// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require("tasks/task"); /** Runs a set of tasks. Most importantly, has a runWhenIdle option that allows it to run when no user input is occurring. This allows, for instance, preloading bundles while not blocking user interaction. */ SC.TaskQueue = SC.Task.extend({ init: function() { var self = this; this._doIdleEntry = function() { self._idleEntry(); }; this._suspendCount = 0; this._tasks = []; }, /** If YES, the queue will automatically run in the background when the browser idles. */ runWhenIdle: NO, /** A limit which, if exceeded, the task queue will wait until a later run to continue. */ runLimit: 50, /** The duration between idle runs. */ interval: 50, /** If running, YES. */ isRunning: NO, /** The minimum elapsed time since the last event. As a rule of thumb, perhaps something equivalent to the expected duration of a task. */ minimumIdleDuration: 500, _tasks: null, /** Returns YES if there are tasks in the queue. */ hasTasks: function() { return this._tasks.length > 0; }.property('taskCount').cacheable(), /** Returns the number of tasks in the queue. */ taskCount: function() { return this._tasks.length; }.property().cacheable(), /** Adds the task to the end of the queue. */ push: function(task) { this._tasks.push(task); this.notifyPropertyChange('taskCount'); }, /** Removes and returns the first task in the queue. */ next: function() { // null if there is no task if (this._tasks.length < 1) return null; // otherwise, return the first one in the queue var next = this._tasks.shift(); this.notifyPropertyChange('taskCount'); return next; }, /** Suspends cycling of the queue. Only affects task queues that run when idle, such as the backgroundTaskQueue. */ suspend: function() { this._suspendCount++; }, /** Resumes cycling of the queue. */ resume: function() { this._suspendCount--; if (this._suspendCount <= 0) { this._setupIdle(); } }, /** @private Sets up idling if needed when the task count changes. */ _taskCountDidChange: function() { this._setupIdle(); }.observes('taskCount'), /** When runWhenIdle changes, we need to setup idle again if needed. This allows us to suspend and resume processing of the background task queue. */ _runWhenIdleDidChange: function() { this._setupIdle(); }.observes('runWhenIdle'), /** Sets up the scheduled idling check if needed and applicable. @private */ _setupIdle: function() { if ( !this._suspendCount && this.get('runWhenIdle') && !this._idleIsScheduled && this.get('taskCount') > 0 ) { setTimeout(this._doIdleEntry, this.get('interval') ); this._idleIsScheduled = YES; } }, /** The entry point for the idle. @private */ _idleEntry: function() { this._idleIsScheduled = NO; var last = SC.RunLoop.lastRunLoopEnd; // if we are not supposed to run when idle we need to short-circuit out. if (!this.get('runWhenIdle') && !this._suspendCount) return; // if no recent events (within < 1s) if (Date.now() - last > this.get('minimumIdleDuration')) { SC.run(this.run, this); SC.RunLoop.lastRunLoopEnd = last; // we were never here } // set up idle timer if needed this._setupIdle(); }, /** Runs tasks until limit (TaskQueue.runLimit by default) is reached. */ run: function(limit) { this.set("isRunning", YES); if (!limit) limit = this.get("runLimit"); var task, start = Date.now(); while (task = this.next()) { task.run(this); // check if the limit has been exceeded if (Date.now() - start > limit) break; } this.set("isRunning", NO); } }); SC.backgroundTaskQueue = SC.TaskQueue.create({ runWhenIdle: YES });