module EventSourcery module Postgres module Schema extend self def create_event_store(db: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_store_database, events_table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.events_table_name, aggregates_table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.aggregates_table_name, write_events_function_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.write_events_function_name) create_events(db: db, table_name: events_table_name) create_aggregates(db: db, table_name: aggregates_table_name) create_or_update_functions(db: db, events_table_name: events_table_name, function_name: write_events_function_name, aggregates_table_name: aggregates_table_name) end def create_events(db: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_store_database, table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.events_table_name) 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"' db.create_table(table_name) do primary_key :id, type: :Bignum column :uuid, :uuid, null: false, default: Sequel.lit('uuid_generate_v4()') column :aggregate_id, :uuid, null: false column :type, :varchar, null: false, size: 255 column :body, :json, null: false column :version, :bigint, null: false column :correlation_id, :uuid column :causation_id, :uuid column :created_at, :'timestamp without time zone', null: false, default: Sequel.lit("(now() at time zone 'utc')") index [:aggregate_id, :version], unique: true index :uuid, unique: true index :type index :created_at end end def create_aggregates(db: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_store_database, table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.aggregates_table_name) db.create_table(table_name) do primary_key :aggregate_id, :uuid column :version, :bigint, default: 1 end end def create_or_update_functions(db: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_store_database, function_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.write_events_function_name, events_table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.events_table_name, aggregates_table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.aggregates_table_name) <<-SQL create or replace function #{function_name}(_aggregateId uuid, _eventTypes varchar[], _expectedVersion int, _bodies json[], _createdAtTimes timestamp without time zone[], _eventUUIDs uuid[], _correlationIds uuid[], _causationIds uuid[], _lockTable boolean) returns void as $$ declare currentVersion int; body json; eventVersion int; eventId text; index int; newVersion int; numEvents int; createdAt timestamp without time zone; begin numEvents := array_length(_bodies, 1); select version into currentVersion from #{aggregates_table_name} where aggregate_id = _aggregateId; if not found then -- when we have no existing version for this aggregate if _expectedVersion = 0 or _expectedVersion is null then -- set the version to 1 if expected version is null or 0 insert into #{aggregates_table_name}(aggregate_id, version) values(_aggregateId, numEvents); currentVersion := 0; else raise 'Concurrency conflict. Current version: 0, expected version: %', _expectedVersion; end if; else if _expectedVersion is null then -- automatically increment the version update #{aggregates_table_name} set version = version + numEvents where aggregate_id = _aggregateId returning version into newVersion; currentVersion := newVersion - numEvents; else -- increment the version if it's at our expected version update #{aggregates_table_name} set version = version + numEvents where aggregate_id = _aggregateId and version = _expectedVersion; if not found then -- version was not at expected_version, raise an error. -- currentVersion may not equal what it did in the database when the -- above update statement is executed (it may have been incremented by another -- process) raise 'Concurrency conflict. Last known current version: %, expected version: %', currentVersion, _expectedVersion; end if; end if; end if; index := 1; eventVersion := currentVersion + 1; if _lockTable then -- Ensure this transaction is the only one writing events to guarantee -- linear growth of sequence IDs. -- Any value that won't conflict with other advisory locks will work. -- The Postgres tracker currently obtains an advisory lock using it's -- integer row ID, so values 1 to the number of ESP's in the system would -- be taken if the tracker is running in the same database as your -- projections. perform pg_advisory_xact_lock(-1); end if; foreach body IN ARRAY(_bodies) loop if _createdAtTimes[index] is not null then createdAt := _createdAtTimes[index]; else createdAt := now() at time zone 'utc'; end if; insert into #{events_table_name} (uuid, aggregate_id, type, body, version, correlation_id, causation_id, created_at) values ( _eventUUIDs[index], _aggregateId, _eventTypes[index], body, eventVersion, _correlationIds[index], _causationIds[index], createdAt ) returning id into eventId; eventVersion := eventVersion + 1; index := index + 1; end loop; perform pg_notify('new_event', eventId); end; $$ language plpgsql; SQL end def create_projector_tracker(db: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.projections_database, table_name: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.tracker_table_name) db.create_table(table_name) do primary_key :id, type: :Bignum column :name, 'varchar(255) not null' column :last_processed_event_id, 'bigint not null default 0' index :name, unique: true end end end end end