module Trinidad module Extensions def self.configure_options_extensions(extensions, parser, default_options) extensions.each do |name, options| if extension = extension(name, 'OptionsExtension', options) extension.configure(parser, default_options) end end if extensions end def self.configure_server_extensions(extensions, tomcat) extensions.each do |name, options| if extension = extension(name, 'ServerExtension', options) outcome = extension.configure(tomcat) if tomcat_like?(outcome) || extension.override_tomcat? tomcat = outcome end end end if extensions tomcat end def self.configure_webapp_extensions(extensions, tomcat, context) extensions.each do |name, options| if extension = extension(name, 'WebAppExtension', options) extension.tomcat = tomcat if extension.method(:configure).arity == 2 extension.configure(tomcat, context) # #deprecated old way else extension.configure(context) end end end if extensions end protected def self.extension(name, type, options) class_name = Helpers.camelize(name) << type; clazz = nil if ( const_defined?(class_name) rescue nil ) clazz = const_get(class_name) else begin load_extension(name) rescue LoadError => e Helpers.warn("Failed to load the #{name.inspect} extension (#{e.message}) ") else clazz = ( const_get(class_name) if const_defined?(class_name) ) rescue nil end end if clazz # end def self.load_extension(name) require "trinidad_#{name}_extension" end private def self.tomcat_like?(tomcat) tomcat.respond_to?(:server) && tomcat.respond_to?(:start) && tomcat.respond_to?(:stop) end def self.camelize(string) Helpers.deprecate("Trinidad::Extensions.camelize use the camelize helper " << "available in your Extension") Helpers.camelize(string) end class Extension include Helpers; extend Helpers attr_reader :options def initialize(options = {}) @options = options ? options.dup : {} end private # Hash#symbolize def symbolize(options, deep = false) Trinidad::Configuration.symbolize_options(options, deep) end end class WebAppExtension < Extension attr_accessor :tomcat def configure(context) raise NotImplementedError, "#{}#configure(context) not implemented" end end class ServerExtension < Extension def configure(tomcat) raise NotImplementedError, "#{}#configure(tomcat) not implemented" end # #deprecated override tomcat by returning it from #configure def override_tomcat?; false; end end class OptionsExtension < Extension def configure(parser, default_options) raise NotImplementedError, "#{}#configure(parser, default_options) not implemented" end end end end