require 'singleton' require 'eat' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/version' %w{ active_support/json active_support/core_ext/object/blank active_support/inflector/inflections }.each do |active_support_3_requirement| require active_support_3_requirement end if ::ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 ::ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect| inflect.uncountable %w{ aircraft bts_aircraft } inflect.uncountable 'species' inflect.irregular 'foot', 'feet' inflect.plural /(gas)\z/i, '\1es' inflect.singular /(gas)es\z/i, '\1' end module BrighterPlanet class Metadata include ::Singleton LIVE_URL = { 'datasets' => '', 'emitters' => '', 'certified_emitters' => '', 'resources' => '', 'protocols' => '', }.freeze # sabshere 2/4/11 obv these have to be updated with some regularity FALLBACK = { 'datasets' => %w{ AutomobileIndustry FlightIndustry }, 'emitters' => %w{ Automobile AutomobileTrip BusTrip Computation Diet ElectricityUse Flight FuelPurchase Lodging Meeting Motorcycle Pet Purchase RailTrip Residence Shipment }, 'certified_emitters' => %w{ }, 'resources' => %w{ AirConditionerUse Aircraft AircraftClass AircraftFuelUseEquation Airline Airport AutomobileFuel AutomobileMake AutomobileMakeFleetYear AutomobileMakeModel AutomobileMakeModelYear AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant AutomobileMakeYear AutomobileSizeClass AutomobileSizeClassYear AutomobileTypeFuelAge AutomobileTypeFuelControl AutomobileTypeFuelYear AutomobileTypeFuelYearAge AutomobileTypeFuelYearControl AutomobileTypeYear Breed BreedGender BtsAircraft BusClass BusFuel BusFuelControl BusFuelYearControl Carrier CarrierMode CensusDivision CensusRegion ClimateDivision ClothesMachineUse ComputationCarrier ComputationCarrierInstanceClass ComputationCarrierRegion Country DietClass DishwasherUse EgridRegion EgridSubregion FlightDistanceClass FlightSeatClass FlightSegment FoodGroup Fuel FuelPrice FuelType FuelYear Gender GreenhouseGas LodgingClass PetroleumAdministrationForDefenseDistrict RailClass ResidenceAppliance ResidenceClass ResidenceFuelPrice ResidenceFuelType ResidentialEnergyConsumptionSurveyResponse ShipmentMode Species State Urbanity ZipCode }, 'protocols' => { 'ghg_protocol_scope_3' => 'Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3', 'iso' => 'ISO 14064-1', 'tcr' => 'The Climate Registry', 'ghg_protocol_scope_1' => 'Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 1' }, }.freeze # What resources are available. def resources deep_copy_of_authoritative_value_or_fallback 'resources' end # What certified_emitters are available. def certified_emitters deep_copy_of_authoritative_value_or_fallback 'certified_emitters' end # What emitters are available. def emitters deep_copy_of_authoritative_value_or_fallback 'emitters' end # What datasets are available. def datasets deep_copy_of_authoritative_value_or_fallback 'datasets' end # What protocols are recognized def protocols deep_copy_of_authoritative_value_or_fallback 'protocols' end # Clear out any cached values def refresh # instance_variables.each { |ivar_name| instance_variable_set ivar_name, nil } clear_method_cache :authoritative_value_or_fallback end # for cache_method HASH = 'BrighterPlanet::Metadata.instance'.hash def method_cache_hash HASH end private autoload :Cm1Authority, 'brighter_planet_metadata/cm1_authority' def cm1_authority Cm1Authority.instance end autoload :Data1Authority, 'brighter_planet_metadata/data1_authority' def data1_authority Data1Authority.instance end def authorities [ cm1_authority, data1_authority ] end def deep_copy_of_authoritative_value_or_fallback(k) v = authoritative_value_or_fallback k case v when ::Hash ::Hash[( { |k, vv| [ k.to_s.dup, vv.to_s.dup] })] when ::Array { |vv| vv.to_s.dup } when ::String, ::Symbol v.to_s.dup else raise "i only handle arrays of strings, hashes of strings, and strings" end end # Used internally to pull a live list of emitters/datasets/etc. or fall back to a static one. def authoritative_value_or_fallback(k) k = k.to_s if (authority = authorities.detect { |a| a.authority? k }) authority.send k elsif ::ENV['BRIGHTER_PLANET_METADATA_FALLBACKS_ONLY'] == 'true' $stderr.puts %{ENV['BRIGHTER_PLANET_METADATA_FALLBACKS_ONLY'] == 'true', so using fallback value for '#{k}'} FALLBACK[k] else begin hsh = ::ActiveSupport::JSON.decode eat(LIVE_URL[k]) kk = (k == 'certified_emitters') ? 'emitters' : k # the live certified response will contain an 'emitters' key raise unless hsh.has_key? kk hsh[kk] rescue ::Exception FALLBACK[k] end end end cache_method :authoritative_value_or_fallback, 60 end end