require "erb" require "ostruct" require "io/console" require "appsignal/demo" module Appsignal class CLI class Install extend CLI::Helpers EXCLUDED_ENVIRONMENTS = ["test"].freeze class << self def run(push_api_key) $stdout.sync = true puts puts colorize "#######################################", :green puts colorize "## Starting AppSignal Installer ##", :green puts colorize "## --------------------------------- ##", :green puts colorize "## Need help? ##", :green puts colorize "## Docs? ##", :green puts colorize "#######################################", :green puts unless push_api_key puts colorize "Problem encountered:", :red puts " No push API key entered." puts " - Sign up for AppSignal and follow the instructions" puts " - Already signed up? Click 'Add app' on the account overview page" puts puts colorize "Exiting installer...", :red return end config = new_config config[:push_api_key] = push_api_key print "Validating API key" periods puts begin auth_check = unless auth_check.perform == "200" puts "\n API key '#{config[:push_api_key]}' is not valid, please get a new one on" return end rescue => e puts " There was an error validating your API key:" puts colorize "'#{e}'", :red puts " Please try again" return end puts colorize " API key valid!", :green puts if installed_frameworks.include?(:rails) install_for_rails(config) elsif installed_frameworks.include?(:padrino) install_for_padrino(config) elsif installed_frameworks.include?(:grape) install_for_grape(config) elsif installed_frameworks.include?(:sinatra) install_for_sinatra(config) else print colorize "Warning:", :red puts " We could not detect which framework you are using. "\ "We'd be very grateful if you email us on "\ "with information about your setup." puts done_notice end end def install_for_rails(config) require File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, "config/application.rb")) puts "Installing for Ruby on Rails" config[:name] = Rails.application.class.parent_name name_overwritten = yes_or_no(" Your app's name is: '#{config[:name]}' \n Do you want to change how this is displayed in AppSignal? (y/n): ") puts if name_overwritten config[:name] = required_input(" Choose app's display name: ") puts end configure(config, rails_environments, name_overwritten) done_notice end def install_for_sinatra(config) puts "Installing for Sinatra" config[:name] = required_input(" Enter application name: ") puts configure(config, %w(development production staging), true) puts "Finish Sinatra configuration" puts " Sinatra requires some manual configuration." puts " Add this line beneath require 'sinatra':" puts puts " require 'appsignal/integrations/sinatra'" puts puts " You can find more information in the documentation:" puts "" press_any_key done_notice end def install_for_padrino(config) puts "Installing for Padrino" config[:name] = required_input(" Enter application name: ") puts configure(config, %w(development production staging), true) puts "Finish Padrino installation" puts " Padrino requires some manual configuration." puts " After installing the gem, add the following line to /config/boot.rb:" puts puts " require 'appsignal/integrations/padrino" puts puts " You can find more information in the documentation:" puts "" press_any_key done_notice end def install_for_grape(config) puts "Installing for Grape" config[:name] = required_input(" Enter application name: ") puts configure(config, %w(development production staging), true) puts "Manual Grape configuration needed" puts " See the installation instructions at:" puts "" press_any_key done_notice end def install_for_capistrano capfile = File.join(Dir.pwd, "Capfile") return unless File.exist?(capfile) return if =~ %r{require ['|"]appsignal/capistrano} puts "Installing for Capistrano" print " Adding AppSignal integration to Capfile", "a") do |f| f.write "\nrequire 'appsignal/capistrano'\n" end periods puts puts end def configure(config, environments, name_overwritten) install_for_capistrano ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_ENV"] = "development" puts "How do you want to configure AppSignal?" puts " (1) a config file" puts " (2) environment variables" loop do print " Choose (1/2): " case ask_for_input when "1" puts print "Writing config file" periods puts puts colorize " Config file written to config/appsignal.yml", :green write_config_file( :push_api_key => config[:push_api_key], :app_name => config[:name], :environments => environments ) puts break when "2" ENV["APPSIGNAL_ACTIVE"] = "true" ENV["APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY"] = config[:push_api_key] ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME"] = config[:name] puts puts "Add the following environment variables to configure AppSignal:" puts " export APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY=#{config[:push_api_key]}" if name_overwritten puts " export APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME=#{config[:name]}" end puts puts " See the documentation for more configuration options:" puts "" press_any_key break end end end def done_notice sleep 0.3 puts colorize "#####################################", :green puts colorize "## AppSignal installation complete ##", :green puts colorize "#####################################", :green sleep 0.3 puts if Gem.win_platform? puts "The AppSignal agent currently does not work on Microsoft " \ "Windows. Please push these changes to your staging/production " \ "environment and make sure some actions are performed. " \ "AppSignal should pick up your app after a few minutes." else puts " Sending example data to AppSignal..." if Appsignal::Demo.transmit puts " Example data sent!" puts " It may take about a minute for the data to appear on" puts puts " Please return to your browser and follow the instructions." else puts " Couldn't start the AppSignal agent and send example data to" puts " Please use `appsignal diagnose` to debug your configuration." end end end def installed_frameworks [].tap do |out| begin require "rails" out << :rails rescue LoadError end begin require "sinatra" out << :sinatra rescue LoadError end begin require "padrino" out << :padrino rescue LoadError end begin require "grape" out << :grape rescue LoadError end end end def rails_environments Dir.glob( File.join(Dir.pwd, "config/environments/*.rb") ).map { |o| File.basename(o, ".rb") }.sort - EXCLUDED_ENVIRONMENTS end def write_config_file(data) template =, "../../../resources/appsignal.yml.erb")), nil, "-" ) config = template.result( { binding }) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.pwd, "config")) File.write(File.join(Dir.pwd, "config/appsignal.yml"), config) end def new_config, "") end end end end end