# Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Phusion # # "Phusion Passenger" is a trademark of Hongli Lai & Ninh Bui. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/compiler' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/cxx_portability' ########## Phusion Passenger common library ########## PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'common_library' ########## libboost_oxt ########## # Defines tasks for compiling a static library containing Boost and OXT. def define_libboost_oxt_task(namespace, output_dir, extra_compiler_flags = nil) output_file = "#{output_dir}.a" flags = "-Iext #{extra_compiler_flags} #{EXTRA_CXXFLAGS}" if false && boolean_option('RELEASE') # Disable RELEASE support. Passenger Standalone wants to link to the # common library but does not know whether it was compiled with RELEASE # or not. See http://code.google.com/p/phusion-passenger/issues/detail?id=808 sources = Dir['ext/boost/libs/**/*.cpp'] + Dir['ext/oxt/*.cpp'] sources.sort! aggregate_source = "#{output_dir}/aggregate.cpp" aggregate_object = "#{output_dir}/aggregate.o" object_files = [aggregate_object] file(aggregate_object => sources) do sh "mkdir -p #{output_dir}" if !File.directory?(output_dir) aggregate_content = %Q{ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif } sources.each do |source_file| name = source_file.sub(/^ext\//, '') aggregate_content << "#include \"#{name}\"\n" end File.open(aggregate_source, 'w') do |f| f.write(aggregate_content) end compile_cxx(aggregate_source, "#{flags} -o #{aggregate_object}") end else # Define compilation targets for .cpp files in ext/boost/src/pthread. boost_object_files = [] Dir['ext/boost/libs/**/*.cpp'].each do |source_file| object_name = File.basename(source_file.sub(/\.cpp$/, '.o')) boost_output_dir = "#{output_dir}/boost" object_file = "#{boost_output_dir}/#{object_name}" boost_object_files << object_file file object_file => source_file do sh "mkdir -p #{boost_output_dir}" if !File.directory?(boost_output_dir) compile_cxx(source_file, "#{flags} -o #{object_file}") end end # Define compilation targets for .cpp files in ext/oxt. oxt_object_files = [] oxt_dependency_files = Dir["ext/oxt/*.hpp"] + Dir["ext/oxt/detail/*.hpp"] Dir['ext/oxt/*.cpp'].each do |source_file| object_name = File.basename(source_file.sub(/\.cpp$/, '.o')) oxt_output_dir = "#{output_dir}/oxt" object_file = "#{oxt_output_dir}/#{object_name}" oxt_object_files << object_file file object_file => [source_file, *oxt_dependency_files] do sh "mkdir -p #{oxt_output_dir}" if !File.directory?(oxt_output_dir) compile_cxx(source_file, "-O2 #{flags} -o #{object_file}".strip) end end object_files = boost_object_files + oxt_object_files end file(output_file => object_files) do sh "mkdir -p #{output_dir}" create_static_library(output_file, object_files.join(' ')) end task "#{namespace}:clean" do sh "rm -rf #{output_file} #{output_dir}" end return output_file end ########## libev ########## if USE_VENDORED_LIBEV LIBEV_SOURCE_DIR = File.expand_path("../ext/libev", File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/" LIBEV_CFLAGS = "-Iext/libev" LIBEV_LIBS = LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR + ".libs/libev.a" LIBEV_TARGET = LIBEV_LIBS task :libev => LIBEV_TARGET dependencies = [ "ext/libev/configure", "ext/libev/config.h.in", "ext/libev/Makefile.am" ] file LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR + "Makefile" => dependencies do cc = PlatformInfo.cc cxx = PlatformInfo.cxx # Disable all warnings: http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/ev.pod#COMPILER_WARNINGS cflags = "#{EXTRA_CFLAGS} -w" sh "mkdir -p #{LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR}" if !File.directory?(LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR) sh "cd #{LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR} && sh #{LIBEV_SOURCE_DIR}configure " + "--disable-shared --enable-static " + # libev's configure script may select a different default compiler than we # do, so we force our compiler choice. "CC='#{cc}' CXX='#{cxx}' CFLAGS='#{cflags}' orig_CFLAGS=1" end libev_sources = Dir["ext/libev/{*.c,*.h}"] file LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR + ".libs/libev.a" => [LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR + "Makefile"] + libev_sources do sh "rm -f #{LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR}/libev.la" sh "cd #{LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR} && make libev.la" end task 'libev:clean' do if File.exist?(LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR + "Makefile") sh "cd #{LIBEV_OUTPUT_DIR} && make maintainer-clean" end end task :clean => 'libev:clean' else LIBEV_CFLAGS = string_option('LIBEV_CFLAGS', '-I/usr/include/libev') LIBEV_LIBS = string_option('LIBEV_LIBS', '-lev') LIBEV_TARGET = nil task :libev # do nothing end # Apple Clang 4.2 complains about ambiguous member templates in ev++.h. LIBEV_CFLAGS << " -Wno-ambiguous-member-template" if PlatformInfo.compiler_supports_wno_ambiguous_member_template? ########## libeio ########## if USE_VENDORED_LIBEIO LIBEIO_SOURCE_DIR = File.expand_path("../ext/libeio", File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/" LIBEIO_CFLAGS = "-Iext/libeio" LIBEIO_LIBS = LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR + ".libs/libeio.a" LIBEIO_TARGET = LIBEIO_LIBS task :libeio => LIBEIO_TARGET dependencies = [ "ext/libeio/configure", "ext/libeio/config.h.in", "ext/libeio/Makefile.am" ] file LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR + "Makefile" => dependencies do cc = PlatformInfo.cc cxx = PlatformInfo.cxx # Disable all warnings. The author has a clear standpoint on that: # http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libev/ev.pod#COMPILER_WARNINGS cflags = "#{EXTRA_CFLAGS} -w" sh "mkdir -p #{LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR}" if !File.directory?(LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR) sh "cd #{LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR} && sh #{LIBEIO_SOURCE_DIR}configure " + "--disable-shared --enable-static " + # libeio's configure script may select a different default compiler than we # do, so we force our compiler choice. "CC='#{cc}' CXX='#{cxx}' CFLAGS='#{cflags}'" end libeio_sources = Dir["ext/libeio/{*.c,*.h}"] file LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR + ".libs/libeio.a" => [LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR + "Makefile"] + libeio_sources do sh "rm -f #{LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR}/libeio.la" sh "cd #{LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR} && make libeio.la" end task :clean do if File.exist?(LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR + "Makefile") sh "cd #{LIBEIO_OUTPUT_DIR} && make maintainer-clean" end end else LIBEIO_CFLAGS = string_option('LIBEIO_CFLAGS', '-I/usr/include/libeio') LIBEIO_LIBS = string_option('LIBEIO_LIBS', '-leio') LIBEIO_TARGET = nil task :libeio # do nothing end ########## Shared definitions ########## # Shared definition files should be in source control so that they don't # have to be built by users. Users may not have write access to the source # root, for example as is the case with Passenger Standalone. # # If you add a new shared definition file, don't forget to update # lib/phusion_passenger/packaging.rb! dependencies = ['ext/common/Constants.h.erb', 'lib/phusion_passenger.rb', 'lib/phusion_passenger/constants.rb'] file 'ext/common/Constants.h' => dependencies do PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'constants' template = TemplateRenderer.new('ext/common/Constants.h.erb') template.render_to('ext/common/Constants.h') end ############################## libboost_oxt_cflags = "" libboost_oxt_cflags << " #{PlatformInfo.adress_sanitizer_flag}" if USE_ASAN libboost_oxt_cflags.strip! LIBBOOST_OXT = define_libboost_oxt_task("common", COMMON_OUTPUT_DIR + "libboost_oxt", libboost_oxt_cflags) COMMON_LIBRARY.define_tasks(libboost_oxt_cflags)