require_relative "test_helper" class TestTransactionSingleOp < Minitest::Test def setup @testTime = ( * 1000).to_i end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp() def test_transaction_single_op1() conn = conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp(conn) def test_transaction_single_op2() conn = = = Scalaroid::DEFAULT_URL)) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.close_connection() trying to close the connection twice. def test_double_close() conn = conn.close_connection() conn.close_connection() end # Test method for def test_read_NotFound() key = "_Read_NotFound" conn = assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { + key) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for with a closed connection. def test_read_not_connected() key = "_Read_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { + key) } assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { + key) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=str()) with a closed connection. def test_write_string_not_connected() key = "_WriteString_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key, $_TEST_DATA[0]) } conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key, $_TEST_DATA[0]) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=str()) and # Writes strings and uses a distinct key for each value. Tries to read the data afterwards. def test_write_string1() key = "_WriteString1_" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # now try to read the data: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| actual = + key + i.to_s) assert_equal($_TEST_DATA[i], actual) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=str()) and # Writes strings and uses a single key for all the values. Tries to read the data afterwards. def test_write_string2() key = "_WriteString2" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # now try to read the data: actual = + key.to_s) assert_equal($_TEST_DATA[$_TEST_DATA.length - 1], actual) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=list()) with a closed connection. def test_write_list_not_connected() key = "_WriteList_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key, [$_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]]) } conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key, [$_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]]) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=list()) and # Writes strings and uses a distinct key for each value. Tries to read the data afterwards. def test_write_list1() key = "_WriteList1_" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, [$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]]) end # now try to read the data: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| actual = + key + i.to_s) assert_equal([$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]], actual) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=list()) and # Writes strings and uses a single key for all the values. Tries to read the data afterwards. def test_write_list2() key = "_WriteList2" conn = list = [] (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| list = [$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]] conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key, list) end # now try to read the data: actual = + key) assert_equal(list, actual) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=str()) with a closed connection. def test_test_and_set_string_not_connected() key = "_TestAndSetString_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key, $_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]) } assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key, $_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=str()). # Tries test_and_set with a non-existing key. def test_test_and_set_string_not_found() key = "_TestAndSetString_NotFound" conn = assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key, $_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=str()), # and TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=str()). # Writes a string and tries to overwrite it using test_and_set # knowing the correct old value. Tries to read the string afterwards. def test_test_and_set_string1() key = "_TestAndSetString1" conn = # first write all values: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # now try to overwrite them using test_and_set: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]) end # now try to read the data: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| actual = + key + i.to_s) assert_equal($_TEST_DATA[i + 1], actual) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=str()), # and TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=str()). # Writes a string and tries to overwrite it using test_and_set # knowing the wrong old value. Tries to read the string afterwards. def test_test_and_set_string2() key = "_TestAndSetString2" conn = # first write all values: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # now try to overwrite them using test_and_set: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| begin conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i + 1], "fail") assert(false, 'expected a KeyChangedError') rescue Scalaroid::KeyChangedError => exception assert_equal($_TEST_DATA[i], exception.old_value) end end # now try to read the data: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| actual = + key + i.to_s) assert_equal($_TEST_DATA[i], actual) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=list()) with a closed connection. def test_test_and_set_list_not_connected() key = "_TestAndSetList_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key, "fail", [$_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]]) } assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key, "fail", [$_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]]) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=list()). # Tries test_and_set with a non-existing key. def test_test_and_set_list_not_found() key = "_TestAndSetList_NotFound" conn = assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key, "fail", [$_TEST_DATA[0], $_TEST_DATA[1]]) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=list()), # and TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=list()). # Writes a list and tries to overwrite it using test_and_set # knowing the correct old value. Tries to read the string afterwards. def test_test_and_set_list1() key = "_TestAndSetList1" conn = # first write all values: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, [$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]]) end # now try to overwrite them using test_and_set: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, [$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]], [$_TEST_DATA[i + 1], $_TEST_DATA[i]]) end # now try to read the data: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| actual = + key + i.to_s) assert_equal([$_TEST_DATA[i + 1], $_TEST_DATA[i]], actual) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.test_and_set(key, oldvalue=str(), newvalue=list()), # and TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=list()). # Writes a string and tries to overwrite it using test_and_set # knowing the wrong old value. Tries to read the string afterwards. def test_test_and_set_list2() key = "_TestAndSetList2" conn = # first write all values: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, [$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]]) end # now try to overwrite them using test_and_set: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| begin conn.test_and_set(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, "fail", 1) assert(false, 'expected a KeyChangedError') rescue Scalaroid::KeyChangedError => exception assert_equal([$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]], exception.old_value) end end # now try to read the data: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 2)).step(2) do |i| actual = + key + i.to_s) assert_equal([$_TEST_DATA[i], $_TEST_DATA[i + 1]], actual) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.req_list(RequestList) with an # empty request list. def test_req_list_empty() conn = conn.req_list(conn.new_req_list()) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.req_list(RequestList) with a # mixed request list. def test_req_list1() key = "_ReqList1_" conn = readRequests = conn.new_req_list() firstWriteRequests = conn.new_req_list() writeRequests = conn.new_req_list() (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| if (i % 2) == 0 firstWriteRequests.add_write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, "first_" + $_TEST_DATA[i]) end writeRequests.add_write(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s, "second_" + $_TEST_DATA[i]) readRequests.add_read(@testTime.to_s + key + i.to_s) end results = conn.req_list(firstWriteRequests) # evaluate the first write results: (0..(firstWriteRequests.size() - 1)).step(2) do |i| conn.process_result_write(results[i]) end results = conn.req_list(readRequests) assert_equal(readRequests.size(), results.length) # now evaluate the read results: (0..(readRequests.size() - 1)).step(2) do |i| if (i % 2) == 0 actual = conn.process_result_read(results[i]) assert_equal("first_" + $_TEST_DATA[i], actual) else begin conn.process_result_read(results[i]) # a not found exception must be thrown assert(false, 'expected a NotFoundError') rescue Scalaroid::NotFoundError end end end results = conn.req_list(writeRequests) assert_equal(writeRequests.size(), results.length) # now evaluate the write results: (0..(writeRequests.size() - 1)).step(2) do |i| conn.process_result_write(results[i]) end # once again test reads - now all reads should be successful results = conn.req_list(readRequests) assert_equal(readRequests.size(), results.length) # now evaluate the read results: (0..(readRequests.size() - 1)).step(2) do |i| actual = conn.process_result_read(results[i]) assert_equal("second_" + $_TEST_DATA[i], actual) end conn.close_connection(); end # Test method for TransactionSingleOp.write(key, value=bytearray()) with a # request that is too large. def test_req_too_large() conn = data = (0..($_TOO_LARGE_REQUEST_SIZE)).map{0}.join() key = "_ReqTooLarge" begin conn.write(@testTime.to_s + key, data) assert(false, 'The write should have failed unless yaws_max_post_data was set larger than ' + $_TOO_LARGE_REQUEST_SIZE.to_s()) rescue Scalaroid::ConnectionError end conn.close_connection() end end