module Alchemy module Admin # This module contains helper methods for rendering overlay windows, toolbar buttons and confirmation windows. # # The most important helpers for module developers are: # # * toolbar # * toolbar_button # * link_to_overlay_window # * link_to_confirmation_window # module BaseHelper # This helper renders the link for an overlay window. # # We use this for our fancy modal overlay windows in the Alchemy cockpit. # # === Options: # # :size [String] # String with format of "WidthxHeight". I.E. ("420x280") # :title [String] # Text for the overlay title bar. # :overflow [Boolean] # Should the dialog have overlapping content. If not, it shows scrollbars. Good for select boxes. Default false. # :resizable [Boolean] # Is the dialog window resizable? Default false. # :modal [Boolean] # Show as modal window. Default true. # def link_to_overlay_window(content, url, options={}, html_options={}) default_options = { :modal => true, :overflow => false, :resizable => false } options = default_options.merge(options) link_to_function( content, "Alchemy.openWindow( \'#{url}\', \'#{options[:title]}\', \'#{options[:size] ? options[:size].split('x')[0].to_s : 'auto'}\', \'#{options[:size] ? options[:size].split('x')[1].to_s : 'auto'}\', #{options[:resizable]}, #{options[:modal]}, #{options[:overflow]} )", html_options ) end # (internal) Used for rendering the folder link in +Admin::Pages#index+ sitemap. def sitemapFolderLink(page) return '' if page.level == 1 if page.folded?( css_class = 'folded' title = t('Show childpages') else css_class = 'collapsed' title = t('Hide childpages') end link_to( '', alchemy.fold_admin_page_path(page), :remote => true, :method => :post, :class => "page_folder #{css_class}", :title => title, :id => "fold_button_#{}" ) end # Used for language selector in Alchemy cockpit sitemap. So the user can select the language branche of the page. def language_codes_for_select configuration(:languages).collect{ |language| language[:language_code] } end # Used for translations selector in Alchemy cockpit user settings. def translations_for_select do |locale| [t(locale, :scope => :translations), locale] end end # Used by Alchemy to display a javascript driven filter for lists in the Alchemy cockpit. def js_filter_field options = {} default_options = { :class => "thin_border js_filter_field", :onkeyup => "Alchemy.ListFilter('#contact_list li')", :id => "search_field" } options = default_options.merge(options) options[:onkeyup] << ";jQuery('#search_field').val().length >= 1 ? jQuery('.js_filter_field_clear').show() : jQuery('.js_filter_field_clear').hide();" filter_field = "
" filter_field << text_field_tag("filter", '', options) filter_field << content_tag('span', '', :class => 'icon search') filter_field << link_to_function( "", "jQuery('##{options[:id]}').val('');#{options[:onkeyup]}", :class => "js_filter_field_clear", :style => "display:none", :title => t("click_to_show_all") ) filter_field << "" filter_field << "
" filter_field.html_safe end # Returns a link that opens a modal confirmation window. # # === Parameters: # # 1. The content inside the tag # 2. The message that is displayed in the overlay window # 3. The url that gets opened after confirmation (Note: This is an Ajax request with a method of DELETE!) # 4. html options get passed to the link # # === Example: # # <%= link_to_confirmation_window('delete', 'Do you really want to delete this comment?', '/admin/comments/1') %> # def link_to_confirmation_window(link_string = "", message = "", url = "", html_options = {}) title = t("please_confirm") ok_lable = t("Yes") cancel_lable = t("No") link_to_function( link_string, "Alchemy.confirmToDeleteWindow('#{url}', '#{title}', '#{message}', '#{ok_lable}', '#{cancel_lable}');", html_options ) end # Returns an Array build for passing it to the options_for_select helper inside an essence editor partial. # Usefull for the select_values options from the render_essence_editor helpers. # # == Options: # # :from_page [String, Page] # Return only elements from this page. You can either pass a Page instance, or a page_layout name # :elements_with_name [Array, String] # Return only elements with this name(s). # def elements_for_essence_editor_select(options={}) defaults = { :from_page => nil, :elements_with_name => nil, :prompt => t('Please choose') } options = defaults.merge(options) if options[:from_page] page = options[:from_page].is_a?(String) ? Page.find_by_page_layout(options[:from_page]) : options[:from_page] end if page elements = options[:elements_with_name].blank? ? page.elements.find_all_by_public(true) : page.elements.find_all_by_public_and_name(true, options[:elements_with_name]) else elements = options[:elements_with_name].blank? ? Element.find_all_by_public(true) : Element.find_all_by_public_and_name(true, options[:elements_with_name]) end select_options = [[options[:prompt], ""]] elements.each do |e| select_options << [e.display_name_with_preview_text,] end select_options end # Returns all public pages found in the database as an Array suitable or the Rails +select_tag+ helper. # # * You can pass a collection of pages so it only returns these pages and does not query the database. # * Pass a +Page#name+ or +Page#id+ as second parameter to be passed as selected item to the +options_for_select+ helper. # * The trhird parameter is used as prompt message in the select tag # * The last parameter is the method that is called on the page object to get the value that is passed with the params of the form. # def pages_for_select(pages = nil, selected = nil, prompt = "", page_attribute = :id) result = [[prompt.blank? ? t('Choose page') : prompt, ""]] if pages.blank? pages = Page.find_all_by_language_id_and_public(session[:language_id], true) end pages.each do |p| result << [, p.send(page_attribute).to_s] end options_for_select(result, selected.to_s) end def render_essence_selection_editor(element, content, select_options) if content.class == String content = element.contents.find_by_name(content) else content = element.contents[content - 1] end if content.essence.nil? return warning('Element', t('content_essence_not_found')) end select_options = options_for_select(select_options, content.essence.content) select_tag( "contents[content_#{}]", select_options, :class => 'alchemy_selectbox' ) end def admin_main_navigation entries = "" alchemy_modules.each do |alchemy_module| entries << alchemy_main_navigation_entry(alchemy_module) end entries.html_safe end def alchemy_main_navigation_entry(alchemy_module) render 'alchemy/admin/partials/main_navigation_entry', :alchemy_module => alchemy_module.stringify_keys, :navigation => alchemy_module['navigation'].stringify_keys end def admin_subnavigation alchemy_module = module_definition_for(:controller => params[:controller], :action => 'index') unless alchemy_module.nil? entries = alchemy_module["navigation"].stringify_keys['sub_navigation'] render_admin_subnavigation(entries) unless entries.nil? else "" end end # Renders the Subnavigation for the admin interface. def render_admin_subnavigation(entries) render "alchemy/admin/partials/sub_navigation_tab", :entries => entries end # Used for checking the main navi permissions def navigate_module(navigation) [navigation["action"].to_sym, navigation["controller"].gsub(/^\//, '').gsub(/\//, '_').to_sym] end # Returns true if the current controller and action is in a modules navigation definition. def admin_mainnavi_active?(mainnav) mainnav.stringify_keys! subnavi = mainnav["sub_navigation"].map(&:stringify_keys) if mainnav["sub_navigation"] nested = mainnav["nested"].map(&:stringify_keys) if mainnav["nested"] if subnavi (!subnavi.detect{ |subnav| subnav["controller"].gsub(/^\//, '') == params[:controller] && subnav["action"] == params[:action] }.blank?) || (nested && !nested.detect{ |n| n["controller"] == params[:controller] && n["action"] == params[:action] }.blank?) else mainnav["controller"] == params[:controller] && mainnav["action"] == params["action"] end end def admin_sub_navigation_entry_active?(entry) params[:controller] == entry["controller"].gsub(/^\//, '') && ( params[:action] == entry["action"] || entry["nested_actions"] && entry["nested_actions"].include?(params[:action]) ) end # Calls the url_for helper on either an alchemy module engine, or the app alchemy is mounted at. def url_for_module(alchemy_module) navigation = alchemy_module['navigation'].stringify_keys url_options = { :controller => navigation['controller'], :action => navigation['action'] } if alchemy_module['engine_name'] eval(alchemy_module['engine_name']).url_for(url_options) else main_app.url_for(url_options) end end # Calls the url_for helper on either an alchemy module engine, or the app alchemy is mounted at. def url_for_module_sub_navigation(navigation) alchemy_module = module_definition_for(navigation) engine_name = alchemy_module['engine_name'] if alchemy_module navigation.stringify_keys! url_options = { :controller => navigation['controller'], :action => navigation['action'] } if engine_name eval(engine_name).url_for(url_options) else main_app.url_for(url_options) end end def main_navigation_css_classes(navigation) ['main_navi_entry', admin_mainnavi_active?(navigation) ? 'active' : nil].compact.join(" ") end # (internal) Renders translated Module Names for html title element. def render_alchemy_title if content_for?(:title) title = content_for(:title) else title = t(controller_name, :scope => :modules) end "Alchemy CMS - #{title}" end # (internal) Returns max image count as integer or nil. Used for the picture editor in element editor views. def max_image_count return nil if !@options if @options[:maximum_amount_of_images].blank? image_count = @options[:max_images] else image_count = @options[:maximum_amount_of_images] end if image_count.blank? nil else image_count.to_i end end # (internal) Renders a select tag for all items in the clipboard def clipboard_select_tag(items, html_options = {}) options = [[t('Please choose'), ""]] items.each do |item| options << [item.class.to_s == 'Alchemy::Element' ? item.display_name_with_preview_text :,] end select_tag( 'paste_from_clipboard', !@page.new_record? && @page.can_have_cells? ? grouped_elements_for_select(items, :id) : options_for_select(options), { :class => [html_options[:class], 'alchemy_selectbox'].join(' '), :style => html_options[:style] } ) end # Renders a toolbar button for the Alchemy toolbar # # == Options: # # :icon [String] # Icon class. See base.css.sccs for available icons, or make your own. # :label [String] # Text for button label. # :url [String] # Url for link. # :title [String] # Text for title tag. # :overlay [Boolean] # Pass true to open the link in a modal overlay window. # :overlay_options [Hash] # Overlay options. See link_to_overlay_window helper. # :if_permitted_to [Array] # Check permission for button. [:action, :controller]. Exactly how you defined the permission in your +authorization_rules.rb+. Defaults to controller and action from button url. # :skip_permission_check [Boolean] # Skip the permission check. Default false. NOT RECOMMENDED! # :loading_indicator [Boolean] # Shows the please wait overlay while loading. Default false. # def toolbar_button(options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! defaults = { :overlay => true, :skip_permission_check => false, :active => false, :link_options => {}, :overlay_options => {}, :loading_indicator => false } options = defaults.merge(options) button = content_tag('div', :class => 'button_with_label' + (options[:active] ? ' active' : '')) do link = if options[:overlay] link_to_overlay_window( render_icon(options[:icon]), options[:url], options[:overlay_options], { :class => 'icon_button', :title => options[:title] } ) else link_to options[:url], {:class => "icon_button#{options[:loading_indicator] ? nil : ' please_wait'}", :title => options[:title]}.merge(options[:link_options]) do render_icon(options[:icon]) end end link += content_tag('label', options[:label]) end if options[:skip_permission_check] return button else if options[:if_permitted_to].blank? action_controller = options[:url].gsub(/^\//, '').split('/') options[:if_permitted_to] = [action_controller.last.to_sym, action_controller[0..action_controller.length-2].join('_').to_sym] end if permitted_to?(*options[:if_permitted_to]) return button else return "" end end end # Renders the Alchemy backend toolbar # # == Options # # :buttons [Array] # Pass an Array with button options. They will be passed to toolbar_button helper. For options see toolbar_button # :search [Boolean] # Show searchfield. Default true. # def toolbar(options = {}) defaults = { :buttons => [], :search => true } options = defaults.merge(options) content_for(:toolbar) do content = <<-CONTENT #{options[:buttons].map { |button_options| toolbar_button(button_options) }.join()} #{render('alchemy/admin/partials/search_form', :url => options[:search_url]) if options[:search]} CONTENT content.html_safe end end # Renders the row for a resource record in the resources table. # # This helper has a nice fallback. If you create a partial for your record then this partial will be rendered. # # Otherwise the default +app/views/alchemy/admin/resources/_resource.html.erb+ partial gets rendered. # # == Example # # For a resource named +Comment+ you can create a partial named +_comment.html.erb+ # # # app/views/admin/comments/_comment.html.erb # # <%= comment.title %> # <%= comment.body %> # # # NOTE: Alchemy gives you a local variable named like your resource # def render_resources render resources_instance_variable rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate render :partial => 'resource', :collection => resources_instance_variable end # (internal) Used by upload form def new_asset_path_with_session_information(asset_type) session_key = Rails.application.config.session_options[:key] if asset_type == "picture" alchemy.admin_pictures_path(session_key => cookies[session_key], request_forgery_protection_token => form_authenticity_token, :format => :js) elsif asset_type == "attachment" alchemy.admin_attachments_path(session_key => cookies[session_key], request_forgery_protection_token => form_authenticity_token, :format => :js) end end # Renders a textfield ready to display a datepicker # # Uses a HTML5 +input type="date"+ field. # # Pass a type as third option to override that. But old browsers hand this as text field anyway. So there is no need to override that. # # === Example # # <%= alchemy_datepicker(@person, :birthday) %> # def alchemy_datepicker(object, method, html_options={}) text_field(, method.to_sym, { :type => 'date', :class => 'thin_border date', :value => object.send(method.to_sym).nil? ? nil : l(object.send(method.to_sym), :format => :datepicker) }.merge(html_options)) end end end end