require 'test_helper' require 'logger' require 'benchmark' class ThreadTest < TinyTds::TestCase describe 'Threaded SELECT queries' do before do @logger = $stdout @logger.level = Logger::WARN @poolsize = 4 @numthreads = 10 @query = "waitfor delay '00:00:01'" @pool = => @poolsize, :timeout => 5) { new_connection } end after do @pool.shutdown { |c| c.close } end it 'should finish faster in parallel' do skip if sqlserver_azure? x = Benchmark.realtime do threads = [] @numthreads.times do |i| start = threads << do ts = @pool.with { |c| c.execute(@query).do } te = "Thread #{i} finished in #{te - ts} thread seconds, #{te - start} real seconds" end end threads.each { |t| t.join } end assert x < @numthreads, "#{x} is not faster than #{@numthreads} seconds" mintime = (1.0*@numthreads/@poolsize).ceil "#{@numthreads} queries on #{@poolsize} threads: #{x} sec. Minimum time: #{mintime} sec." assert x > mintime, "#{x} is not slower than #{mintime} seconds" end it 'should not crash on error in parallel' do skip if sqlserver_azure? threads = [] @numthreads.times do |i| threads << do @pool.with do |client| begin result = client.execute "select dbname()" result.each { |r| puts r } rescue Exception => e # We are throwing an error on purpose here since 0.6.1 would # segfault on errors thrown in threads end end end end threads.each { |t| t.join } assert true end it 'should cancel when hitting timeout in thread' do exception = false thread = do @pool.with do |client| begin delay = ('0' + (connection_timeout + 2).to_s)[-2,2] # Two seconds longer than default. result = client.execute "waitfor delay '00:00:#{delay}'; select db_name()" result.each { |r| puts r } rescue TinyTds::Error => e if e.message == 'Adaptive Server connection timed out' exception = true end end end end timer_thread = do # Sleep until after the timeout should have been reached sleep(connection_timeout+2) if not exception thread.kill raise "Timeout passed without query timing out" end end thread.join timer_thread.join assert exception end end end