require 'spec_helper' describe Beaker do let(:options) { make_opts.merge({ 'logger' => double.as_null_object }) } let(:ntpserver_set) { "ntp_server_set" } let(:options_ntp) { make_opts.merge({ 'ntp_server' => ntpserver_set }) } let(:ntpserver) { Beaker::HostPrebuiltSteps::NTPSERVER } let(:sync_cmd) { Beaker::HostPrebuiltSteps::ROOT_KEYS_SYNC_CMD } let(:dummy_class) { { include Beaker::HostPrebuiltSteps } } shared_examples 'enables_root_login' do |platform, commands, non_cygwin| subject { } it "can enable root login on #{platform}" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => platform, :is_cygwin => non_cygwin }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).exactly(0).times if commands.empty? commands.each do |command| expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(command).exactly(3).times end subject.enable_root_login(hosts, options) end end # Non-cygwin Windows it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'windows-11-64', [], false # cygwin Windows it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'windows-11-64', [ "sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin /PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/sshd_config", ], true # FreeBSD it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'freebsd-14-64', [ "sudo sed -i -e 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config", "sudo /etc/rc.d/sshd restart", ], true it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'osx-10.10-64', [ "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /etc/sshd_config", "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /etc/sshd_config", ] it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'osx-10.11-64', [ "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config", ] it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'osx-10.12-64', [ "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config", ] it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'osx-10.13-64', [ "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "sudo sed -i '' 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin Yes/g' /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config", ] # Solaris it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'solaris-10-64', [ "sudo -E svcadm restart network/ssh", "sudo gsed -i -e 's/#PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config", ], true it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'solaris-11-64', [ "sudo -E svcadm restart network/ssh", "sudo gsed -i -e 's/PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config", "if grep \"root::::type=role\" /etc/user_attr; then sudo rolemod -K type=normal root; else echo \"root user already type=normal\"; fi", ], true it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', 'amazon-2023-64', [ "sudo su -c \"sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin no|^#?PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config\"", "sudo -E systemctl restart sshd.service", ] %w[debian-12-64 ubuntu-2204-64].each do |deb_like| it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', deb_like, [ "sudo su -c \"sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin no|^#?PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config\"", "sudo su -c \"service ssh restart\"", ] end ['centos-9-64', 'el-9-64', 'redhat-9-64', 'fedora-39-64'].each do |redhat_like| it_behaves_like 'enables_root_login', redhat_like, [ "sudo su -c \"sed -ri 's/^#?PermitRootLogin no|^#?PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config\"", "sudo -E systemctl restart sshd.service", ] end context 'timesync' do subject { } it "can sync time on el-7 hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'el-7-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("ntpdate -u -t 20 #{ntpserver}").exactly(3).times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "can retry on failure on unix hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'el-7-64', :exit_code => [1, 0] }) allow(subject).to receive(:sleep).and_return(true) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("ntpdate -u -t 20 #{ntpserver}").exactly(6).times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "eventually gives up and raises an error when unix hosts can't be synched" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'el-7-64', :exit_code => 1 }) allow(subject).to receive(:sleep).and_return(true) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("ntpdate -u -t 20 #{ntpserver}").exactly(5).times expect { subject.timesync(hosts, options) }.to raise_error(/NTP date was not successful after/) end it "can sync time on windows hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'windows-11-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("w32tm /register").exactly(3).times expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("net start w32time").exactly(3).times expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:#{ntpserver} /syncfromflags:manual /update").exactly(3).times expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("w32tm /resync").exactly(3).times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "can sync time on Sles hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'sles-13.1-x64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("sntp #{ntpserver}").exactly(3).times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "can sync time on amazon2023 hosts" do hosts = make_hosts(:platform => 'amazon-2023-x86_64') expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new) .with("chronyc add server #{ntpserver} prefer trust;chronyc makestep;chronyc burst 1/2") .exactly(3) .times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "can sync time on RHEL8 hosts" do hosts = make_hosts(:platform => 'el-8-x86_x64') expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new) .with("chronyc add server #{ntpserver} prefer trust;chronyc makestep;chronyc burst 1/2") .exactly(3) .times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "can sync time on Fedora hosts" do hosts = make_hosts(:platform => 'fedora-32-x86_64') expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new) .with("chronyc add server #{ntpserver} prefer trust;chronyc makestep;chronyc burst 1/2") .exactly(3) .times subject.timesync(hosts, options) end it "can set time server on el-7 hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'el-7-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("ntpdate -u -t 20 #{ntpserver_set}").exactly(3).times subject.timesync(hosts, options_ntp) end it "can set time server on windows hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'windows-11-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("w32tm /register").exactly(3).times expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("net start w32time").exactly(3).times expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:#{ntpserver_set} /syncfromflags:manual /update").exactly(3).times expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("w32tm /resync").exactly(3).times subject.timesync(hosts, options_ntp) end it "can set time server on Sles hosts" do hosts = make_hosts({ :platform => 'sles-13.1-x64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("sntp #{ntpserver_set}").exactly(3).times subject.timesync(hosts, options_ntp) end it "can set time server on RHEL8 hosts" do hosts = make_hosts(:platform => 'el-8-x86_x64') expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new) .with("chronyc add server #{ntpserver_set} prefer trust;chronyc makestep;chronyc burst 1/2") .exactly(3) .times subject.timesync(hosts, options_ntp) end end context "apt_get_update" do subject { } it "can perform apt-get on ubuntu hosts" do host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'ubuntu-2204-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("apt-get update -qq").once subject.apt_get_update(host) end it "can perform apt-get on debian hosts" do host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'debian-12-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("apt-get update -qq").once subject.apt_get_update(host) end it "does nothing on non debian/ubuntu hosts" do host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'windows-11-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).not_to receive(:new) subject.apt_get_update(host) end end context "copy_file_to_remote" do subject { } it "can copy a file to a remote host" do content = "this is the content" tempfilepath = "/path/to/tempfile" filepath = "/path/to/file" host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'windows-11-64' }) tempfile = double('tempfile') allow(tempfile).to receive(:path).and_return(tempfilepath) allow(Tempfile).to receive(:open).and_yield(tempfile) file = double('file') allow(File).to receive(:open).and_yield(file) expect(file).to receive(:puts).with(content).once expect(host).to receive(:do_scp_to).with(tempfilepath, filepath, subject.instance_variable_get(:@options)).once subject.copy_file_to_remote(host, filepath, content) end end context "sync_root_keys" do subject { } it "can sync keys on a solaris host" do host = make_host('host', { 'platform' => 'solaris-11-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(sync_cmd % "bash").once subject.sync_root_keys(host, options) end it "can sync keys on a non-solaris host" do host = make_host('host', { 'platform' => 'el-9-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(sync_cmd % "env PATH=\"/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH\" bash").once subject.sync_root_keys(host, options) end end context "validate_host" do subject { } it "can validate el-9 hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'el-9-64' }) ['curl-minimal', 'iputils'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end it "can validate windows hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'windows-11-64', :is_cygwin => true }) allow(host).to receive(:cygwin_installed?).and_return(true) ['curl'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end it "can validate SLES hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'sles-13.1-x86_64' }) ['curl'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end it "can validate opensuse hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'opensuse-15-x86_x64' }) ['curl'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end it "can validate RHEL8 hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'el-8-64' }) ['curl-minimal', 'iputils'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end it "can validate Fedora hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'fedora-32-x86_64' }) ['curl-minimal', 'iputils'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end it "can validate Amazon hosts" do host = make_host('host', { :platform => 'amazon-2023-x86_64' }) ['curl-minimal', 'iputils'].each do |pkg| expect(host).to receive(:check_for_package).with(pkg).once.and_return(false) expect(host).to receive(:install_package).with(pkg).once end subject.validate_host(host, options) end end context 'get_domain_name' do subject { } shared_examples 'find domain name' do it "finds the domain name" do cmd = instance_double(Beaker::Command) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(cat).once.and_return(cmd) result = instance_double(Beaker::Result) expect(host).to receive(:exec).with(cmd).and_return(result) expect(result).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout) expect(subject.get_domain_name(host)).to be === "labs.lan" end end context "on windows" do let(:host) do make_host('name', { :platform => 'windows-11-64', :is_cygwin => cygwin, }) end let(:stdout) { "domain labs.lan\nnameserver\nnameserver" } context "with cygwin" do let(:cygwin) { true } let(:cat) { "cat /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts" } include_examples 'find domain name' end context "without cygwin" do let(:cygwin) { false } let(:cat) { 'type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts' } include_examples 'find domain name' end end %w[amazon-2023-64 centos-9-64 redhat-9-64].each do |platform| context "on platform '#{platform}'" do let(:host) { make_host('name', { :platform => platform }) } let(:cat) { "cat /etc/resolv.conf" } context "with a domain entry" do let(:stdout) { "domain labs.lan\nnameserver\nnameserver" } include_examples 'find domain name' end context "with a search entry" do let(:stdout) { "search labs.lan\nnameserver\nnameserver" } include_examples 'find domain name' end context "with a both a domain and a search entry" do let(:stdout) { "domain labs.lan\nsearch\nnameserver\nnameserver" } include_examples 'find domain name' end context "with a both a domain and a search entry, the search entry first" do let(:stdout) { "search\ndomain labs.lan\nnameserver\nnameserver" } include_examples 'find domain name' end end end end context "set_etc_hosts" do subject { } it "can set the /etc/hosts string on a host" do host = make_host('name', {}) etc_hosts = " localhost\n192.168.2.130 pe-ubuntu-lucid\n192.168.2.128 pe-centos6\n192.168.2.131 pe-debian6" expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("echo '#{etc_hosts}' >> /etc/hosts").once expect(host).to receive(:exec).once subject.set_etc_hosts(host, etc_hosts) end end context "copy_ssh_to_root" do subject { } it "can copy ssh to root in windows hosts with no cygwin" do host = make_host('testhost', { :platform => 'windows-11-64', :is_cygwin => false }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("if exist .ssh (xcopy .ssh C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.ssh /s /e /y /i)").once subject.copy_ssh_to_root(host, options) end end context "package_proxy" do subject { } proxyurl = "" it "can set proxy config on a debian/ubuntu host" do host = make_host('name', { :platform => 'debian-12-64' }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy \"#{proxyurl}/\";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10proxy").once expect(host).to receive(:exec).once subject.package_proxy(host, options.merge({ 'package_proxy' => proxyurl })) end %w[amazon-2023-64 el-9-64].each do |platform| it "can set proxy config on a '#{platform}' host" do host = make_host('name', { :platform => platform }) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("echo 'proxy=#{proxyurl}/' >> /etc/yum.conf").once expect(host).to receive(:exec).once subject.package_proxy(host, options.merge({ 'package_proxy' => proxyurl })) end end end context "set_env" do subject { } it "sets user ssh environment on an OS X 10.10 host" do test_host_ssh_calls('osx-10.10-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on an OS X 10.11 host" do test_host_ssh_calls('osx-10.11-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on an OS X 10.12 host" do test_host_ssh_calls('osx-10.12-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on an OS X 10.13 host" do test_host_ssh_calls('osx-10.13-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on an ssh-based linux host" do test_host_ssh_calls('ubuntu-2204-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on an sles host" do test_host_ssh_calls('sles-15-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on a solaris host" do test_host_ssh_calls('solaris-11-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on an aix host" do test_host_ssh_calls('aix-7.2-power') end it "sets user ssh environment on a FreeBSD host" do test_host_ssh_calls('freebsd-14-64') end it "sets user ssh environment on a windows host" do test_host_ssh_calls('windows-11-64') end def test_host_ssh_calls(platform_name) host = make_host('name', { :platform => platform_name, :ssh_env_file => 'ssh_env_file', :is_cygwin => true, }) opts = { :env1_key => :env1_value, :env2_key => :env2_value, } allow(host).to receive(:skip_set_env?).and_return(nil) expect(subject).to receive(:construct_env).and_return(opts) expect(host).to receive(:ssh_permit_user_environment) expect(host).to receive(:ssh_set_user_environment) subject.set_env(host, options.merge(opts)) end end end