sync disabled because the rsync binary is missing in the %{side}. Make sure rsync is installed and the binary can be found in the PATH. rsync_folder: |- Rsyncing folder: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath} source_dest_checks_no_vpc: |- Warning! Ignoring source_dest_checks flag as it can only be configured on a VPC instance. starting: |- Starting the instance... stopping: |- Stopping the instance... terminating: |- Terminating the instance... waiting_for_ready: |- Waiting for instance to become "ready"... waiting_for_ssh: |- Waiting for SSH to become available... warn_networks: |- Warning! The AWS provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant high-level network configurations (`config.vm.network`). They will be silently ignored. warn_ssh_access: |- Warning! Vagrant might not be able to SSH into the instance. Please check your security groups settings. will_not_destroy: |- The instance '%{name}' will not be destroyed, since the confirmation was declined. config: access_key_id_required: |- An access key ID must be specified via "access_key_id" ami_required: |- An AMI must be configured via "ami" (region: #{region}) private_key_missing: |- The specified private key for AWS could not be found region_required: |- A region must be specified via "region" secret_access_key_required: |- A secret access key is required via "secret_access_key" subnet_id_required_with_public_ip: |- If you assign a public IP address to an instance in a VPC, a subnet must be specifed via "subnet_id" aws_info_required: |- One or more of the needed AWS credentials are missing. No environment variables are set nor profile '%{profile}' exists at '%{location}' errors: fog_error: |- There was an error talking to AWS. The error message is shown below: %{message} internal_fog_error: |- There was an error talking to AWS. The error message is shown below: Error: %{error} Response: %{response} instance_ready_timeout: |- The instance never became "ready" in AWS. The timeout currently set waiting for the instance to become ready is %{timeout} seconds. Please verify that the machine properly boots. If you need more time set the `instance_ready_timeout` configuration on the AWS provider. instance_package_error: |- There was an error packaging the instance. See details below for more info. AMI Id: %{ami_id} Error: %{err} instance_package_timeout: |- The AMI failed to become "ready" in AWS. The timeout currently set waiting for the instance to become ready is %{timeout} seconds. For larger instances AMI burning may take long periods of time. Please ensure the timeout is set high enough, it can be changed by adjusting the `instance_package_timeout` configuration on the AWS provider. rsync_error: |- There was an error when attempting to rsync a shared folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info. Host path: %{hostpath} Guest path: %{guestpath} Error: %{stderr} mkdir_error: |- There was an error when attempting to create a shared host folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info. Host path: %{hostpath} Error: %{err} elb_does_not_exist: |- ELB configured for the instance does not exist states: short_not_created: |- not created long_not_created: |- The EC2 instance is not created. Run `vagrant up` to create it. short_stopped: |- stopped long_stopped: |- The EC2 instance is stopped. Run `vagrant up` to start it. short_stopping: |- stopping long_stopping: |- The EC2 instance is stopping. Wait until is completely stopped to run `vagrant up` and start it. short_pending: |- pending long_pending: |- The EC2 instance is pending a start (i.e. this is a transition state). short_running: |- running long_running: |- The EC2 instance is running. To stop this machine, you can run `vagrant halt`. To destroy the machine, you can run `vagrant destroy`. short_pending: |- pending long_pending: |- The EC2 instance is still being initialized. To destroy this machine, you can run `vagrant destroy`.